Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Nationalism and Treason
                                                                                                                                                              The Indian constitution gives right of expression but there is a very thin line between right of expression and Treason. It appears that law for treason has to be made  more specific and crystal clear. It should not amount the genuine criticism of the governmental actions and policies as Treason. Besides that the right of expression should not be exploited for damaging the nation.
                                                   The constitution has provided certain  measures which give reservation to the downtrodden people including backward communities. It can not be changed without amending the constitution that too with 2 third majority in parliament. Besides that new reservations for some more communities cannot be added without process vice versa. Hence to demand the further right of reservation on the basis of cast should be non violent and not be at the cost of law and order.

                                                    The two things are emerging from the present situation that no body can take law in his hand to brake the country and its law and order system. Besides that it shows that the law has all tools to to handle Anti Social Elements. It does not mean that people cannot fight for their right but it means that all agitation should be peaceful and within the frame work of Indian constitution. Every agitating leadership has to create very powerful public opinion for their issues. The few people for their narrow ambition can not destroy the peace of society.

                                                        It requires deep thinking and further measures to strengthen Nationalism in the Country. That will only reduce such instances

Friday, March 18, 2016

Donald Trump
                                                                                                                                                           The clear picture is emerging regarding the American Presidential candidates for the forthcoming American Presidential election of November 2016. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton may be Presidential candidates of Republican and Democratic Parties respectively.
                                                                                  However Donald Trump is the most controversial among  people and also in his party. He has made several controversial statements to the effect that 'Muslim should not be allowed to enter America until they are properly screened and action taken thereon. He is also of view that Mexican illegal immigrants are criminal and all illegal Mexican should be deported. Besides that he wants to built wall across the Mexican/American Border in order to stop further Illegal Immigrants. He is also not happy with the HBI Visa as it brings cheap labor from abroad which takes away the jobs of local qualified Americans. In short some time he attacks Women, Minorities and Illegal Immigrants. He also said recently that Bollywood Actor like Anil Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and Depeeka  are taking away the acting jobs from Hollywood Actors which he will try to stop it. It is because some of the Hollywood actors have complained about the same. It is to be noted that his main rival from Democratic Party is Hillary Clinton. It may be that  some of the White conservative voters may like his outburst but in process  Republican Party may lose some of the votes of  Women. Minorities and Immigrants. It is not the views of Trump which worries Republican Party but it can not afford to lose the votes of  Minorities and Women etc. It is said that if Trump is selected as Republican Presidential candidate then Hillary Clinton will be the natural beneficiary of the same.
                                                                                The loud protests are coming against the certain statements of Donald Trump from within his party. The Bobby Jindal a Republican has loudly protested against the candidature of Donald Trump. He said  it will be dangerous for the Republican Party to selects Donald Trump as Presidential Candidate. Even South Carolina Republican Governor Nikki Helly has  also protested against the some of the statements of Donald Trump.
                                                                               The Present American President Barrack Obama has protested against  the Uncultured and Divisive Speeches of Donald Trump.' UK Research Group' have also said that' It will be Danger for the World if Donald Trump is elected as the President of the America.
                                                                               However with all those protest Donald Trump is still leading among all Republican Candidates and he has stated that ' There will be riots if  I am not nominated as a presidential candidate of Republican Party. Let us watch very  exciting race for the American President for November 2016.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Indian Public Sector Banks and Indian politics

                                                                                                                                                          Indian public sector banks are in very bad shape due to its Non performing Assets amounting to Rs 40528 Crores. The public sectors banks shares and reputation have gone down because of the above factors. The  King Fisher Airlines ' NPA' of Rs 9000 Crores have added fuels to the fire. The present bad conditions of the banks are due to the politicization of the banks by politicians thereon.
                                                                               Mahatma Gandhi said that 'If the instrument used for anything is not good  than it will bring bad consequences'. The banks were nationalized in the year 1969 for political reasons by Indira Gandhi . Indira Gandhi wanted to show that she is leftist and want to help poor to get bank credits. It was a political move to crush her political opponents without knowing the consequences of her action. Her then Dy Prime Minister and Finance Minister  Morarji Desai was for free economy. He had introduced Social Banking Order through which he wanted to compel Banks give 40% of their deposit  to priority sector including to poor. This was done in order to avoid nationalization of the Banks. However through political manipulations  Indira Gandhi removed Morarji Deasi and nationalized the Banks. It turn out to be politicization of the banks. The NPA of the banks started increasing thereafter. It was too late for government to realize that banks have become a liabilities.
                                                                            The all India Bank Employees Association has recently published the list of top Fifty defaulters of the Banks amounting more than Rs 40000 Crores. The figures are from reliable sourses which showas very poor state of affairs in the Banks. It  may be due to the politicalization of loans and including due to the political appointments on the top management positions of the public sector banks.
                                                                         The poor affaires in the public sector banks have now encouraged government to issue licences to open banks in the private sector. However how to solve large' NPA' problems of public sectors banks? It is a great loss to the Indian public,