Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kashmir Is On Fire- Reasons Thereon
                                                                Kashmir issue is alive since several decades but without any solution.  In this connection  one has  to go  in the roots of the Kashmir issue.
                                                               Late Maharajah Harisingh of Kashmir signed the document of accession with India when Pakistan attacked Kashmir and invaders were very near to Srinagar. Sardar Patel then Home minister sent Indian Army to protect the Kashmir with order to throw them out. However then Prime Minister Jawawherlal Nehru intervened and decided to go for Ceasefire  and went to United Nations to show that Pakistan has invaded Kashmir.  These were the great mistakes committed by Nehru for which India is paying very heavily. Besides that Nehru's good friend Sheikh Abdullah wanted to have special status for Kashmir under Indian Union. Hence the Article 370 is being passed in Constitutional Assembly of India wherein Kashmir is given special status i.e. 1)Kashmir can have desperate flag.2) The Chief minister will be designated as Prime Minister of Kashmir and 3)  Indian can not buy property or invest money in Kashmir. Even Kashmir's Girl cannot Marry Outsider.  These are all ridiculous provisions are accepted in order to keep Kashmir with India.
                                                               However Sardar Patel then Home minister was very much against  Nehru's line of policies.  He wanted that Indian army should cross border and to reach up to Peshawar for compelling  Pakistan to sign agreement  to the effect that Kashmir belong  to India.  He was also against  giving special status to Kashmir in Indian Union. He was also against the Nehru going to United Nation. In short Jawaherlal Nehru then Prime Minister totally went against the stand of Sardar Patel. These has put India in to the position which one find India today.
                                                                Indian army is paying very heavily who is presently trying to maintain law and  order  in Kashmir. Besides that Indian army is suffering in terms loss of valuable lives of  Army Officers and Soldiers. They are having lots of restrain due to political reasons. It is unfortunate that Kashmir's youth, students and girls are being used to throw stones at Army. It is unfortunate that separatist leaders are behind in instigating the kashmiri Youth.  It is being done with the help of Pakistani finance.
                                                              Every day there are incidents of Terrorist Attacks and Stone throwing incidents. It has disturbed the  life of innocent people. The Tourism which is the most important industry and which give livelihood to kashmiri is being at stand still.
                                                             The government has to take drastic actions to curb the disturbances and terrorism  Besides that government has to prosecute all anti national elements in order to bring peace in Kashmir. Otherwise  India will have to pay very heavily.  Hope for the best.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Japan- Role Model
                                                                  Japan is a small country with lots of  inner strength.  Earthquakes and heavy storms are the frequent calamities in Japan.  However those calamities are bravely faced  by Japanese people and its government thereof.
                                                                America had thrown two Atom Bombs on  Japan( i.e. On cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki) during the 2nd World War. However those cities have come up again within Ten years. Besides that Japan has become one of the leading economies in the world. This is all because Japan follows  rules of law very strictly. Japanese people loves their Country and Culture very much. Therefore Japanese students are made to learn ethics in the first six primary years of school.  Japanese do not have servant even if they are rich. The Parent are responsible for the House and Children. The Goal of Japanese education is to built up Character.
                                                                It is very interesting to note that Japanese are prevented to use Mobil Phones in Train, Restaurant and Indoor. Japanese are very punctual and even their train also hardly delays. Besides that Japanese people are very particular about their food Habits. They hardly waste any food.

                                                                The king  is very much respected in the Japan. King of Japan has recently abdicated his thorn in the fevour of his son  due to old Age.  One will hardly find such example in the History.
                                          In short Japanese people are highly Patriotic, Hardworking with Strong  NationalCharacter which makes Japan a role model for other countries in the world.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The success and reasons thereof
                                                                  It is observed that people are running after successful people and their achievements. They become Hero in their lives but without analyzing the reasons for their success. Few wise men only uses their experiences in getting success in their own lives. Therefore it is advisable to study the life experiences of outstanding person then running after them.
                                                                        Azim Premji, Chairman of 'WIPRO' shared his life experiences in one of his lectures. It is worth noting tips for getting success. He said that 'We must cherish what is good in us and must begin with our strength.  One Rupee earned is far more value then five found.  Besides that 'Nothing gives us as much satisfaction on getting Rewards.'  He added that 'We face many challenges in life out of which in some case one can win or in other case one may lose. However when one lose, do not lose the lesson. He advised that success should not go in the Head.One must learn to save memory of good things in life and must be grateful for getting so much. One must strive to achieve excellent by looking at those better then us. Besides that one must keep in mind that it is only test of fire that makes fine steel. Therefor one must be ready to face any difficult situation  for achieving success.
                                                                         It can be seen from above that if one follows the  experiences of successful men than achieving the success becomes easier.