Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Father's Day
                                                                                                                                                                                             The third Sunday of the June is being celebrated as Father's Day in America.  All American  pays suitable tributes to their father for the role played by their fathers in their families. In the Indian culture father  are very well respected. It is said in the Sanskrit that' Pitru Devo Bhav' i. e. Father should be respected like God.'
                                However the economical conditions and commercialization of the  lives  those traditions are being now diluted  Besides that there are more literary material on Mother than Father. This is also because father role as head of the family becomes more or less thankless.  Father has to take hard decisions in order to protect the  family.  However father hardly shows any grievances for the same.
                                 Sometime  father has to showers tears  on his pillow alone while mother who balance the situation is being praised. It is because mother plays ideal link  role in the family while father has to be rough and hard. Father actions can not be justified sometime as he takes decision in order protect his family and it may not be good for others. Therefore it is said that children should not follow what their father does but should follow what he says. It  is because what he says is the extract of his rich experiences of  life.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Government, June 2016-Achievements and Failures
                                                                                                                                                                The Government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi may be evaluated as under-
1] a) In respect of foreign policy Narendra Modi have achieved the tremendous goodwill of 'NRI' by solving their major problems.
    b) India was admitted in the 35 Member Group of 'MTCR' i.e.  'The Missiles Technology Control Regime'.  India can now freely trade in the Missiles and Drone Technology.
    c) India is also on verge of admission in ' The nuclear supplier group' which will help India regarding nuclear supplies.
    d) The establishing the strong Exsis between India and Iran against  China and Pakistan.
    e) The further improvement of relationship with 'USA'.
2] The abolition of several laws which had become stale.
3] The streamlining administration at the level of Central Government.
4]  The 'BJP' has increased its influence in the states of 'Maharashtra', 'Jammu and Kashmir',' Mizoram' and 'Assam'.
1) No progress in bringing back the illegal funds lying Abroad.
2) The inflation is on high side.
3) The failure to control corruption.
4) The  New Employment Target could not be reached
5) The foreign relationships with neighbouring countries like Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Bangladesh are further deteriorated.
6) The several public welfare schemes are introduced but implementation of the same is not effective.
                                                              This is the overall situation regarding the performance of 'BJP',Government at Centre.

Friday, June 17, 2016

The Black Money in India and its Sources
                                                                                              The black money is is damaging the Indian economy and its all developmental work are becoming ineffective thereon. It very interesting to know  the sources of Black Money and from where it is generated
 1) The evasion and avoidance of ,Income Tax are the main sources of Black Money. Besides that the excess money which are generated outside the Income tax net are circulating n the market or being Illegally transferred abroad preferably to the Tax heavens.
2) The land prices which are very high are also creating black money. Hence in the Real Estate Industry  the Black Money transactions are on high side.Some time it is in high ratio of 70/30 i.e. 70% in black and 30% in white.
2) The corruption is also on high side in India. The corruption in administration and politics generate lots of Back Money which are also transferred abroad or invested in Real Estate
3) Besides that smuggling and illegal trade likes are also sources of Black Money.                                                             It is very difficult to control the same as very powerful, and influential people are connected with the same.  Therefore government is also finding it very difficult to check and to  trace it.
                                                                       However some of the world Agencies like' The world financial integrity, USA'  reported that  ' Thirty Four Lakhs Crores Rupees' of Indians  are lying abroad which are Black Money or Illegal Money. The Swiss Agencies also unofficially reported that thousands of Crore Rupees of Indians including of Indian politicians are lying in Swiss Banks. In view of above who will bell the cat.