Sunday, April 16, 2017

Yogi Adityanath- Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh
                                                                                     One will rarely find the Priest enter in to the politics and occupies the highest position of the State. Uttar Pradesh is the biggest state of India with the population of about 20 crores.  Yogi Adityanath was born in Rajput family of Uttarakhand which was also once a apart of Uttar Pradesh. Yogi Adityanath had said while occupying the Chief Minister position  that 'We are not here to enjoy or to play all sort of games but to work sincerely for the people of the State'. That means he meant Business, This was said in the true spirit Sadhu who is still wearing the Saffron Cloth.
                                                                                    He handed over the program of his parties to his Ministers and all Government Servants for implementing the same. He has also given them Mission to work about 18 Hours of day for implementing the said program. This is only to change of the face of state from the most backward to forward state.

                                                                                   He implemented the certain measures immediately in order to show that his government wants to bring changes in the state at the earliest.  His following measures are very dynamic to help the common men of the state-
1) The Anti Romeo squads of police were created in order to give protection and securities to Girls and Women.
2) Twenty four hours electricity will be provided to the Cities while District and Rural Areas will be provided 20 and 18 hours electricity receptively. This is only to facilitate people and to increasing industrialization of the State.
3) All  Highways in the State has to be Repaired by 15 TH June 2017.
4) The farmers debts amounting to about 36000 crores in the state were waved. This will give great relief to poor farmers of UP.
5) The government of UP is opening the Annapurna Restaurants wherein poor people will get meal in Rupees five only. This will give great relief to Common Men.
6) UP Government is taking measures to improve the Education System with Curtailing the Number of Holidays in Schools. The School children will be educated regarding the contribution made by Great Leaders of India.

                                                                                These are some of the the measures announced by Yogi Government which shows that he has strong desires to change the face of the State. Besides that  Surprised visits by the Yogi Ministers are also creating good impact on Government Machinery. One thing is certain that 'Where there is a will there is a Way.'  Yogi Adityanath, a Sadhu is now doing Public Service entirely in different forms.  Hence 'Hope for the Best'.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

 India is still  Poor- Why?
                                                    India has lots of Economic and Industrial developments after Independence. The Middle Class of India is bubbling with High purchasing power on account of those developments. Therefore world Trade has also eyes on the vast Indian Market . However still about 21.9 % population of India is in below Poverty line.
                                                    India is having 1.30 Billion population with very high population growth rate of 1.3%.  The high growth of population also comes in the way of growth. The poor people are earning only about $2/= per day in India.
                                                    The  49% of population is involved in the  Agriculture Sector wherein the Income from the Crops are unpredictable. It is a Underemployed Sector because Crops are Seasonal.  Hence the Farm Workers mostly having work Nine Months of the Year. Therefore the general conditions of Farmers are not Satisfactory.
                                                    The  90% of the Laborer force in India works in Unorganized Sector wherein they do not have PF, Pension and Health Care. They do not have fixed income. This sector includes Plumbers. Electricians, Street Vendor, Vegetable Vendors, Construction and Farm Workers etc. Some ways and means are to be found out in order to bring up people from this Sector.
                                                    There is lot of corruption in Indian system. The corruption is spreaded Everywhere  from  Rural Panchayat, Local Bodies, Municipalities to States and Central Governments. The income of the people cannot be increased until corruption is removed from the System.  The Education Reforms and  Development of Professional Skill can help to eradicate the corruption from the System.
                                                     These are the Main reasons why Considerable Section of people in India is still rotting in poverty.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

The Third World War- Causes and Countries
                                                                                    World is sitting on the volcano of Third World War and it can irrupt at any time. This time it will be fought in Middle East and the Western Powers will play very important role in the War.

                                                                                     The Main Cause of the War will be the Enmity among Oil Rich Muslim Countries  on account of their internal conflict between  Sia and Sunny Sects.  One another reason for war will be to eliminate  Terrorism which are also flourishing  on the lands of some of those Muslim Countries. The Horrors Terrorism has spreaded all over world and created the total insecurity including among western countries. It becomes very  complicated issues when Sunny and Sia Muslim Countries are fighting.  The Oil interest of advance countries like USA, Russia and China also suffers in the Process.  Besides that the continues conflict has ruin those Muslim Countries and some of them have became a breeding grounds of Terrorism. ' ISIS' is one of the Terrorist Organizations which is born out of Sia and Sunny conflict in Iraq. Pakistan is also encouraging Terrorism to fight proxy war with India.

                                                                                     However whatever may be the causes of Terrorism but it has now spreaded all over world. The conflict in Iraq is between Iraqi Government and ISIS but it amounts to the conflict between the two Sect of Muslims. Western powers like USA, UK,France Germany and some other countries are trying to help Iraqi Government which is fighting against ISIS. America is fighting the war against Assad a Dictator of Syria while Russia is backing the ruling regime. This may be due to conflict of interest among them. Saudi Arabia and Iran also supporting the Sia and Sunny forces in Syria according.  However the problem has become so severe that every day lots of people are dying due to Bombing and Terror attacks. The chemical weapons are also being used in Syria. Hence Syria has become the Hot battle Ground.

                                                                                 The Terrorism has brought lots of killings and distraction all over world. The major powers of world are involved in the conflict with one or other side.   No one knows when it will turn out to be Total War. We can only pray God to save the world from danger of Third World War.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

America, China, India and Pakistan- Strategic Policies
                                                                                            America is  friendly with Pakistan and giving considerable amount of Financial and Military Aid. The said Aid is given for fighting war against Taliban and including for development purpose. However America is  also  aware that Pakistan is not spending those aid  to eliminate Terrorist Activities but it it is being used for terrorist activities against India. The Terrorism is a proxy war against India by Pakistan. Besides that there is lots of corruption in Civil and Military administration of Pakistan.
                                                                                          However America cannot afford to loose Pakistan as its ally due to its strategic Position.  America can overlook India ,Russia, China, Afghanistan and Middle East Countries from its Military Facilities in Pakistan. The development of close Trade and Military relationship between China and Pakistan is a matter of grave concern for America. In short Pakistan is in position to blackmail  America.
                                                                                         China is also  interested in Pakistan for developing its  Trade Rout up to Arabian Sea.  It is a shortcut for China for doing Trade with Oil Rich countries of Middle East. Besides that China wants to create uneasy situation for India. The continuous conflicts between India and Pakistan is in the interest of China.
                                                                                        Russia was having very cordial relationship with India for several decades. Russia also sold its Military and Industrial Material to India. The recent political  developments have change the scenario wherein India has developed close relationship with USA, UK, Germany, France and other Western Countries. India has started buying the latest Military Hardware and the Industrial Technology from Western Countries. Besides that the Terrorism has also created common cause of its distruction for the East and West. This developments have also compelled Russia to find its new Allies. Pakistan may be one of them. However India has to change it policies in order to face its nearest enemies Pakistan and China.
                                                                                       India has also started developing close relation ship with  friendly Muslim Countries like Iran,Afghanistan in order to counter the China /Pakistan Axis. In view of above the political scenario in Asia and Middle East is changing.  We hope it will be for Good of all.