Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Russia and Ukraine
                                                                                                   Russia and Ukraine conflicts are centuries old story. Ukraine use to become independent whenever Russia was weak and Russia recaptured it as and when it became strong. In the Ninth Century during Kieveai  Rule Kiev was the capital of Russia which is now the capital of Ukraine.  Ukraine became Independent  in the year 1991 when Soviet Union was disintegrated. It was very painful period for Russia when many other provinces also choose to  became independent.
                                          Russia has once again become world power under the leadership of President Putin. It has started asserting and challenging the world powers.  The intervention of Russia in the Syrian war has given a new life to the dictatorial regime of Assad. Russia is also supporting China and Iran  against the western powers. Besides that Russia is selling high tech military arms to India, China and North Korea etc. The super power America is not happy with those Russian moves. America is asking all his allies not buy any armaments from Russian. In short Russia tries to take every opportunities to irritate and challenge the America.

                                            Besides that Russia does not like the pro western/american leaning of Ukraine. Russia took the advantage of political disturbances in Ukraine to capture its very important province of  Crimea. America has not taken said Russian action kindly. Russian army has recently captured the three navel vessels of  Ukraine including 24 navy-men thereon. This action was also strongly protested by European Nations and America.
                                              Besides that there are allegations that Russia had also tried to influence election of Ronald Trump during the last American Presidential election. The investigation is still on regarding the same.
                                              In short the Russia has restarted asserting its power in International Arena. It is a sign of  new cold war which is coming up between two super powers.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Jawaherlal Nehru-  Assets and Liabilities
                                                                            Jawaherlal Nehru was a mass leader and very good orator. He had a charming  personality which use to impress every one. He use to give very emotional speech with tears in his eyes which had mass appeal. He was a great democrat  and established strong democracy in India. He had unflinching loyalty to Mahatma Gandhi even-though he deferred with him on the fundamental principles regarding the economic development of India. Nehru was leftist and was very much impressed with the industrial revolution in Europe while Gandhi's views were based on practical economic conditions prevailing in India.  Besides that Jawaherlal Nehru implemented the non aligned foreign policy which was the best then in prevailing international political situation. He was a architect of  panchsheel principles which created  non aligned block of the countries. He also became the undisputed leader of non aligned block of the world.  However  his leadership was smashed by China through 1962 military attack on India. Thereafter Nehru was a disillusioned and broken leader.

                                                                        He violated the Democratic principles at the fag end of his life by making plan to install  his daughter Indira Gandhi as a Prime Minister of India.  In the process he manipulated and removed some of the the senior leaders of the congress party from government. That was the root cause of split in the congress party latter on. In other word he was for dynasty rule in India.

                                                                       Besides that he committed lots of the errors in his political judgments after independence. He was more emotional leader than the acute and deep politician. He trusted China in spite of advance warning given by Sardar Patel. Thereafter India has to face the humiliating defeat during the Chines attack of 1962.
                                                                        He also depended more on his personal friendship with Sheikh Abdulla and antagonized Maharajah of Kashmir.  Maharajah Harisingh refused to sign treaty of accession with India.  He signed the treaty of accession with India under compulsion when Pakistan attacked Kashmir.
                                                                          He trusted Sheikh Abdulla and under his pressure agreed to give special status to Jammu and Kashmir State. Nehru insisted to include Articles 306A and 35A in the constitution of India in spite of strong opposition by  Dr B R Ambedkar. Those articles which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir State has become headache for India.

                                                                         Besides that Pandit Nehru refused to permit the Indian Army to recapture the  Gilgit/ Balistan areas of Jammu and Kashmir State which were captured by Pakistani invaders. He further escalated the issue in to United Nation. Even Indian people were not properly informed  regarding the special status given to Jammu and Kashmir under Indian Constitution.( i.e. 1) Regarding giving higher number of seats to Kashmir Valley.2) The  State legislature have excessive powers  to make law deciding who are the citizen of the Jammu and Kashmir State. 3) No implementation of Indian penal code in the State)The Article 35A  deals with the important aspect like Employment,Acquisition of Properties, Settlement/ Scholarship etc of Jammu and Kashmir State. In short it has created state within state. Pandit Jawaherlal Nehru also trusted Britishers who always wanted to help Pakistan. In short these are the legacies Nehru has left out of which Indian people are still struggling to come out.5) Thus  the excessive powers are being given to the legislature of  Jammu and Kashmir State.
                                                                     All above are the Assets and Liabilities which are left by the first Prime Minister of India.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Immigration Polices of America
                                                         The American President Donald Trump has taken tough stand on the  immigration policies as there are 10.7 Million people who are illegally living in America.( i.e. As per 2016 figures).  He believes that lots of crimes are being committed by illegal immigrants  and they should be deported at the earliest.
                                                         Besides it is reported that  even the 'HI B Visa' are being misused and they have become the root cause of  unemployment prevailing among American Youth. American companies are paying less salary to the 'H1B Visa' employees in order to make more profits.
                                                         It is also reported that 2400 Indians are in American Jails for illegal entry in the USA.  The majority of them are Punjabi and Gujarati. They are asking for asylum in America on various  flimsy political grounds. Punjabi are telling that they are victim of violence and harassment by the Punjab Government. While  Gujarati are asking  asylum on the ground that they are being harassed by Gujarat Government as they are followers of Hardik Patel. Even Hardik Patel may not be knowing about it. These are being flimsy and wrong reasons.
                                                        It is also observed that some of the people with 10 years multiple VISA  are also misusing the same i.e. They will make two three return trips and then get lost in USA.
                                                         In above context the tough immigration policy of Donald Trump have valid reasons.  There are indications that new immigration policies will be on basis of High Skilled and Merits only.