Wednesday, August 15, 2018

India - 2018
                                                                                           India will celebrate its seventy first independence day on 15 Th August 2018 and  have to analyse  where it stands on  Independence Day.
                                                                                            India is now world sixth largest economy.  The  Income Tax  payers have reached to the figure of 6.84 crores with the  increase of Direct Tax Receipts of 19.5 % a Year on Year.  The present GDP is 6.6% and expected  to reach 7.03% in the year 2018-2019. India's foreign exchange reserve was $422.53 Billion at the end of march 2018. besides that india has become  third largest  start up base with 4750 Technology Starts Up. In view of above it can be seen that India has made considerable Economic Progress
                                                                                           However it is reported that Rupee has gone down up to Rs 70=32 against One Dollar on 14 Th August 2018.  The 10 GM Gold which was costing about Rs 88.62 in the  year 1947 has now reached to Rs 35595/-  per 10 GM Today. The Milk which was costing Rs 0.12  per liter in the year 1947 is now costing Rs 40/- to Rs 50/- per liter today. This is only to show that inflation is on high side. The population which was 330 Million  in 1947 has  gone up to  1.3 Billion at present. This is how the developments have  been eroded.
                                                                                            It is not to state that India has not made any progress.  The Road , Port and Airports infrastructures have been improved very much after Independence. The the mode of Transport of Average person is also improved from Bicycle/Horse Cart to Car, Metro, BRTS, Ola/ Uber Taxi and Air Travel. But  the shared Taxi Charges for 3 kilometer has gone up to Rs 80/-to Rs 100/- To Day .
                                                                                           The Lower Middle class has come up and it has become the biggest market and attraction for the foreign investors.  India has now become the biggest Mobile Market after China. The foreign Auto and Scooter manufacturers have started their manufacturing units in India in order to meet the demands of said upcoming class. India is already ahead in Atomic, Space, Missiles, Software, and Defense Technologies.
                                          In spite of that the 30% of Indian population is still below poverty line and more desired to be done by the Government.

Friday, August 10, 2018

 Poems With Messages
                                                         " Religion is the Truth
                                                            And Truth is Religion
                                                            The Center Point of Religion
                                                            Lies where truth is found."
                                                           "God cannot be touch
                                                             Nobody has  seen Thy
                                                             One can  reach near
                                                             With soul but not with intellect."
                                                          " Do not  move with Ego
                                                             As time can  humiliate any one
                                                             One who walks like Lion
                                                             Has to be carried on death by Many"
                                                            "Good friend are like a shadow
                                                              Which Gives help in need
                                                              But bad friends are like Coal
                                                              When Hot and Cool adversely affects everyone."
                                                             "Loneliness can Pinch  anyone
                                                              But to live alone is being liked
                                                              Sometime fire makes one scary
                                                              While campfire is very pleasant."
                                                             "Some people know what is right
                                                               But they can not practice
                                                               Even knowing something is bad
                                                              They would  repeatedly do it."
                                                              Temple is a place to seek Strength and Peace
                                                               And not a place for begging
                                                               What is difference? beggars and devotees
                                                               One begs outside while others are within


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Country Of Mass Surveillance- China
                                                                                                            In the year 2017  China had spent $ 197 Billion  for the Domestic Security and installed 20 million surveillance camera across the Country .  Besides that  China is  not a democratic country and lives of   are being  closely watch by the authorities on the name of Domestic Security.

                                                                                       Tibet and Xinjiang provinces of China are being watch very closely by Chines Government as people therein are very much agitated against the authorities.  It is reported that Mobile Phones and Internet Users in Tibet has to identify themselves by name. Similarly Uighur people in the Xinjiang province are compelled to install App to their Phones allowing authorities to Remote Monitoring of their Phone Contents. These actions appears to be the Gross encroachment on the personal freedom and privacy of Chines Citizens. This is  done for the sake of maintaining Internal Security of the China. Chines government also use the Surveillance System to crack down on Social  Unrest triggered by Defiant People.

                                                                                        People all over the world are very much impressed with the progress of Chine but  very few know how much Chines people are paying for the same. 'The Credible Reports' of UN  reported that more then  One Million Uighur of  Xinjiang province are are in Internment Camps and More then Millions are in 'Reeducation Program'. Besides that there are restrictions  on religious activities and on cultural expressions. There is a regular check on local people.
                                                                                       China is also in the process of developing facial recognition technology in order to solve crimes. They have been able to solve 100000 crimes with the help of installed Cameras. The surveillance system is also used to tracking down Drugs Smugglers and Murder Suspects.  The above measures are being considered necessary by the Chines Government in order to control Law and Order.