Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Mischief With  Nature
                                                                       It is observed that nature has become abnormal  and striking on the earth in one or other forms. Nature has a many weapons which can give lesson to mankind for playing mischief.

                                                                      The nature can strike on the earth in forms various calamities i.e. Like  Cyclone, Flood, Earthquake and Heavy heavy Rain. Human race being very intelligent  is continuously disturbing the nature. Following  way mankind has made Nature abnormal and destructive.
1) Many Industries are throwing  Carbon dioxide which  creates lots of Pollution in the atmosphere. It spoil the environment which worsen the climate
2) Some of the Chemical Industries throws poisonous gases which affects the climate. It also harm the people.
3) People are madly digging the earth for  getting valuable metals etc. which creates imbalance below the Earth. It can prone  the Earthquake.
4) The Ice on the mountains is abnormally get melt due to warm weather and rivers get flooded.
5) The Ice in the North and South Poles is also slowly getting  melt due  men made warm weather.
6) In  Industrial Developments Race have also damaged and Environment.

                                                                     These are some of the reasons which are damaging the environment in the world. The most developed and Super power america is also frequently suffering from severe Natural Calamities  The recent 'Harvey' Cyclone, Flood and Heavy rain in 'Huston', Texas is one of the  glaring example of the same.  China which is in race of superpower  is also facing Storm, Flood and Heavy Rains in its several Areas. It has destroyed the properties worth of Billions  Dollar and thousands of people were killed.

                                                                      The recent heavy rain which broke the all records have made the city of Mumbai completely flooded and paralyzed it for days to gather.  It has destroyed the thousand of working hours and damaged Billions of Dollar properties. The other states of India are also suffering due to heavy rain and flood.  It has destroyed the crops and properties. Besides that Crores of people have become Homeless. The effected states are Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar,  Assam, Rajasthan, Madya Pradesh and Gujarat . Hence it can be seen that 3/4 of India is victims of such Calamities.

                                                                      It clearly shows that nature is adversely reacting due to man made crisis.  It has to be tackled collectively at international level. Mankind has to sacrifice development up to some extent in order to set the thing right. It is said that Russian Oil Tanker has been successful in making way in Antarctica by cutting the 1.2 Meter thick Ice.  It may be good news commercial point of view but it is bad regarding Environment. It clearly shows that Ice layer in Antarctica is becoming thin and it can bring the sea level high. The high sea water level can flood many cities of the world and can bring tremendous destruction. Therefore it is better to stop mischief with nature and to take deterrent  and positive steps before it is too late.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Mahatma Gandhi and his Family- Where About
                                                                                      Mahatma Gandhi had dedicated his whole life in freedom struggle of India. He believed that' His life is for the people of India and not for giving advantage his family members'. In the process there was lots of heart burning among some of the family members. His sons also served the people but they were having some personal ambitions and aspirations among them.

                                                                                       His eldest son Harilal revolted against the certain decisions of his father  and created lots of embarrassments for him.  Harilal may be right in his own way but it is always crime to be close relatives of  the Leader who is a man of principles and values. His another son Manilal and his family remained in South Africa.

                                                                                       There are lots of persons who have exploited there connections and good will of Mahatma Gandhi. Hence grievances of few members of Gandhi family are justified on merits  and in terms injustice done to them.  Nehru family also very much benefited by having surname Gandhi along with their name. while it is unfortunate that most of the Gandhi family are in wilderness at present.  Krishna Kulkarani the Great Grand Son of  Mahatma
Gandhi also adversely commented on the exploitation of Gandhi's Name for political purpose. He is a son of Sumitra Kulkarani, IAS who was Daughter of Ramdas Gandhi. Kanu Gandhi was also a son of Ramdas Gandhi who migrated to 'USA'. He returned to India on  retirement. However he met bad experience in India and lost some of his savings. He died miserably by moving place to place.

                                                                                      Mahatma Gandhi's another son  Devdas Gandhi was married to daughter of C Rajgopalchari, First Governor General of India.  Devdas two sons Rajmohan Gandhi and Gopal Gandhi came in  to lime lights on the account of their political activities. Gopal Gandhi, IAS, Former Governor of West Bengal and recent contestant of Vice President election is very much in limelight..  However Gopal Gandhi lost  the the Vice- Presidential election which was very much concluded in advance. In this case it appears that  Opposition including Congress wanted to use the name of Mahatma Gandhi.

                                                                                       This shows that some people are still exploiting the name of Mahatma Gandhi but nobody appears to care about the welfare of Gandhi family. This mean some people have already exploited and some of them are still exploiting Name of Gandhi in their own interest without following and understanding his political philosophy.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Retirement and Old Age
                                                                People are struggling for whole life for their existence  and also giving security to their families. However in the process they get tired and crave for retired and peaceful lives . They do not  imagine that by the time they retire they will also become old which may makes them mentally and physically weak. Hence it may become the most difficult time of life if proper care are being not taken. Some time Retire and Old age makes a person more miserable then actual struggle of life.
                                                                It is very much necessary  to understand that Retire life means the change of activities and attitudes only. It does not mean that one has to stop all activities and pass time leisurely without doing anything. The absence of suitable activities and  proper approaches towards life can makes retired life horrible and it can becomes nuisance for others. Therefore  old age of a person and retirement are to be given serious considerations. In short retirement and old age has to be planed like important project.

                                                                One should never feel that one is old. Besides that one should have cheerful Attitudes in life.  It is necessary to have regular check up with prescribed  input of medicines for good health. Money is also important for maintenance of life. Therefore it is to be spent according to Means. Besides that one cannot take it granted  people regarding money.

                                                             The good Hobbies and Right Attitudes in old age can also bring Recreation and Relaxation in life. It is better to live in present in order  to live pleasant life.  The internal happiness is also very important in advanced age. The forgive and forget attitude is also good for health. One has to accept smoothly the changes which are coming in old life for its own happiness. It is observed that old people are scared of death and very much worried about the grief of their nearest one after their death, But one must understand that no one leave this world alive and grief of nearest one after death will not be permanent. Hence one should try to overcome the fear of death in old age. It will bring more peace and happiness in the life. These are the ways to live happy and healthy retired old age life.