Wednesday, March 22, 2017

World Water Day-22  March
                                                      'Water Day' is meant to show the importance of water for the Mankind. It is also very unfortunate that the climate change is also playing adverse effect on the water Resources. There are villages in  India wherein there are no sources of water and people have to walk  miles for few buckets of water, while in Urban Area water is being wasted by people who are careless.  It has also become a big problem how to supply water to those Remote Areas and including how to save the waste of water in Urban Areas.

                                                     The main sources of water are Rivers, Rain and Underground Water. However even those resources are also getting dry and  polluted.  The most of the big rivers are being polluted by waste of the industrial water. Besides that there is no system to collect the Rain  water which  goes away in the Sea and Rivers. In the old days the Rain Water use to be collected  in the Ponds and in Private Tanks for using whole year. However now the said system is broken and people depends upon supply of water through irrigation Canal and Urban Water Supply System..

                                                    The Scarcity of water has compel the people to drink and consume the water which is Polluted and Dirty.  The Ground Water  also gets polluted due to the waste of Industrial Water. Hence the water crisis is increasing day by day. The 25000 Thousand Lakes which were the sources of water in Gujarat State, India have become dry and polluted. The 650 Cities of India which are situated on the Rivers are having  Polluted Water. This shows how much grave is the situation  and it is affecting the health of the people staying in those cities.

                                                    It is good news that people have become conscious about the  scarcity of water and including regarding polluted water. The water problem has to be tackle on priority basis.The government is spending thousands of crores for cleaning the big rivers like Ganges but required cooperation is not being coming through from people. The water problem is becoming acute with passing of time.  The water riots may become the part of the life if it is not tackle effectively.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

California-  In Context of  Present American Policies
                                                                                             California is one of the wealthiest States in America and it had its own Culture.  It has the 39 Corporate Headquarter of  many leading Fortune  500 Hundred Companies. The Silicon Valley in Northern California  is booming with prestigious High Tech Companies while Hollywood's film industries are boomingup in Southern California. All these makes California  Rich and Prosperous State.  The Climatic beauty also further add the attraction among all states of America
                                                                                              Donald Trump's Curb on Immigration and H1B Visa will effect very much the Economy of California. Besides that California is being Dominated by Democratic Party  since about five decades.  They oppose the present policies of Donald Trump who belongs to Republican party.
                                                                                             California's Share in American Economy is 13% and its GDP is higher then the most of the Countries of the world except  America,China. Japan, Germany and UK. The Economy of California is  the sixth biggest Economy of  the world if it is treated as a  Separate Country. The Trade, Transportation,Industry,Education, Health Care, Agriculture and  Technology of the California are the role models for all developing Counties of the World. Its water lifting system from North to Southern California is unique which supplies 4 Crore Acre  Areas. The most important things is that people of all religion lives here peacefully.
                                                                                              The Ninety Seven important companies California have gone to Court  against Donald Trump Policies. This is because most of the High Tech Companies have their Units Abroad including  India and China. Besides that they need Cheap High Tech Employees (i.e. Through 'H1B Visa) in order to stands in the World Market. They have even Outsourced their Call Centers Abroad for Economic Reasons.
                                                                                      Donald Trump intends to bring curb on all these practices in order to give employments to Americans.  This is creating  Economical conflict  between the State of California and the Federal Government. Let us see what result it will brings at the end.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

International Women Day-8 Th March
                                                            8th March is being celebrated as 'Women Day ' in the world. We are celebrating  ' Women Day' Why? i.e. In order to show that women are the equal  contributors along with men. Therefore they have to be treated with equal respect with men.
                                                           This it self shows that men dominated world have not treated women equally. Besides that whichever high positions are being hold by women in the world are  acquired by them  due to their own capacities.  Angela Markel, Chancellor of Germany, Theresa May British Prime Minister does not owes their positions because of the mercy shown by men politicians but it was achieved by themselves merely through their intelligence, hard and sincere work.

                                                            Besides that Women capacities can be seen in  the family wherein mother, sister and wife plays very important roles for strengthening the family bonds. How smoothly they manage themselves  against hostiles and unmanageable men folks. However it is unfortunate that some time  society use them or exploit them without recognizing their contributions.  Society has to amend here to give them  due credit for their help.
                                                            However everything is not good for women in this world. They are frequently  Assaulted, Raped and Humiliated. It is mainly due to  Men's Superiority Complexes, and Pervert Mentalities. It is very unfortunate that average every minute one woman is being raped in the world. We can improve the situation only by Educating People and Respecting Women in right Spirit.
                                                           The lots of campaigns are being carried out apparently for improving the Respect and Status of Women in the Society. However some time there are more Hypocrisy and  Outer show. The women are being exploited in the name of Religion, Business, Fashion and Family.  The Women in Rural Areas are still living  Sub- Standard life. They are also being used as a personal property  for producing the child. The conservative people in Society even do not prefer the birth of girls in their family. It has brought down the men and women ratio 1000/800 which is not good. It also shows the real face of Society. The few exception does not prove the rule in this matter.

                                                            The Adult Franchise Voting System in Democracy has added one more factor to exploit Women. The politicians pampers and exploit women for their  50% votes through extending very big Concessions for women. Even Medias  'TP' also depends upon the majority viewers who may be  women. They show the unrealistic things regarding women in some of the serials. This is only to raise their 'TP'.
                                                       In short Society has to bring up the Status of women  in spirit and action.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

                                                                        India's world GDP trade was 33% when The East India Company took over India while England's world GDP trade was  only 1%. England left India in 1947 India's world GDP Was 3%  while England's GDP trade was 10%. One can imagine how much Wealth of India was sucked during the Colonial Rule.
                                                                        The Jomo Kenyatta a leader of Kenya said very sarcastically about exploitation by missionaries in Africa. He said "when Missionaries  arrived the African had the land and Missionaries had the Bible. They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them  they had the land and we had the Bible."

                                                                        This was very funny incident when AT &T Fired its President,John Walter after Nine Months with Severance Package of $26 Million. He was charged with lack of Intellectual Leadership.
                                                                       The LA Police was searching who robbed the Bank. They asked all line up suspects to repeat the words 'Give me all your money or I Shoot'. One man in line shouted 'That is not what I Said' It was very easy catch.