Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Mental effect Of Corona Virus
                                                                 Coronavirus has been very Hot News on Media. Media is overactive in reporting numbers of people suffering from the virus and numbers of people died thereof. However, sometimes the media exaggerate some of the things in order to increase their TPA.
                                                              There are so many things media goes on informing as under.
-How the dead bodies of victims are being disposed of.  Sometimes they show that dead bodies are being kept in refrigerated trucks when hospitals have no place in their cold storage rooms. Besides that, they show the large numbers of graves are being dug and being kept ready for mass burial.
-India has different types of problems.  The media shows that some of the hospitals do not have enough facilities. They sometimes do not have enough medical staff to look after the victims. The relatives are not being informed about the death of their intimate in time. Even during the last right, a very restricted number of relatives are being allowed to remain present.
                                                              All these matters creat very tragic and horrible things in the mind of people.  People are very much insecure because of the absence of a vaccine for the Coronavirus. Besides that, some of the people's attitudes toward victims are not human.  This is being stated because there are some of the people in the society who are developing mental problems and they are disturbed thereof.

                                                             However, the mental agony due to coronavirus can be reduced up to a considerable extent by the change of attitudes and approaches.
1) To avoid 'Unnecessary News' regarding Cororanavirus which one may be already knowing.
2)  It is better not to know about the number of death due to Coronavirus.
3)  Do not go on the Internet to get additional information regarding Coronavirus.
4)  Do not give bad news regarding  Coronavirus to others. It can deteriorate their mental conditions.
5) Try to hear music in order to divert the mind.
6) Wash hands periodically and asks other members of the family to do so.
7) Once positive attitudes always improve the immunity power of one, but the depressive approach can also make one weak to face the Virus.
8) One must firmly believe that one can face the Virus and Overcome it.
                                                                            In short Positive approach can only solve mental Problems.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Indian Brian Drain Abroad
                                                                             India has been facing the great Brain Drain problem abroad but now it has to turn out to be a reverse way around.  It is because of the deteriorating world Economic Situation. Coronavirus has damage the world economy very badly. Unemployment, Inflation, and Recession have created a very bad economic situation for the world.
                                                     The suspension of an H-1B visa by the American Government will create an additional problem for high tech young people in India.   It will affect about 200000 people in India. Besides that another, about 200000 young Indian students studying in America will be compelled to leave the USA as per the guideline adopted for the foreign students by USA authorities. i.e. It is because Coronavirus is active in the USA. UAR government is also passing a law that foreign employees should not exceed more than 10% of the population to stop local unemployment. This will affect the lakhs of Indians who are employed thereon. This is only to show the gravity of problems Indians are facing abroad.
                                                     The Brain Drain problem has been becoming grave day by day as more and more Indians are seeking to go abroad for a better future. It is high time to analyze the reasons for such Brain Drain abroad.
                                                      There may be a lack of opportunity in India which drives all educated Indian people abroad.  Besides that, some people seek better living conditions abroad.  There may psychology among some of the Indian parents to send their children abroad as they create some type of social status for them in society. The Indian schoolchildren are now developing limited Ambition i.e. To go abroad for further study and settling down thereon.  Even some of the parents are encouraging them.   This is not fair for India. All most all developed countries are feeling the pinch of Indian immigration. They have now started resisting it.

                                                    However, the crust of the problem is  India educates young people with its national resources and it is being used by foreign countries. We have failed to use their skill. It is observed that most of the successful Indians abroad were educated in reputed educational institutions in India but unfortunately, foreigners got the advantage of them. We lost them forever. Foreign countries used their talents and prospered while India remained behind.
                                                      India should learn from past mistakes and try to give employments and opportunities to all promising youngmen in India instead of encouraging them to go abroad. It is no use to get proud that they are doing best abroad and using them as a foreign exchange-earners. In short, there is no use of worrying about their return in lakhs but it is very important to use them in India at the right places and for the right jobs. That will benefit the country and people. Sometimes some adverse situations can become a Blessing in Disguise'.

Friday, July 3, 2020

India- Crisis On All Front
                                                                        India is surrounded by the crisis on  Economic, Corona, and Intrusion on its Borders. The month-old lockdown due to Coronavirus has damaged its economy very badly. GDP has gone down, Unemployment has increased,  the manufacturing and production activities have reached very low. Export has suffered. The purchasing power of people has also gone down up to large extent. The unemployed labor has become impatient and has largely migrated to their home states. Besides that, the long lockdown has created psychological and mental problems among people. The world economic credit rating agencies have started rating their credit ratio for India on the lower side. All these negative aspects have also effected foreign investments. The suspension H-1B VISA  by the USA will further create the unemployment problem for high tech  Indian youth. These are some of the economical problems faced by India at present.

                                                                   India has been trying to maintain very cordial relations with its neighbor in spite of that China, Nepal, and Pakistan have been very much hostile towards it. China has intruded at the Ladakh border of Galwan. China has also claimed Arunachal Pradesh and created border disputes near Bhutan and Sikkim. All these maneuverings by China have created military tension for India across the entire borders along with it. Nepal has also claimed some of the Indian territories as their own. It is believed that it is done at the instant of China. Pakistan is also continuing its Terrorist activities across Indian borders. Besides that Pakistan is also violating ceasefire across Indian borders. These adverse situation has been a matter of anxiety for India. In short, India is made to walk on a tight rope by its adversaries.

                                                                   However, it seems China has underestimated the strength of India. India is not of 1962 and it is now militarily strong enough to face China. Besides that, the whole world is militarily, politically, and morally behind India except Pakistan, and North Korea,  China is also isolated from the world due to spreading Coronavirus across the world. American Naval Ships are already there in the South China Sea. Even Russia is ready to supply military weapons to India as required.  All these shows that China can only create military tension for India. Pakistan and Nepal are only playing in coordination with China in order to harras India. But India is strong enough to settle the problem alone with the help of its friendly nations.

                                                                 India is required to do more on the economic front. But India's economic foundation is strong enough to recoup with the lost ground. The lifting of lockdown up to some extent has brought back life in the economy. The production has started and effort being made to bring foreign investments and blue-chips companies thereon. The foreign investments in The Reliance Industries Ltd' by foreign companies(i.e. Including Facebook) are the bright signs for the Indian economy. The American multinational 'Amazon' also increasing its investments in India which will create more employment in India. Even Microsoft is now planning to open its hub in the state of Uttar Pradesh. All these developments are a good sign for the further development of the Indian Economy.

                                                                     Sometimes whatever happens for good and it will bring new Economic Blood in India's future.' The USA' has also found a reliable and strong friend who can face the Dragon confidently in Asia. This all-new development is in favor of India in all these adverse crisis.