Sunday, October 21, 2018

Afghanistan - Ancient Gandhar
                                                           Afghanistan has very friendly relation with India since ancient time. Afghani people are very noble and were friendly with Indian people. Ravindranath Tagore wrote very interesting story 'Kabuliwala' where in he drew a picture loving relationship between  Noble Afghani Pathan and Young Innocent Bengali Girl. The story has became very popular as Afghani Pathans are known for their Clean and Loving Characters.

                                                          However it is very unfortunate that the land of loving and noble people have constantly remained the land of violent civil wars. Besides that even Afghan Rulers have influenced the Indian history and Culture. In the Famous war of Mahabharata Shakuni and Gandhari played very Negative roles. Shakuni, and Gandhari were the Prince and Princess of Gandhar(i.e. Of Afghanistan)  receptively. Shakuni had grievance that Kuruvansh  arranged the marriage of his sister Gandhari with their blind prince Dhutarashtra through manipulations . Therefore in order to take revenge he misguided his nephew Duryodhan which led to the war of Mahabharata. Besides that all the aggression on India came through Afghanistan. Mohamed Gazanvi and Shahbuddin Gori attacked India and they looted and destroyed  Temples and places of cultures. The destruction  of Somnath Temple is one of the glaring example of their destructive activities.  The Afghani Emperor Babar who attacked India and established the  Moghal Dynasty in India. This are the historical facts but the relationship  between Indian and Afghani people were always cordial as today.

                                                        Afghanistan a Country with shape of ' Tree Leaf 'is having a population  of 3.55 Crores. They are miserable since long time.  Some time back  Russia and Britain were fighting war in Afghanistan for occupying the same. Thereafter  there  was a struggle against the occupation of communist Russia  from the  year 1979 to 1989.  The Mujaheddin movement started between 1889 to 1892 under which civil war continued. However in the year 1996 the Taliban established their regime with the help of Pakistan and Western powers.  Asama Bin Laden of Al  Kayada  also joined with Taliban  Government of Afghanistan.

                                                         USA took Military Action against Taliban regime of Afghanistan as they found the hands of 'Al Kayada' and 'Taliban' in the 9/11 destruction of 'World Trade Center, New York. The American Military  removed 'Taliban Regime' and Established Democratic Afghan Government. However ' Taliban' is still active and fighting Gorilla warfare in Afghanistan.  The present violent Civil war in Afghanistan has made  poor Afghani very  miserable.
                                                          It is also fact that no body can conquer the Mountainous and difficult Terrine of Afghanistan completely and forever.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Indian Government Own Banks
                                                                              Indian government own Banks are in very bad shape due to the very high NPA of Rs 8.96 Lakhs Crores.  The excellent banking system of India has now become the most ineffective and faceless. It is public  money which is being taken to ride. Therefore the strong and effective measures are the need of the hours.
                                                                             The main reason for such condition is the Banking recruitment system which is  faulty.  The Private Sectors Bank were use to recruit people on the basis of not only on academic qualification and intelligence but they were  use to scrutinize the background of candidates and his character. This is necessary as person working in the bank has to deal with cash/ money in the day to day transactions.  In short Bankers first requirement is honesty and strong characters. The government now recruiting  bank staff on basis of passing entrance examination without examining the above mentioned quality. That is how Indian banks are in very bad financial conditions.

                                                                      Indian banks are not having only high 'NPA'(i.e. Non Performing Assets) but lots of frauds in the system as reported under-
1)Central Bank of India had frauds of Rs 437 Crores in the year 2014.
2 Bank of Maharashtra had Rs  836 crores frauds in the year 2017
3) Vijaya and Canara Bank had frauds of Rs 290 Crores in the year 2017
4) It is reported that  Nirav Modi and Mehul Chokshi had committed the frauds amounting Rs 14000 Crores with the Punjab National Bank in the year 2018.
5)There were also frauds of about Rs 150 crores in Oriental Bank of Commerce and IDBI Bank in the year 2011.

                                                                     Besides that Government Banks have written off Bank loans of about 3.16 Lakhs Crores and out of which only RS 44000 Crores were recovered. This only show that how grave is the financial conditions of the Government Banks. The immediate strong action is the need of the time and that is to be done before it is late.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Rastriya Swayamsevak Sangh -RSS
                                                               RSS was formed by K B Hedgewar in the year 2025 at Nagpur, Maharashtra.  It is a Hindu Paramilitary volunteer Organization. The main mission of 'RSS' is to unite Hindus. It has about 5.6 million members with 56859 Shakhas  (As per 2016 figures). It has its roots in doing public services for poor and needy.
                                                                RSS Members does not take part in politics unless they are specifically permitted by their organization. That is how it has now become the  parent organization of the Bhartiya Janata Party which is a ruling party of  India. It is to be noted that each and every RSS member goal is to serve and uplift the Society.  Therefore the success of 'BJP' is also attributed to the ground work done by RSS workers.
                                                                RSS  believes in equality of all and do not incriminate anybody on the basis Cast and Clan. Long back Mahatma Gandhi visited then RSS headquarters at Nagpur and asked its Head then ' Do you enroll Backward Class and Untouchables in your Organization?  RSS Head replied him ' You may ask this question directly to our  members'. Thereafter Gandhiji  himself inquired with RSS members and confirmed that people from all Cast and Clan are enrolled therein.  They are all treated equally. He was very much impressed then with with RSS Cader.

                                                                However on the Assassination of the Mahatma Gandhi RSS became very controversial and it was also banned by the government for some time.   RSS has always remained controversial as it was a close Organization. Therefore it is said that' It is very difficult to understand RSS but very easy to misunderstand it'.
                                                                Bala Saheb Deoras, RSS, Head brought Reforms in RSS through  Seva, Sampark , and Publicity. He opened up the organization through Sampark of Swayamsevaks.  I got opportunity to look in to the working of  RSS under their campaign of ' Seva and Sampark'. I met a RSS Grass Root level worker and Stalwart Shri Narayanabhai Bhandari(Nana). He who established 'Vidyarthi Parishad' in Gujarat. i.e. A Youth Wing of RSS.  Narendra Modi Prime Minister and BJP President Amit Shah were also active worker of Vidyarthi Parishad.  I show Nana  working for the upliftment of Middle Class, Tribal People and  Slum Dwellers . This is only to show how RSS people are working for needy and poor people of  India. 
                                                                The present head of the RSS Mohan Bhagwat  went further and gave slogan that ' No Hindu Rashtra without Muslims. ' He also extended hands for the cooperation of Indian Muslims. Mohan Bhagwat further said that ' All Religions are Equal'. He believes that some of the thoughts of RSS are time out and no longer relevant. He agrees with the view of Mahatma Gandhi  in this matter i.e. ' If there is contradiction in his thought then they should go according to the latest one.'

                                                                 The fast changes are being introduced in RSS by  inviting prominent persons from different fields to mold the thinking of RSS workers. The Former President of India,  Pranav Mukerji addressed  the RSS gathering very recently. Even Congress President Rahul Gandhi may be invited to address the RSS gathering. These are the glaring examples of changing mood of RSS and its desire to open its gates for new ideas and views. It will bring the great  changes in the outlook of RSS . i.e. To suit the needs of time.
                                                                Mohan Bhagwat appears to be in mood to follow the view of Former Russian Leader Gorbachev i.e. ' If not me, who? If not now,