Sunday, January 14, 2018

Donald Trump- The President Of America
                                                                               Donald Trump is a very controversial American President because of his Controversial policies on Immigrants, Visa System, Health Care and his policies on Buy American Goods and Job for Americans.
                                                                                America is a free,open and secular country. Therefore it can  accommodate various type of people with different religion and languages. However after the rise of terrorism  the whole situation is changed. Besides that some of the people in America does not like the policies of Donald trump but he is elected President through democratic process which can not be ignored.
                                                                              Donald trump is a successful businessman and during his professional career there may be some of the instances which must have created lots of prejudices against him but that was his professional  and personal life. His unpopularity among certain sections of societies in America are also due to media which is against him. the what whatever may be reasons for the same. Sometime his handling of situation in certain circumstances might have created right or wrong impressions or  prejudices against him.  However over looking everything  all those thing we have to see the merits of his policies.
                                                                             We have to go in to the details regarding the  root cause of his election in spite of opposition from democrats and also from very influential members of his own Republican party.

His election promises were-
1) To  build up wall on Mexican Border from where the Millions of illegal Immigrants enter in to America
2) He promised to Deport all Illegal immigrants of America and opposed the Welfare passed on to them.
3) To prevent the immigrants from those  Countries who are raising and sending terrorist on American soil. This is because America has already suffered due to terrorist attacks from them. The attack on World Trade Center is one of the glaring example of Terrorism.
4)  He promised to repeal Obama Cared.
5) He promised that to give Jobs to Unemployed Americans  with steps to bring back manufacturing activities in America. He also promised to take measures to stop cheap lebour at the cost of American
                                                                          These are some of the  major promises he gave during the Presidential Election and in other words he pressed the paining vain of American People.

However  in the process it is to be seen that-
1)The Law Abiding Immigrants does not suffer
 2) He is right regarding raising the employments in America but he has to  also see that he does not Amend the Visa System wherein America suffers from Talents. This is because America is  a county of Immigrants which has played very important role in the prosperity of  America.
3)The  Health Care is very much essential for each and every Americans including Seniors,Disables and Poor.  The any attempt to amend the Healthcare System should not distrube the Health Care System of most needy people..
4) He may right to control the entry  of  undesirable elements in America but in the process the innocent people should not be made to Suffer.
                                                                          There is no use of Criticizing  all his Measures but it is very much necessary to  press  adninistrationfor whichever measures are required to be amended in the best interest of America.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Singapore -One Of the Best Countries of the World
                                                                            The Singapore is a strong country due to its financial infrastructure and its  political will to become one of the role model among nations of the world. Its political stability make it as one of the best  business friendly Country.

                                                                             Singapore gross national income was $52000/- in the year 2016. Its average GDP was 7.2 % in the first 25 years of independence.  It is a corruption free country with low Taxes. Hence  it has attracted 7000 multinational corporations from USA, JAPAN and EUROPE. There are 1500 Companies from China and India.  Singapore economy is heavily depending upon Export i.e. The Export of Consumer Electronics, Information Technology and Pharmaceutical products. It also provides services relating to international Banking, Trade/ Maritime Lending and Insurance. The manufacturing and service sectors are also playing major role in the Economy of Singapore. Besides that most of the Imported items in Singapore are meant for one or other forms for Export. Hence it has very large Foreign Reserve.

                                                                                 Singapore have the finest Roads in the world and its Port stands among first five busiest  ports of the world. It is clean State with very Green Environment. The Law and Order system are very much effective. Hence there is total security in the State.

                                                                                  Following are some of the Important Features of Singapore
1) It stands First for 'Ease of doing Business'.
2) Singapore is the 'Second Most Competitive Country of the  World' according to Global                 Competitiveness Report of 2013-2014
3) One of the Three Countries of the world for' Best Protection of Intellectual Property'
4) Singapore Stands' Number Three in Global Innovation'.
                                                                                    In short Singapore is role model for the best managed Country of the World

Monday, January 1, 2018

India In  2018
                                                                    India will continue its march towards the development in the year 2018. It is a continuous process which is being reflected in the Economic and Military sectors. India has become matter of envy and very much concerned for the Chines and Pakistan Axis. Besides that even America is also giving due importance to India as one of its powerful allies in the Asia along with Japan, Australia and South Korea.  Thus India is becoming strong day by day.  It also stands as one of the strong Economical and Military Powers among First Five Nations of the World. i.e. America, China, Japan, Germany and India.
                                                                   Therefore it is very much necessary to analyse the reasons for International rise of India in the New Year of 2018.

 1) The Economical growth of India has been rising since 2002 due to economic reforms introduced thereon . The GDP growth  of India was about 9% from 2002 to 2011.  It is even better than China at present in spite of recession in the world.
2) The Inflation Rate has come down to 3% which is under control.
3) India is receiving the largest Foreign Investments.
4) India has Surplus Power but facing the distribution problems which are being looked after.
5) The several old and useless Laws have been cancelled and introduced the self attestations of documents. It will reduce inconvenience.
6) The Rural Areas being now supplied with Cooking Gas.
7) The Road linkage are being provided to most of the villages in the Rural Areas.

8) The Electric connections have reached to several lakhs villages in Rural Areas and efforts are on the way to supply Electric connections to all villages in the country.
9) The Cleaning Projects of the the major rivers are being taken up.  The Cleaning of Ganges being also taken up with Scotland-Dundee University along with 'IIT' Kanpur.

10) The production of the latest Military  arms manufacturing activities are being taken up regarding Fighter Planes, Naval Warship, Submarines and Missiles. The army is also being now gradually supplied with the latest arms and equipments.

11) The infrastructure developments are in in full swing. The several New Airports, Ports, are being developed.  The Border Roads are being built up at Indo -China Border in order to protect the sovereignty of India. India is being joined by four lanes roads from North to South and from East to West.
12) India has also become self sufficient in food production.

                                                                          However much is required to be done (i.e. In the 2018 Onward) in the sphere of Civic Sense, Cleanliness, Healthcare, Education  and Population Control. India has to come out from Castism and to create strong feelings of Nationalism in order to protect the valuable freedom of the Country.