Monday, December 16, 2019

European Union
                                                                                        Europe which was once dominating over the world through their Colonialism is on declining side. It was  once said ' The Sun never set in the British Empire' but it appears that it is on the verge of setting for Europe.  France, Dutch, Portugal, Spain and other European countries prospered through sucking the natural resources of their colonies. Besides that the European industrial revolution also helped them to create a wealth in Europe at the cost of their colonies. The same Europe started feeling pinch of the freedom  movements in their colonies.  Consequently they lost the control over trade of the world.
                                Thereafter European countries started thinking protecting their trade interest by creating European Union which became  very strong trade based unions. However in the process the some of the members of the union started feeling that they are loosing their identity. Besides that strong members of union like Germany, France, Italy ,and England also tried to dominate over other members.

                                   England ultimately decided to get out of European Union in order to protect their Trade interest and Identity.  The public opinion of England is divided and they were in dilemma. i.e. How to get out of European Union with least damage.  The recent election result shows that' English people are now reconciled to exit from European Union.

                                   There is a difference opinion among members of European Union over immigrants from Middle East and Other Countries. The East European countries are not willing to admit immigrants to their countries.  The terrorism  is the major problem in Europe and there is  lots of heart burning  thereon.
                                   Europe is depending on fuel supplied from Russia and they want to develop close relation with Russia. While East European countries are opposing the said idea because they had very bad experience with Russia.

                                    The American President Donald  Trump has also added fuel to fire telling that Europe should contribute more funds in running the 'NATO' and UNO which were formed at the end of the World War. It  appears America which is  one of the strongest allies of European Union is differing with it on many issues.  All these things have change the circumstances and political relationship with USA.
                                    In view of above the European Union is very much in stress and strain. The exit of England will  create more pressure on the European Union. All these developments shows that Europe is loosing its political luster and some of the countries of Asia i.e.  China , Japan, South Korea, India and Indonesia will have a better  development future in time to come. All these development is encouraging for the creation  of '  North and South East Asia Union'.
                                   The time always change its course and this is one of the living example.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Rape and Domestic Violence On Women
                                                                          The Rape and Crime against Women are on increasing side all over world. It has become a hot topic of discussion in India due to Several cases of recent Gang Rapes. i.e.  Nirbhaya Case, Unava Rape Case and very recent Rape Case of Doctor  at Hyderabad. It has created strong waves of anger among the people.
                                                                           There are people who wants to see that those culprits are prosecuted in the fast track courts and should be hang to death on conviction while some are for mob lunching and encounter on the spot. However the rule of law has to be followed in each and every case because that is the constitutional way to deal with said matter. 
                                                                          The world is conscious about increasing crimes against women. Therefore 25 th November is being observed as 'Anti Domestic Violence Day'( i.e. Orange color day) Against Women' in Europe.  Besides that 8th March is also being observed as a 'International Women Day' in order to  empower women. However it has not made much difference in the crime rate against women.

                                                                        The crime rate against women are on high side  even in  develop and rich countries.  The crime rate against women are high in the all  rich Scandinavian Countries and Europe.  The 30 % crimes against women are only reported in European Countries. It is a wrong presumption that crime rate against women are high in the under develop and poor countries.
                                                                        The crime against women are based on the sick mental attitudes of men which is required to be rectified through positive education by their Parents. The increase of crimes against women also shows that deterrent laws against those crimes are  not effective.   Therefore  men have to stop thinking in the terms of women being instrument of enjoying their wicked instincts.  The positive  inner development and cultural education can only effectively improve the situation.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Happy and Healthy Life
                                                                              There are some measures which keeps one hearty and healthy. it is said that good health is one of the first signs of happiness.
                                Besides that some of the organs of body which are very important and vital for  the  health. i.e. Eyes,Kidney, Heart  Brain etc.
                                Eyes are to be gated  checked regularly and  preferably every year. This is required strict check up as failure of eyes will affects one health and happiness.
                                One must drink about 65 ounce of water per day because it clean your kidney and system. the body is made of 3/4 of water which is very important for body. the sufficient input of water also keep kidney healthy.
                               The excess input of  salt and sugar are harmful for the heart. Besides that fatty substances can easily block the delicate vain of heart which is very harmful for the healthy functioning of heart.
                                The brain is the organ which continuously requires sharpening otherwise it will become weak.  It can be sharpened by playing game and solving puzzle. Beside that one has to develop hobby of writing, reading and dancing which keeps brain active. These are all measures which are required for keeping  the main organs healthy but one has to also keep the over all body in tact.
                                The input of  Dairy products along with Vitamins-D can also help to build up once Bones. The sleep is also very important for keeping over all health good.  Besides that one must winding up with Music, TV, and Mobile  one hour before going to bed.  It will take one to sleep quickly. The regular Yoga, Mediation and physical  Exercise helps to  build up healthy body. one has to improve food habit by taking fresh food.
                     All above measures can keep one happy, healthy and life worth living.