Sunday, February 19, 2017

Make Your Life Smooth
                                                  Some time one himself become responsible for  creating stress, strain, and friction  in life. There is a Art to live a life smoothly by observing some rules. To keep Mum and not to speak  unnecessarily will solve 50% problems of life. Buddha showed that silence is most effective weapon to face the most difficult problem.  Mahatma Gandhi use to keep silence for whole day periodically.
                                                Besides that one has to make few important rules in life in order to remain happy and peaceful. It also helps one to make his life smooth.
                                               Some people think too much about future and worries that  'what will happen after they are gone from this world?' what is a use worrying about thing when you are not concerned  that too after death. It is better to enjoy in present with your money without worrying about children.
                                             Why to compare your self with others? One do not know what they may be going through.  Look after your Happiness, Health and Quality of life .
                                               It is very difficult to change others but better to change your self. It will make your life more adjustable.
                                              The Good and Happy Spirit can only cure Once Sickness Fast or Sickness will never come. The Good Mood, Suitable Exercise  with reasonable amount of Vitamins and Mineral in take can give Once Healthy, Happy and Long life. Cherishing the good around can make One young and healthy.
                                              Do not commit error to correct fool as he can make your life difficult. In that case discretion is the best solution.
                  These are the few ways out to make once life Smooth, Happy and Healthy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

 Sex and Education Thereon
                                                                                                    Sex is a very controversial and hot subject as every day several  women are being raped  through out the world.  There is a impression that sex is more exposed and discussed in the West while  Eastern countries are discussing the same with secrecy and discretion. This is being done in the East as it is is being more or less connected with their moral values and sometime they are shy to talk about it publicly. However East and West Cultures are deeply involve with the subject one or other way,
                     Sex is a part of life whether one like it or not. However way and which it is being handled  is important. It can be use for once healthy life and it can also be misused to ruin the life.  But it has nothing to do with moral values if it is taken in positive manner.   In short it can be beautiful music if it is tuned up in proper manner.
                     Even in old Hindu culture the sex had it own place in once life.  The most of the great Saints and Rishis were married and lived very spiritual / religious lives. One will also find the sex Scruptures on out wall of the Hindu Temples in order to educate the people who are visiting them  i.e. To All Young and Old. Khajura Temples in Madhya Pradesh are the one of the glaring examples of the same. Even in some of the South Indian Temples one can finds such Sex Scruptures  on the out side wall of the Temples. Therefore it can be seen that Indian Culture was  also not averse to Sex. It appears that it was a part of religious Education.
                    The  Devdasi System in South India  was meant to to control the out rage of sex. This  shows that India dealt with Sex in very practical manner. Even  Japan also have Geisha system to deal with sex in positive manner.
                    Maharishi Vatsyayan one of the Indian Rishis  wrote book Titled ' Kamsutra' to handle sex in scientific manner. He said therein that 'With Wife sex is Duty But with Lover it is a Art'. Besides that he said 'Virgin has to be educated on Sex But in case of  Prostitute it becomes a Profession.  These are few examples from 'Kamsutra' which educates on sex in details.

                    Sex  is a Universal and Important  subject which requires to be handled in educative Manner. This should be done in order to keep people away from  evil effect of Sex.

Friday, February 10, 2017

How to Judge Women?
                                                     How to judge women  is very difficult and complicated question. Besides that there are no principles or methods by which we can judge them or handle them. However women come across once life in form of Mother,Sister, Wife and Daughter. Hence men are supposed to judge them in their own way as per situations and experiences.
                                                   Among women one has to live very closely with his wife  for very long time. The question also arise that whether one can judge his wife correctly  during his life. Therefore there are several jokes on Husband and wife relationship. The lack of suitable judgement of husband  about his wife always give upper hand to the wife.
                                                  Men are  mostly more expressive and aggressive, by nature which makes them more weak vise versa women. It is said in Social Circle that' If any body boast that he control his wife then he is practically telling lies'. In short no one can predict that how his wife will react in certain situation.
                                                 However in men dominated society men tries to impress that they can judge women from their way of talking or as per their body language.  Let us try to understand what do they mean.

1) If woman says 'Nothing' mean there is' Something' . It gives hint to do something quickly.
2) If woman ask  about' Her look' then  man should always say that 'You are Gorgeous'. Otherwise negative comment can call for trouble
3)When woman gives green signal to 'Go Ahead' then it is not the permission but rather it is  a tasting your guts.
4)Sometime woman says' No'  means 'Big No'.
5)Woman says' Yes'  means usually 'No' but one will never be able to tell when.
6)When woman is not clear and says 'May Be' means No'.
7)'It would be nice'  that is commented by woman then she is giving unconditional comment.
8)If she says ' Fine' then it means no further argument and she makes one feeling defeated.
9)'It is Okay' Means she has 'Reservation about the same'.
10)Sometime she ask 'Are you listening me?' that means 'You are not ready to listen her that is wrong'.
11)When woman say' It is up to You' means means 'You ought to know about the facts.
12)'Thanks' mean woman want to say' You are Welcome'
                                            These are few hints how woman minds work but no one claim that they have expertise to  judge the  Women.