Monday, November 21, 2016

Rough States
                                                                                                                                                                                                               George Bush the former President of America used the word Rough states for Iraq before American invasion.  It mean out law State in terms of international law. However the definition of Rough State varies with prevailing conditions therein. In view of above we can name two states in the  world which can be named Rough States. They are Pakistan and North Korea. They have failed  to observe and recognize International laws.

                                           Pakistan is a Islamic country with powerful army and its intelligent Agency 'ISI'. It is said that Pakistani army dominates over civilian government  while 'ISI 'dictates the Army. Pakistan have military culture and Army Generals have ruled the country several decades . Pakistan fought three wars with India but were defeated in all. Hence now Pakistan army is strengthening its grip over government by keeping Kashmir issue burning all the while. America also supported Pakistan strategic point of view but now America wants that Pakistan should clear it territory from terrorists who have become danger to not even america but all other surrounding countries. Pakistan has further armed itself with American and Chines Weapons. Pakistan made Atom Bomb with the help of China and other countries that too overlooking International law thereon. America has declared most wanted terrorist leaders with big prize on their heads. But they are freely moving in Pakistan.Pakistan has now started blackmailing America by militarily joining with China. Pakistani people are poor for wants of developments. The  most of the foreign aids are being cornered by politicians and army generals. This is why Pakistan can be considered one of the Rough States.

                                               North Korea is the another state which is Rough State  which is close allies of china. It is a poor state and its economy is dependent on China. However it spends most of the resources after military equipments. It is is also on the verge of manufacturing  Atom Bomb and is  ahead in missiles technology. This is being done in violation of International Law and Norms.  Kim Jong Un is a dictator of North Korea who is ruling the country highhandedly. The chines president Xi Jinping is also not happy with North Korea because of going ahead with destructive military equipments. China do not want to see the collapse of North Korea for stretegic reasons. Besides that collapse of North Korea economy will bring millions of refugees to China which can damage chines economy. There is little love exist between China and North Korea. China does nor respect North Korea because they equally hate China. The fact is that North Korea military preparation is not only against  America and South Korea but it is also against China. Hence North Korea can be also considered as a Rough State Accordingly.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Indian government has taken the step to cancel the high denomination currency notes of Rs 500/- and Rs 1000/- receptively. The step is very much required as parallel Black Money Economy  exceeds more then 50%%. It also become difficult to control the inflation in the country.  It amounts that government has no control over half of  the economy. Besides that the development of country also get effected thereof.  Therefore  it is a demand of the the public to bring the black money in control.

                                                                       There are certain national policies which have to be supported by all citizens and political parties without exception.  However each and every political party will try to take advantage of the situation arising out of such step. India is a vast country with lots network of financial institutions, which are being used  by various types of people.  Hence any aspect is being overlooked then it will create  adverse chains of reactions in general public. It is being observed  that there are  shortage of currency notes which are required against exchange of cancelled notes.   It has  also created long lines in banks resulting to inconvenience to general public.  However it has to be bared by public in national interest as in long run they are only going to be benefited from this steps. Even the holders of black money and wasted int rest are also bound to incite general public against the government in this matter.  But it is a test of  nationalism and patriotism of Indian public.

                                                                       It is strange that wasted interest tried their best to convert their black money through people, Jewelers and Gold ornament dealers. The government is also striking on those illegal transactions. It is said that there is 14 Lakh Crores Black money in economy out of which government may get only 4 Lakh Crores. The remaining Currency Notes may become scrap paper. It is reported that some of the black money holders  have thrown away their cancelled currency notes in waste paper baskets or in rivers.  Even some of the cancelled currencies are being Burnt.
                                                                  It is strange that some people criticize the government for cancelling the high denominations currency notes without taking proper precaution. Besides that were also criticizing the government for not taking steps against Black Money. We can not help it in such matter.  However some advantage will reflect in economy in the time to come .
                                                                   Some time innocent general public has to go through the pain of such steps but it is also true that ' Without  Pain No Gain.'  We hope that government will take all steps to minimize such pain. Hope for the Best.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trump - The Next Elected President of America
                                                                                                 Donald Trump has proved to be very frank and blunt politician. He always behaved and talk in the way he felt in his heart. He is very controversial but no body can doubt about his Patriotism.  He has been voted because-
 1) Donald Trump talked  through the heart of white and conservative Americans.
 2) Donald Trump also talked about bringing back the glory and the supremacy of America in the world.
 3) Donald Trump wants to fulfill the dreams of all hardworking, sincere and intelligent Americans.
 4) However Donald Trump has been harsh to illegal immigrants and other immigrants who are disloyal to the value for which America stands.
 5) Donald Trump promised  to get back the employments to American which are passed on to the Non Americans  through  outsourcing and under Special Visa provisions like HIB.
 6) It appears that disowning of Donald Trump candidature by his own party leadership has created very much sympathy  wave for him.
 7)To fight against world terrorism  is a positive commitment of Donald Trump
 8) America had committed political error by removing Saddam Hussein from Iraq which resulted into chaos.   Therefore Donald Trump does not want to remove Syrian Dictator on the name of democratic forces in Syria. It may be the one of the reasons why he support Russian policy in Syria.
                                                    These are the apparent reasons why Donald Trump has been voted. However we have to wait and watch to see how he deals with all those problems during his term.  But at present we must wish him all the best in his endevours.

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Basic Principles of Happy and Healthy Life-

                         1)If one has Doubt than next step has to be taken Cautiously.
                         2)Nobody can gives you happiness as it is in your hand only.
                         3)What you think is important. Not what other think.
                         4)One have Nobody to hear  Complains then he can take it to God. Thy can take   anything and Everything.
                         5) It is better to deep breath  in order to control one's anger.
                         6) One has to be careful so that his past does not distrubes present.
                         7) One can built up his own life without comparing with others.

                         8) Life is very short  to waste.
                         9) One has to be positive  and to believe in miracles which may change the life.
                         10)One has to believe that his family and friends will take care of him when needed.
                         11) Always live the life your choice.
                         12) One can not agree with every one but at least Agree to Disagree.
                         13) Forgive other in order to lessen your own Burden.
                         14) It is a time which heals Everything.
                         15) Remember one thing that Good and Bad time will change.
