Thursday, November 14, 2019

Pandit Jawaherlal Nehru- 130th Birth Anniversary
                                                                                    Pandit Jawaherlal Nehru, first Prime Minister of  India was  born on 14th November 1889 . He was  very charming and  popular political leader in the post independence era. He remained Prime Minister for 17 years and ruled the India with his own style, ideology and doctrine.  His good friend Ram Manoher Lohia, Socialist Leader use to tell him a great Mogul. i.e. Looking at his style.
                                                                                   Nehru was ideologically more impressed with the industrial revolution of Europe as he studies and lived in London for considerable time. While his mentor Mahatmas Gandhi was for Rural Upliftment. Hence they differed on major issues but were carrying a great respect and love for each other. Nehru said once  'He is Hindu by birth but Muslim by Culture. He accepted frankly that he does not know much about Hinduism. Mahatma Gandhi had a great faith in Hindu philosophy. There one can find the difference between Gandhi and Nehru. However all those difference of opinion  does not came in their personal relationship.
                                                                                    The greatest achievements of Nehru was that he established the healthy democracy in India along with forming the Non Aligned policy for the Country.  In short he proved him self to be a great Democrat.  He was emotional and idealist rather than having a  practical approach.  In this matter Sardar Patel was a perfect politician and strong administrator.

                                                                                   One can say that Nehru gave a strong democratic secular India and Sardar gave very strong Untied India by merging the more than five hundred Indian Native States in  Indian Union . Sardar solved problems of  Gunaghad and  Hyderabad  Highhandedly. while the question of Kashmir was made complicated and remained  unsolved because of mishandling by Nehru.  India is still paying the heavy prize for  those omission on the part of Nehru. However even Nehru worst critics will not question his patriotism and loyalty to India. One can say that his nature was not made to face those type of  Crocked and Cunning People.
                                                                                    It will be a Great Tribute to Jawaherlal Nehru by maintaining the  Democratic and Secular Nature of India.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

 Success Through Talent
                                                                                         (Ranu Mandall)                                               
                                                                                               The Talented person should not be disheartened for setback because  talent may turn into big success in time to come.  However for success  talent has to be in the right hand, time and place.
                                                                  We heard the story of friendship between  Sudamaa and Krishna. How Krishna change the life fortune of his learned  friend with his own skill. Karna in Mahabharata was a Great Worrier but was orphan  He was brought up by ordinary person.  His life fortune was overnight change by his powerful friend Duryodhan. He made him a King of Anga Desh.  These are all instances from Mythology but same things are being happening in the Modern Age.
                                                       (Video Relating To  Ranu Mandall)
                                                                                  This is a true story of one begging woman singing at the Railway Station.  Her name is Ranu Mandall. She has reached to the level of play back singer in Bollywood. She is considered to be Lata Maneshkar Part-2 in the Film world.  She was living a life of  unknown person without any documents. Her husband is already dead and was living very poor  life.  The famous Music Director and Film Star Himesh Reshamia has already recorded her one song ' Teri Meri Kahani'.  This is one of the glaring and true examples of right talent in the hands of right person. Anyway it will change her life  and proves that talent  always meet success. It is a matter of time only.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

National Anthem
                                                                                                 Some time people do not try to find out why and for which reasons the National Anthem of the Country is being played at the very important national program. It is played to  show the respect to the County on  whose soil one live, one progress, and prosper thereon. The National Anthem reflects the  Patriotism and Loyalty to the country .
                                   However proper decorum and discipline has to be observed when national anthem is being played. One has to be in attention position without making any moments when National Anthem is being played. Some people do not know how to stand and stop making movement when the National Anthem is on.  Angela Merkel, Chancellor, Germany recently visited India. she had back problem and cannot stand for long time.  German government officially requested Indian government to exempt her from standing when the National Anthem is being played i.e. On Health Ground. It shows how much importance is being carried by the  National Anthems.

                                  Every Independent Country has its own National Anthem which describes the glory and greatness of concerned country. The Indian National Anthem is written by Ravindranath  Tagore.  Once Balraj Sahani, Film Star asked Ravindranath Tagore to write  Anthem for the Universe and he  replied that ' Guru Nanakdevji  has already written the same'. Ravindranath Tagore translated the same in Bengali.  Guru Nanakdevji described therein the beauty and glory of Universe and its Creator. It was written when he visited Temple of Jagannath at Puri,Orissa.   Following is the extract of it.

"The sky is your Platter
 The Sun and Moon are the Lamp
 Stars in the Galaxy are the Pearls
 The Essence of the Sandalwood
 Is the fragrance that the Wind propels
The whole Forest is your Banquet of flower
You are a Destroyer of fear
The Sound of your Name
 Which is so Subtle
That it goes unheard, resounds endlessly
You have a thousands Eyes, Forms, Feet, Noses
 You have none  I am Charmed.
Your  light enlighten us All"