Friday, December 11, 2015

The Sign of " World War"
                                                                                                       The 'ISIS' has started  Terrorising the world. It will be interesting to note that 'ISIS is created by the wrong policies followed by the previous American President, George W Bush. He ordered to attack Iraq for Three reasons as follows
1) For having weapons of Mass Destruction
2) For having relations with Terrorist who made attack on World Trade Center/Pentagon
3) For having relation with Al-Qaida

                                                          Iraq was defeated and then Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussein and his Son were killed.  America could not find any Weapons of Mass Destruction and it was also concluded that Iraq had nothing to do  with Terror Attack on World Trade Center/Pentagon. Besides that Iraq had no connection with Al-Qaida.
                                                         In the process America has to bare the cost of $1.7 Trillion War. Four Thousands American soldiers died and 35000 soldiers were injured. It is also reported that $500 Billion unpaid benefits to US  veterans of Iraq war will cost 40 Trillions Dollars to USA over next 40 years. The Iraq War was the most expensive and had very much damaged the American economy.
                                                        Besides that the political and military vacuum was created in Iraq.  Saddam Hussien use to control whole Iraq including Sunny, Siist, and Kurdish Rebels.  The out of chaos the'ISIS' has come up which now control the considerable territories of  Iraq and including of Syria.

                                                        The consequently whole Middle East i.e. from Pakistan to Syria is under fire of Terrorism. It has now started spreading in Europe to America and also in South East Asia. Thus the whole world is now under fear of terror and any bad thing can happen any where in the world. Therefore USA, UK, FRANCE, RUSSIA are already involve directly or indirectly against the'ISIS'. The world consus is also developing against Terror and it may turn out to be the'World War' against Terrorism.



Monday, December 7, 2015

                                                                                                                                                                People are always seek for Happiness and avoid Unhappiness. However happiness for one is Unhappiness for other. Therefore happiness is a relative term. Some time we invite unhappiness as we do not remain happy with what we are having. It is that approach only become the root cause of all miseries. Hence how we change our way of thinking is important. In other term what is Happiness?

Happiness is within, do not go on searching it
The positive approach only, is the answer for it
People can be unreasonable why not to forgive them
They may accuse selfish then also be kind to them
One will hear fales comment if one is successful
Why to worry for, and has to be graceful
One is honest and it becomes his liability
Onee may be cheated  that does not mean to leave honesty
One is having comforts which attracts jealousy
But that should not be a factor for unhappiness in you
One do good for his own satisfaction
why to crave for returns out of those action.
The any amount of good is not enough in this world
Hence to continue once best  for happiness for all
                                Therefore happiness for all will come when all will be kind towards all regarding faults.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Global Warming
                                                                                                                                          The Global Warming conference of the world was open at Le Bourget, France on 30th november 2015 wherein 180 Countries had participated. The issue is very  urgent as Global warming has reached to such a stage where Sea level continue to rise plus Extreme Weather prevailing i.e. Drought or Storm.
                              The environment havoc is being created mostly by rich and develop countries i.e. Presently developing countries like China and India. USA has thrown 258  trillion tons carbon in last fifty years while China has thrown 158 trillion tons carbon in the same period. It is reported that China has present pollution level 25 times more then the safety level consider by World Health Organization. Thus China contributes 28% of world emission.

                             The 1997 Kyoto Protocol requires only Rich counties to cut emission but USA had not signed the said protocol. While the present world conference seeks cooperation of all countrie in order to reduce the Emission. They want to bring the warming level of 3.8 degree fahrenheit which was the warming level before Industrialization.

                             In view of above following corrective steps are being suggested.
1)To reduce the reliance on Coal, Oil, and Gas and to use renewable energy like Wind, Solar.
2)The amount of Ethanol in Gasoline has to be boosted.
3)China has also pledge to put ceiling on its Emission Twice as much around 2030
4)The developed countries need Financial and Technological support to make transition to Clean Energy.  28 Global investors have assured the support for the same including Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.
5)Besides that each and every country should fix the targets for controlling pollution.
                               These are the Measures to be implemented urgently in order to save our Mother Earth.