Monday, May 18, 2020

Self Sufficient India
                                                                                 The latest slogan of the Narendra Modi, PM is a 'Self Sufficient India'. However he wants that self sufficiency from Rural to Urban Areas. It is true that up to 18 th Century  India was Self sufficient. The India's contribution in  the world production was then 18% while European Countries were having hardly 9% production. Thus India GDP was 30% while England was having having GDP of 3%. This shows that in British rule broke the backbone of Indian trade in order to push their own goods. It was reported that Mogul Emperor Aurangzeb was collecting revenue of 45 crore Dollar per year  against revenue income  of 4 crore Dollar of  France during the said period. This shows how the the Indian prosperity based on self sufficiency was sucked during British rule in India.
                                       The Indian Economy is very much damaged now due to Corona Epidemic and its GDP has also gone down. However India is considered to be fifth biggest Economy in the World and to progress further much is required to be done. Besides that India has depend upon out side world on many products in order to sustain its own Economy. That makes self sufficient India's slogan more relevant.
                                         There are some economist who are suggesting to bring Foreign Companies with Foreign Capital to produce those sophisticated and high tech products in India. The mishandling of Corona Epidemic which started from China has antagonized all highly develop counties of the World against China. Those Countries intend to transfer their 1500 companies from China to  suitable sights in another countries. Indian government is making aggressive efforts to attract those companies in India in order to strengthen Indian Economy.
                                           However those efforts  will not be sufficient to make 'India Self sufficient. The commitment of Indian Citizens towards the 'self sufficiency India' is more important. The qualities like Patriotism, Self Respect, Sincerity Towards Work, Discipline and High Moral are very much necessary among Indian Citizens. They have to learn to use only Indian made Products.  They have to respect the labor who produce those Goods. Indian people should use only Indian made  products only even-though they may be more expensive then foreign products. It is only possible if Indian Citizens have feeling for Indian products and development of Indian Economy.  The Economic Development of the Country will only bring Prosperity and Self sufficiency of India.
                                                  We have to learn from Japan that they make difficult for foreign companies to enter in Japan and makes it easy for local Companies. Besides that Japanese use only Japanese products and their moral is very high.That is how they have made Japan Self sufficient.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

China - Economic Giant
                                                                            China has become   Economic and Military Power.  It is said that after Corona Crisis China has won the Third world war with out firing single Missile.  The Corona Epidemic started from China and spreaded all over world. It has damaged the economy of the world including that of super power America.
                                                It is surprising that the Corona Virus which stared from China has now started to supplying  the testing kit and other medical supplies to the all countries who are suffering from the said Virus. It is Chines trick that they turn  all adverse situation in their own favor. China is a communist country which has been playing on the weakness of capitalist countries. The business World of all capitalist Countries wants more profits with less expenses. China played on that and supplying  cheap and quality goods as per their requirements. However Chines goods are not durable and cannot be used for long time.  But it suits their economies which based on using the thing for sometime and  to go for new one.
                                             That is how China with its authoritarian rule and  cheap labor attracted most of the assembling plants from all those developed Countries.  China started manufacturing Computer Circuit Board, Ram, Graphic Card, Key Typing Board, LCD Penal, Internet Modem, Micro Chips. Heavy Electrical Machinery. Besides that China also manufactures Mobile, TV, AC, Laptop, Auto Parts, Furniture/ Fixture, Medical Equipment,  Ceramics Tiles, and Raw Material for Medical Drugs etc. They are all of good quality and cheap. No country in the world can compit with China because it pays $2/- Per Hour Minimum Wages to its Labor against Minimum Wages of $10 to $15/- per hour of Western Countries. The Jail Prisoners in China are also forced to work in very low Wages.

                                           The crust of the problem is that most of the Western Countries transferred  their Assembly Plants to China for getting advantage of cheap quality goods. All those Countries are now paying heavily through their adverse balance of payments in trade with China. The Super Power America is also now having about  $ Three Trillion debt to China.  China has  invested all those those surplus fund in the Bonds and Blue Chip Companies of Western World.  Besides that China is also using its surplus funds to finance small and weak countries in order to exploit their economic resources and to increase its political influences over them. Thus China has now become Economic and Military Power in the World.
                                          The Corona Virus is now in control in the China and has  has started exporting its goods to other Countries. The Chines export have increased up to 3.5 % in the may 2020 when world is undergoing recession  under Corona Crisis. China has also increased the prices of its Exported Goods. They have increased 15% price of TV Penal. All these have created lots of resentments against China. There are are about 1500 foreign companies in China which are  owned by Japan, South Korea, and USA. They  have decided to shift those companies outside China. This may be great damage to Chines Economy but the question is who will substitute those skill and cheap labor along with quality Goods.

Monday, May 4, 2020

 Steve Job -His Realization.
                                                                  All realize on death bed that nothing can help before the impending death.    However every one has to face the death  and it does not make any difference  whether he is a World conqueror or Celebrity or Rich or Poor.
                                      The  world conqueror Alexander the great instructed  his  people to keep his two hands out of his coffin to show the world that he carries nothing with him on his death. He must have accepted the truth looking at his impending death and his  helplessness thereof.

                                       Similarly it is very interesting to note the last words of Steve Jobs from his death bed. He was founder of 'Apple' and one of the Richest celebrities of Modern world. He said'  I realize that all recognition and wealth that I took  so much pride in have paled and become meaning less in the face of impending death. You can employ someone to drive the car but you cannot have some one to bear the sickness.
                                          He further discovered the truth on his death bed that' You will realize that your true inner happiness does not come from the material things of the world. Therefore I hope you realize  when you have Mates, Buddies, and Old Friends, Brothers and Sisters who you chat with, laugh with, talk with, with have sing songs, talk about North -South-East- West or Haven and Earth. That is a true Happiness. '
                                             Hence it shows that one must recognize the truth that death is the ultimate destination of the person.  Hence one may not entirely waste his time in acquiring material things while happiness lies some where else.