Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Change In Life
                                                                                    The world is passing through very bad time due to the thousands of death. It is on account of  Corona  Epidemic.

                                  Society was appears to be broken into pieces before Corona Crisis. The family interaction was very much at low level  due to the fast, stressful and competitive lives of the people.  It was a situation wherein family live together but its member had no time to enjoy.  Sometime Husband Wife, Parents and Children were stranger in their own house. It does not mean that there are or were no exception but exception does not prove the rule. This time  is  'Blessing in Disguise' wherein family member can have opportunity to know each other well.

                                     The lock down of the Countries due to Corona Effect have in turn lock down the people into their own Houses. It has created situation wherein  family members live to gather and spend their time to gather. They can also interact with each other.  Besides that people are getting ample time to enjoy their hobbies like Cooking, Music, Dancing, Writing and Reading. It is also time for people to become physically more fit through physical exercises in their own Sweet Home.These are all positive aspect of the Corona Crisis.

                                       However  it is also necessary to analyse  certain facts which have arised out of this tragic crisis. It has  ruin the economy of the world and created unemployment among the people.  It is also observed that Corona Epidemic has effected Rich and Poor, Strong and Weak equally.  No Priest, Pandit, Maulvi, Monk and Astrologer can save the Corona Patients.  People are having same feelings in quarantine like Animals are having in Zoo. The nature on the Earth regulates it self without any interference from the human society. This is because people are locked down in their houses.  The pollution on the earth is also reduced due to the stoppage of undesirable human activities.

                                      It is also observed that people can even work from the House. People can also survive from the home made food instead of eating outside  junk  food. The home food can  lead to hygienic life. Hence the revelations of some of the facts due to corona crisis are very astonishing. The death causalities on account of Corona Virus in the European countries have proved that ' European  people are not much conscious about the same.
                                     Besides that Oil Prices have come down. It proves that oil has no value in the Society if there is no consumption.

                                    The Corona Virus started from Wuhan, China but thereafter it has damaged more other countries then China. Besides that Corona crisis has given crystal clear message that ' Life has become so fragile that it has to be handled with Care.
                                   In the view of above one thing is certain that world will be different after Corona Crisis.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Corona Crisis And China
                                                              China is one of the biggest economic power after America.  However its ambition has no limit. China has expanding policies of its borders. Therefore china have disputes with all the counties which have borders along with it.  China  have already grab Honkong and Tibet.  Their eyes are now on Taiwan.  Besides that China has  claimed their sovereignty over  South Sea and including on the various islands thereon.
                              It is observed  now days that one country cannot colonies another but China has found another way to dominate over other countries through heavily financing them. In the return  China starts exploiting  the natural resources of those countries.
                               China has also Ambition to make it as a supreme economic power in the world. In the process it wants to make its  currency as strong international currency i.e. Like Dollar. They are ready to do anything to become world economic power. China also want to dominate over International  organizations and blocking the country like India whom it presumes to be rival.
                               China is already military power with one of the biggest military in the world. They have started manufacturing the latest fighter planes, Aircraft Carriers, Submarines and Atomic Weapons. Its policy is to Assist and In site some of the rough states of the the world. This is in order to disturb the balance of power in the region. Pakistan and North Korea are the example of the same.

                              China is one of the communist countries with dictatorial regime. There is a strict Censorship and Surveillance over Media and Individual Citizen.  Any News or Data or information cannot  go out without the permission of communist regime of China.
                             Hence in short  it is a very Close Country.  The Corona Epidemic is one of the Epidemics which has spreaded from China. The world came to know about same on latter stage when it spreaded very much in the Chines city of Wuhan. How it started and which are the causes no body knows? It is surprising that the said virus is spreaded only in Wuhan while big chines cities like Shanghai, Peking etc are not much effected. It is now said that  Corona Virus is  under control in China while it is making havoc all over world including in Europe, and America. Thousands of people are dying and the economies  of those countries are damaged on the large scale.
                            The World Share Market has Crashed due to Corona Virus but it is reported that China is continuing  investing in the blue chip companies of Europe and America. China is also reported to be buying bonds of those rich and developed  countries under depressed market.
                            In view of above it can be seen that who is benefited more on account of Corona Virus Crisis.  Who knows this may be a part of Chines strategy to become Supreme power in the World.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

It Is To Be Noted

                                                                               All do not get success because they lack some of the qualities in their lives. It is not that luck has not fevered them but they have failed to take decision in time or refused to take required risk as and when the opportunities they come across. William Arthur was of opinion that " The  Opportunities are like Rising Sun. It will go away if you wait for long time.'  There is no use of blaming other for once failure.

                                Every one has to learn how to come out of comfort zone. Some people avoid criticism and critics because they consider them to be their opponent. They are uncomfortable with their critics and lose the opportunities to get valuable  advice in their lives. That become the key reasons for their failure. Einstein  once said that "  I  am  grateful to those  people in life who said no for every thing. I could do so much in life because of them. "  therefore critics can be a key of success.

                                 It is not good to keep mum when something wrong is going on around. One must opposed or protest against such thing.  The keeping mum creates atmospheric of fear and injustice. In the process people gets suffer. In this connection Napoleon Bonaparte said " I suffered lot in this world not because of trouble created by bad people.  But suffered more at the hands of the good  people who kept Mum." Therefore keeping mum on the important matter in society is also very harmful.

                               Some people have habit of playing with emotion of people in order to win. But it will  permanently  hurt  persons. One may lose the good will of a persons forever.  Once well known  English Writer William  Shakespeare said that "Do not play with the feelings of some one. You may win in the game but  may pertinently lose a person from your life."

                                 In glory people will praise you and ignore all your drawbacks  but in fall they will disappear and will find fault in even small matters. Hence in good time also  a person must know how to balance his mind.  The  falls start earlier when one lose his mantle balance. Adolf Hitler once a Supreme  leader of Germany said " All will remain with you when you are in light. But once you  go to darkness your own permanent shadow will desert you."  Hence one should not get granted fever able things forever and should be ready for verse in difficult situation. 
                                    These are few practical things which should be noted by everyone in their lives. It is better to learn from the experiences of others then go on committing errors committed by them .