Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Structure Of The Body And  Hindu Philosophy
                                                                                                          The Hindu philosophy is very clear regarding the contents of body. The body is consist of  five ingredients i.e. Fire, Air,Water, Space and Earth. Therefore when body is burnt those ingredients goes to their receptive places.
                                                                                      However Soul which lives in body is quite separate from Body. It has nothing to do with the nature of body. It has its own liveliness. It gives life to body. It can be compared with the light of Sun which remains aloof of from Universe but gives light to whole Universe.
                                                                                     Besides that body  is guided by the various  elements during its life time i.e.  Touch, Beauty, Sound, Smell, Desire,  Jealousy, Vindictiveness, Courage, Fear, Happiness and Unhappiness.

                                                                                     Therefore Hindu Philosophy believes in Cremation of Body as it eliminate every things to mix with their respective ingredients. It also destroys the deceased carried by the  Body.  Soul  ultimately goes to another body which is destined for it according to the merits of the Karma. This philosophy is based as per the years long research done by great Saints of Hindu Religion.

Monday, February 12, 2018

The Race Of Leadership In Asia
                                                                                                               China and India are the two Countries of Asia who are always in the race of Leadership. It happened in the Sixties when Indian Prime Minister Jawaherlal Nehru tried to take leadership in Asia by creating Non Aligned Group and propagating the principles of Panchsheel. The China was then a country who was coming up under the Leadership Chines Premier Chow En Lie. He was also then  in the leadership race of Asia.

                                                                                      We know the history wherein China attacked India in 1962 and literally run it down. It was a great shocked to Nehru who aspire to become Asian Leader. He died soon thereafter out of political shocked given then by China. However then China was not so powerful Militarily and Economically as today. But still Chines economy is under clouds of recession and its GDP is down than India.

                                                                                      In the year 2014 when Narendra Modi became the Prime minister of India its GDP was better than China. He has moved more then 50 countries of the world to create his leadership i.e. Including in  Asia. He created one front of the countries who are suffering from terrorism. Besides that he was successful in creating alignment with USA, Australia, Japan, South Korea and other South East Asian Countries who are being threatened by China on the issues of South China  Sea.
                                                                                       In the process India and China are again in the race of Asian Leadership. China has also created Axis with Pakistan and North Korea .  Besides that China is also trying to corner India by having close Financial and Military relationship with Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives. China is very unpredictable i.e. When and Where it will attack India. Hence India has to be careful that the history of 1962 may not be repeated once again.

                                                                                      China is now very strong Economically where in they have lots of  surplus financial resources. It has strong military base through which China  can threaten the small countries of Asia.
                                                                                       Besides that India's GDP is down, Inflation is on high side, Manufacturing activities are sluggish and the Unemployment rates are on high side. Therefore  India has to be careful of Chines movement which can once again play with the honor of Indian sovereignty.
                                                                                         The Economical and military power  is more important then the lip friendship. Therefore India has to strengthen its Economy and to equip its Army with the latest technology. This is to be done in order that 1962 scenario is not being recreated once again.

Monday, February 5, 2018

                                                                                               It was a life journey of professor Chandra Mohan Jain to Bhawan Shree Rajneesh  to Osho.  His life was terrific and very controversial. He was known as a  Mystic Guru, Spiritual Teacher and Sex Guru. 
                                                                    He had open attitudes towards human sexuality and was critical of Socialism and Most of the Religious Gods. He was critic of Rama , Krishna, Gandhi and Christ i.e. Many Social and religious Leaders. Hence he created enmity against him among people by questioning their deep faith in their religious beliefs.
                                                                   He was intellectual with sharp mind to question any thing which carry deep faith. Besides that as a intelligent human being he could justify  his criticism against the all Pillars Societies but some where he was caught Unaware.
                                                                    Indians are very much tolerant up to large extent but out side India he was set for creating atmosphere against their Religious Heads. Hence he has to wonder through out the world to get asylum but  failed.  He ultimately settle down at his Ashram at Pune, Maharashtra. He died at Pune at the age of 58 and Memorial was created where in written " Osho/Never Born / Never Died/ Only visited on this Planet Earth between December 11, 1931-January 19, 1990. That is a life story of controversial personality.
                                                                      However he had also given lots of Wisdom through his Positive Messages from time to time.
1) Love knows no boundaries. Love can not be Jealous. Love cannot Possess.
2) When you do not need person at all, when you are totally sufficient unto yourself.
3) Drop the idea of becoming some one because you are already Masterpiece.
4) I love this world because it is imperfect. It is imperfect and that is why it is growing.
5)Truth is not something outside to be discovered. It is something inside to be realized.
6) If you want to learn anything , learn trust, nothing else is needed.
7) Never try to be  another and will become Mature. Maturity is accepting the responsibility of one self.
8) Life is a balance between Rest and Movement.
9) Fools Laugh at Others.Wisdom Laughs at it self.
10) Tears will  take out  all  the Agony that is Hidden inside You and Laughter will take all that is preventing your Ecstasy.
11) That is the simple secret of Happiness- Whatever you are doing do not let post more your mind.
12) Do not  let Future disturb you because Past is no more and Future is not yet, when  you are living in the Non Existence, You are missing that which is Existential.