Friday, April 15, 2016

Home Town
                                           One always remember once Home Town wherein he spent his pleasant Childhood. Childhood is always innocent and carefree. Hence it becomes more Memorable. Even Childhood friends are always thick and thin whom one remembers forever. Even the great Celebrities have  always searched their Hometown in their old age. But question is whether they find it in same shape? The  present time always absorb the past where nothing can remain the same. However one goes on searching his  past memories with emotional approach. There is no rationalism or practical approach in the same. Thus one will say-

Where is my Home Town?
Where is that Ice Candy Man
Who use to come on Hot Summer day
Where is that small Tasty food Shop
Where had parties with buddies.
Where is---
Now no play ground can be  seen
As concrete Jungle has come up
Where are those old Buddies
With whom played up to late evening
Every thing have disappeared
And searching the same Emotionally
Where is---
There is no place to walk on the Road
Than riding Bicycle is Impossible
The Railway Station is now Busy place
 No relaxing place remains for anybody
Where is---
The small Theater is not there
But still its ruin can be seen
Am like emotionally fool
Searching the past in the Present
Where is---
Bharat Desai

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Dr B R Ambedkar(14th April 1891 to 6th December1956)
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ' Bharat Ratna'  Dr B R Ambedkar was also known as Babasaheb. He was born on 14th April 1891 in poor ' Dalit Mahar family'. He was Champion of 'Dalit Community'. Besides he was also supporter  of Women and Labor Class. He said that' I measure the progress of  Community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.' However he became the Messiah of Dalits when he fought out their case and gave them due right in Hindu Society. He introduced reservation in the Constitution of India i.e. For Schedule Cast and Schedule Tribes.
                                                                                              In the context of above we must go in the historical records of the freedom struggle. In the year 1932 British Government wanted to create separate electorate for Depressed Class( i.e. Dalit Class). It was another strategy of Britishers to further divide India. Mahatma Gandhi protested against the same by going on fast in the Yaroda Jail at Poona.  In the September 1932 Poona Pact was signed  by Dr Ambedkar wherein  Reserve Seats were provided in legislatures for Schedule Cast and Schedule Tribes within general electorate. The same pattern was adopted in the constitution of India in the year 1950. Incidentally Dr B R Ambedkar was the main Architect of our Constitution.
                                       Dr Ambedkar also suffered as a Dalit student at the hands of conservative Hindus. He was not allowed to touch the drinking water vessel in the school as he was untouchable. He use to get water only through peon. He wrote ' No Poen No Water'. He has to also under go discrimination as a professor at one of the colleges in Mumbai(i.e. As he was from Depressed Class.)
                                       He was disgusted with class discrimination system in Hinduism and started doing research in other religions where such system does not exist. He even studied Sikhism but finally decided to convert himself along with his Dalit followers to Buddhism. He and his 500000 follower joined Buddhism in the October 1956.
                                         Babasaheb was Jurist, Reformist, Politician and Educationalist. In spite of that he became the victim of discriminatory system of Hindu Religion.  Dadasaheb  efforts  brought new life for crores of Depressed Class People.
                                         However Dr B R Ambedkar never wanted this Reservation System for ever but it has become convenient instruments for cultivating votes in the Indian election system.


Monday, April 4, 2016

China Once again Slapped India
                                             The great drama was performed by China in the Security Council of United Nations. China used its Veto Power in order to prevent  the passing of resolution against Pakistani Terrorist  Masud Azhar. It is to be noted that China was the only country which opposed the anti terror resolution.  It is another slap on Indian diplomacy after Indo- Chines War of 1962. It also shows that there is a lack of  interest among world powers to fight against the terror unitedly. It may be due to absent of  political will  for their petty national interest. Therefore reason given by China is also very petty that 'The resolution does not satisfy the all rules framed under ' UNO' for such subject.
                                            Chines moves has to be understood in context of International politics. China is politically very close to Pakistan for two reasons. One is that Pakistan is Anti  India which serves Chines purpose.  The another reason is China is having Xinjiang province on its North which is dominated by Muslims and where they are facing Terrorism. China wants that Pakistan should not encourage them. Besides that China has tremendous economic interest in Pakistani. China is building Gwadar port in Baluchistan and also building highway(i.e. Through occupied part of Kashmir) up to Gwadar from China. That will brings China up to Arabian Sea with the most modern "Chines Navel Base".

                                            America may be also knowing that Pakistan is giving shelter to those Terrorists  who serve their purpose. But it is helpless because it does not want to throw Pakistan completely on the lap of China.
                                            It is also interesting that China has offered Economic help to Nepal with promise to build International Airport at Kathmandu and highway through Tibet up to Nepal. That will open new avenues of trade for China. China has also mutual agreement with Myanmar and  also purchasing  right of Oil. China is  building one port for Sri Lanka and along with Trade Agreement. All these moves shows that China is trying to corner India economically and politically.
                                            Jawaherlal Nehru was betrayed by China in the year 1962. Chines were then taking about Panchsheel with slogans of' Hindi Chini Bhai, Bhai'. The same tricks are being played again with Narendra Modi( i.e. One side taking about Indo-Chines friendship and other side working against the interest of India.)
                                            In the context above India has to be more careful with China by strengthening it Economically and Militarily. It requires deep political analysis in order to under stand the each and every political moves of China. In short China do not talk what it mean.