Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tribal Athlete From India
                                                                    It is remarkable that Sarita Gaikwad is a Athletic Star from the most Backward and Tribal Area of India. She is 23 years of age and a Daughter of  farm Worker from village of Ahwa, Dang District, Gujarat State. Her parents are uneducated  and poor.  She develop interest in the sports at the age of Ten by watching sports events on TV at the place of her relatives.  Her family could not afford to have TV at her home. However her parents always  encouraged her interest in the  Athletic fields.
                                                                   Sarita was discovered by Sport Authority of Gujarat during one of its Sport Events. Thereafter Gujarat Government started encouraging her by giving financial aid of Rupees Five Thousand. She is now under training for seven hours a day under supervision of her couch Ajimon HS.

                                                                   Sarita had covered 400 Meter Race in One Minutes and now its takes 54 Seconds to finish it. She received 'Silver Medal' at ' The  National Women Athletic Championship of 2016' and 'Bronze Medal' for 400 Meter Race. She also intend to represent India in Olympics One Day. Besides that she is also going to take part in forthcoming 'Asian Athletic Championship'.
                                                                  This Shows how India is getting talents in sports from the most  Backward Areas. Its makes every Indian proud of Sarita Gaikwad's Athletic Talent.
                    It is not easy to achieve such achievement without any financial Means .

Sunday, September 9, 2018

                                                                                          There are several old age diseases but  Alzheimer  is the most deadliest among all. It makes a person not only disabled but also makes one  more or less dead for all practical purpose. What is a use of life without knowledge of it?
                                                    The most powerful man of America President Ronald Reagan suffered from Alzheimer after his retirement.  He could not recognized any body at the advance stage of Alzheimer.  He was use to be taken by his grand son for a walk or for change on Santa Monica Beach, LA,California. This shows how much deadly is the effects of Alzheimer?
                                                    There are 5. 7 Million  people are suffering  from Alzheimer diseases in America.  It is expected to reach the figure of 14 Million  by 2050. In the year 2018 America had spent $277 Billion for giving treatment for Alzheimer. There is no specific Medicine for its treatment except the medicines for its symptoms.

                                                   It is reported that High Blood Pressure affect Dementia because it damages the fragile arteries which deliver the blood to the brain and other organ. It may be one of the reasons which is  leading to Alzheimer. The Meditation, Long Walk,  Maintenance of Weight, Moderate Drinking, Healthy Diets,and Non Smoking may help in preventing Alzheimer. In short one requires to change his life style in order avoid such disease. However the Research also  reported that the Alzheimer may have  roots in  gene of a person. Therefore people with family history of Alzheimer have to be more cautious in this matter.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Democracy and Autocracy
                                                                   In Democracy it is a government of the people by the people and of the people. Democracy also gives Liberty, Accountability, Economic Opportunity. While in Autocracy Government Control Media,  All powers are Centralized, Courts are being Manipulated and Protests are Crushed.
                                                                   Democracy is some time Inefficient because Group Decisions makes it slow. The simpler Systems in democracy increases  Drug crisis, Mass migration, Criminal activities and Terrorism. While Autocracy brings easy Changes, Faster Communication and Problems are solved faster.

                                                                   It was presumed that fall of communist Russia democracy will very much flourished all over world but 39% of the world population is still under authoritarian rule.  Venezuela is a country which is facing hunger, economic hardship and people unrest. The political leadership has manipulated election, and trying to crush the dissidents. This is one of the instances of failure of Autocratic rule. In Gambia  22 years of Dictatorial rule failed and restrictions on media and personal freedom are removed. Tunisia is under Autocracy  since eight years but it is still suffering from  poverty and corruption. This shows that Autocracy cannot be successful with its plus point shown as above. However, countries like Bolivia, Nicaragua, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Philippines, Russia and China  are drifting towards Autocracy which is the red signal for Democracy.

                                                                   Democracy is successful in USA, India, Columbia, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Armenia, and New Zealand  in spite of some of the drawbacks in the system.  The 60% of world population is under Democratic System. Hence it is not to show which system is better but to show that all systems carries its own Merits and Liabilities. However  Democracy with its own deficiencies preserve and protect the finer things of Human Life i.e. Right of Expression, Human Dignity and Liberty.