Monday, August 12, 2019

Iran Crisis
                                                                                             In the year 2015 five permanent members  of the Security Council of  United Nations signed one treaty with Iran. It was regarding  restriction on  manufacturing nuclear arms by Iran  . Barrack Obama then president of America was  one of the leading signatories of the said treaty. 
                                                                                           However the things were change after election of Donald Trump as a president of America. Donald Trump believed that there  were many lieu poles in the Nuclear  Treaty signed with Iranian government.  He also believed that Iran was taking advantage of lenient provisions of said treaty and secretly building up its nuclear armaments. Therefore America withdrawn it self from the said treaty in the year 2018 and imposed certain sanction on the Iran.
                                                                                            It  increased the tension in the area and there was a time when USA was to attack Iran. However still the arm forces of both countries are very active in the surrounding areas of Iran i.e. Hormuz Area.  One must try to find out why America has become hostile towards Iran?   America has been always interested in the rich  oil resources of  middle east countries.  It is to be noted that Iran is one of those countries. Besides that America will not allow any country  in the middle east to become strong enough to challenge its super power.  It is also  known fact that Iran is very much hostile towards Israel and America has moral duty to protect the interest of Israel. 
                                                                                            The  American presidential elections are also playing very important role in this type of conflict. George Bush was very much in adverse conditions to get elected for second term. He raised then the question of ' Weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq.  The rest is the history. Donald Trump is  facing  the second term Presidential Election in year 1920.  He has a good cause to attack Iran.
                                                                                            Therefore let us wait and watch  how the Iranian crisis will end. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Scrapping Of Article 370 - Regarding Jammu / Kashmir
                                                                                                  Jammu/Kashmir is one of the states of India.  It was given temporary special status under article 370 at the time of its integration with India. It was a temporary special status which continued for 70 years for one or other reasons . i.e. Subsequent Indian government had no political will or had no sufficient majority in parliament to scrap it. However  Modi government has now  scrapped it for good.

                                                                                                  The Article 370 was having following provisions.
- Jammu/Kashmir  Assembly was having six year term while all other Indian states are having five  year term.
-Jammu/Kashmir Citizen were having Duel Citizenship
- Jammu/Kashmir State had its own Flag along with Indian National Flag. The insult of Indian National Flag and other National symbols by Kashmiri Citizen was not considered to be crime.
-The Supreme Court of India had no jurisdiction over  Jammu/Kashmir State.
-Indian parliament represent the whole country. However it could pass laws regarding Jammu/Kashmir in limited spheres only.
-Outsider cannot purchase property in Jammu/Kashmir.
-Kashmiri girl lose her citizenship if she marries to Indian citizen. while she marry to Pakistani citizen she will not lose her Kashmir Citizenship and her husband can get Kashmir Citizenship
-The laws of 'Right to Information, Right to Education and Several other laws are not applicable to Jammu/ Kashmir State.
                                            All above provisions shows that Jammu/Kashmir State was a State within State and no Sovereign Nation of the world will tolerate such provisions. Therefore scrapping of Article 370 is the right decision of Narendra Modi Government.
                                          The decision of Scrapping of the above provisions deserves all support because it will bring prosperity and progress of Jammu/Kashmir State. Hearty congratulations to Narendra Modi and his Government .

Monday, August 5, 2019

China- The Face Behind
                                                              There is no Democracy in China and it is a Autocratic State. China is a state wherein government guides how to behave and how one supposed to observe religion. There is no freedom of  speech and all  medias are being censored including Internet. All foreign companies have to fall in line with Chines government Policies. Besides that Chines  Citizens are under surveillance for all the time. The religion is not being encouraged as Chines government think that it may encourage decedents. Hence it is almost government guided and control state.  China has progressed economically at the cost of above factors. Hong Kong and Tibet are also victims of those policies.
                                                                However the most tragic example is the  Xingiang  province which is situated at far East /North of China. It is surrounded by Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia. There are One Crore  Uighur people who are observing Muslim religion. They have their roots with Turks who were residing in East and Central Asia. Uighur people are having constant friction with Chines Authorities. China is afraid that they can go to the Terrorism like other Muslim population. It can create great problem for China.
                                                               Therefore Uighur are being watch very closely. They are under surveillance and not  allowed to observe their Muslim practices. They are prohibited from observing ' 'Rojas'.  Uighur Ladies are not  allowed to ware 'Burka'.  Every day Uighur people are compel  to deposit  their ' Koran' and  'Carpet' with authority. This is only to control their religious activities.
                                                                In short Xingiang has become fully Chines control province.  This is also for crushing their independent movement. Besides that 10 lakhs  Uighur are being kept in the Camp on the name of educating them. They may be enlighten people who were guiding or were leading Uighur people
                                                           China is crushing the Uighur population with objective that they do not become tools in the hands of Terrorist movement.  Chines are indirectly supporting Terrorism of Pakistan in order to keep their Muslim dominated province clean from Terrorist activities.
                                                             Besides that China has also transfer its 'Han' population to Xingiang Province in order to reduce the the majority of Uighur people.  They have also  appointed 'Han' people on the Xingiang  Government in order  to  control the Uighur population. However it expose the hidden face of China which very few people know it from outside.