Friday, August 12, 2016

American Presidential Election- November 2016
                                                                                  It is now clear that American people has to choose new president from Hillary Clinton, Democrat or Donald Trump republication.   These both candidates  faced lots of opposition from their leadership of the party within. It is also reported that Hillary Clinton is ahead of few points from Donald Trump in public rating. However one can not predict now about the actual position at the election time.
                                                                                 It is very interesting election because the elected candidate will be the most powerful person in the world. This is because America is a super power Militarily and Economically. America also control all world organizations including military financial, i.e. IMF, World Bank, WTO, UNO etc and including the most powerful world military organization' NATO'. Besides that Dollar is a  internationally recognized Currency in which all the Countries of the world are suppose to keep Accounts. These all makes America and its President most powerful person on the Earth.
                                                                                Hillary Clinton have some positive advantage as she is a intelligent and experience lady candidate. She can catch majority votes from 50% women voters of America. She also represent more or less the continuation of  present policy. she is liberal with a view to carry all sections of America together.  Some people also accused her as unreliable because of her cordial relations with wall street and vested interest.
                                                                               While on other hand Donald Trump is very aggressive in his speeches. He talk about the present lower image of America i.e. Internally and Internationally. He says illegal immigrants have increased the crimes. Therefore they should be deported and also suggested to built wall on the American /Mexican border. He is also against out sourcing of the jobs as it creates unemployment for Americans.  Donald Trump is for curtailing the HIB Visa for improving the job market for Americans. Besides that he wants the  strict screening of Muslims immigrants in America in order to prevent terrorism in America. He  blames Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton policy in middle east for creating ISIS and chaos thereon. He speaks the language of conservative Americans. Therefore he has become popular among them.
                                                                              In view of above lets see how it turns out to be in the ultimate result of Presidential Election.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

  Prime Minister Visits- Abroad
                                                                            Our Prime Minster Narendra Mody have traveled 52 Countries and spent Crores of Rupees for creating goodwill for our country. The International Politics and diplomacy are very tricky and complicated. The Military and Financial powers are very much needed in order to mange some of the rough countries.

                                                                            In that context lets see some of the strange things are happening  in the world. Our Prime Minister was visiting Pakistan and at the same time Pakistan  was encouraging the Terror attack on India. Chines army was  in Indian border when Chines President was enjoying the hospitality in India. America knows very well that most wanted Terrorist leader is freely moving in Pakistan and they cannot do anything. These are the few examples which shows that the friendly gestures have no meaning with some rough nations. They only understand language of rough diplomacy wherein they are cornered.

                                                                           Pakistan only understand that type of language. America has  retaliated recently by stopping the flow of Military and Financial aid to Pakistan for not taking appropriate actions against Terrorist leaders. China is trying to corner India by creating financial and diplomatic influences in Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, etc.  We have to also act accordingly by understanding the moves.

                                                                          It clearly shows that goodwill visit only will not make much difference on some of  countries. We have to act firmly and tough manner in order to block the interest of those nations.

                                                                         Narendra Mody must have broken the record for travelling so many counties in such short time but ultimately the beneficial out come of such travel is more important. It is to be  very well understood that any country friendly with us are for their best interest rather then our  interest. Therefore  it is for us to see that we get maximum out of it.  We fail to get best out of it than it is our failure of diplomacy in international politics.

Friday, August 5, 2016

The Price for Kashmir
                                         The kashmir means kashmir valley excluding Jammu and  Ladakh. We have to exclude  Jammu and Ladakh because they are not much disturbed areas as dominated by Hindu and Buddhist communities receptively. Besides that Article 370  has given the special status to the State of Jammu and Kashmir which is creating more trouble in the valley. Every day Pro Pakistani Slogans are being shouted along with flying Pakistani flag. This is very painful for India who is pouring thousands of crores for helping the people of kashmir.  In addition to that thousands of Indian soldiers are being killed in defending the Kashmir.
                                          Kashmir is a burning problem between India and Pakistan. It is a question of survival for Pakistan and for India it is a question of success of  secularism. The day on which Pakistan realize that it cannot have Kashmir it may further brake for ultimate disintegration thereon. Therefore Kashmir is life and death question for Pakistan. Even Pakistani Army will also loose its control over Pakistani people and government as soon as Kashmir issue is solved.Therefore there has to be amicable solution of the problem which can maintain dignity of both.
                                          However it is  better for India to think twice regarding spending heavily on valley by looking at divided trends among people i.e. which goes for  independent Kashmir or to join with Pakistan or to remain with India. Besides that no Muslim can rationally vote for India as it is not Muslim country.
                                           The anti Indian sentiments are prevailing in Kashmir in spite of spending Thousands of Crore Rupees and sacrificing thousands our security personnel. It can be seen from the figures given as as under how much India has paid for the Kashmir in terms of men, money and energy.
1) 4961 security personal died between 1990 to 2015
2) Rs 4735 Crores were spent for the security of Kashmir between 1990 to 2015.
3) Rupees 70000 Crores aid were given to Kashmir for one or other projects.
4) 13921 innocent persons were killed between 1990 to 2015
5)Average 198 security persons and 556 people are being killed per year
6) 49 persons are  killed so far in the present disturbances.
7) 7610 violent incidents have taken place in Kashmir during the last ten year.
8) Besides that 115000 Kashmir's Pundits have been displaced due to Terrorism.
                                                  In view of above it is better for India and Pakistan to come some  settlement by accepting the present position with adjustments here and there. Otherwise Kashmir is going to come in the way of progress i.e. Of India and Pakistan both.