Tuesday, October 13, 2015

                                                                                                                                                           Some people are gifted with the art of creating 'Humor'. However humor is created out of happiness and as well as out of tragedy in one's life. But the humor which is created out of cutting  jokes on himself is the best one. It is also considered to be very cruel to create humor by cutting jokes on others.
                                     One of the humorist writers stated that he always wants to look young. Hence he avoids to see through mirror for hiding his age.  In other case one of the writers jocularly described  his thin, tall body with pale face while  making attempt to fight with well built wrestler. These are such examples of humor of high qualities.

                                      However  tragedy is always peeping behind the face of humor. Socrates was very humorous man, but his wife was very crude and quarrelsome. He survived only because of his jolly nature. One of the well known Gujarati humorist  Dhansukhlal Mehta was always ill and was taking lots of medications. He remarried after the sad demise of his first wife. His second wife Sarlaben also became insane and was shifted to mental asylum. She use to throw anything comes in her hands targeting anybody. Dhansukhlal was also targeted by her. Someone asked him whether his wife recognize him or not? He use to reply with  big smile," Of Course she do recognize me. she throws the things accurately on me." but the tragedy was reflecting behind his humor.

                                        One of the another Gujarati humorist Jyotindra Dave was was once attending the meeting wherein the topic of 'Widow Remarriage' was being discussed very hotly. The members were very much agitated over the subject. He got up and told members that 'We are here to discuss widow remarriage and not to create more widows.'
                                        Even great politicians are also some time very sporty and humorous. During the second world war Franklin Roosevelt, President of America, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were holding high level meetings at London. Once early morning the American President  got one good idea how to face the war?  He hurriedly rushed to the British Prime Minister's room. Winston Churchill was just coming out of his bathroom with towel around . It was a very embarrassing moment for American President and he was just going back, Then Churchill jocularly said ' The British Prime Minister has nothing to hide from the President of America.' This is very sophisticated way of creating humor.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Recession in China
                                                                                                         China economy is slowing down but it may also affect on other countries economies i.e. In positive and negative Sense. The world stock market has also declined in negative affect. The world wide people have lost money who have invested in Chines companies.  Besides that developing countries like India has chance to strengthen its economy through better performance. This is a positive side of it.
                                       China is a close country which is being ruled  by authoritarian regime wherein conflict of ideology is going on between reformers and hardliners. The present Chines President Xi Jinping  is progressive and especially he is against Corruption. He has taken strict action against Corrupt Officials and the Office Bears of party which has created stiff resistance against him. This is a political situation prevailing in China. The lower class and middle class has come up economically in the Chines Society which is demanding now higher wages. It is also creating unrest in the Chines Society. Besides that vast production of Chines goods are creating problems in the absence of sufficient local consumptions and decrease in Export. China has also started to look at the country like Vietnam wherein labour is cheap. Besides that China has devalue its currency in order to encourage its export.
                                         In view of above Chinese economy is slowing down and stock market has gone down by 30%. Its GDP has come down to 7% from high as 10.5%. The 64 Million Housing is vacant and the Biggest Mall of China is occupied  1% only. China has one another disadvantage that young people median age in 2013 was  35.4. In the race of industrialization 500  largest Chines city maintains the quality air standard of 1%. only. The 1/3 of surface water and 60%of under water is unfit for human consumption. It adversely affecting the health of the people. The defective Birth rate of Babies in China is increasing by 40%.
                                       Besides that about 500 million people in China are still earning less then$2/- per day i.e. They are still living below poverty line. Even 35 million people are still living in caves in the interior China. China also has also strict censorship on communications and on the account of that Social medias like 'Facebook' and 'Twitters' are being blocked.
                                            In short China is in difficulties due to all  adverse points mentioned as  above. However it can also make negative impacts on the world economy.


Friday, October 2, 2015

Unknown Things about Mahatma Gandhi
                                                                                                            Mahatma Gandhi who was born on 2nd October 1869 is a world figure but some of his and thoughts and actions are very controversial.  However his name is being highly exploited for political and social reasons.   He is remembered generally on his Birthday or Death Anniversary in order to get Political Mileage.
                                                                   He had a strange way to manage himself  which were considered as unpractical fads.  On the eve of Indian independence he told Congress Ministers not to take salary more then 500/- per month and to stay in very small house. However it was ignored.
                                                                   He was dead against partition of the Country.  He advised top congress leaders to hand over the Prime Ministership India to Mohamedali Jinnah in order to avoid partition of the India. He knew the miseries and consequences of partition but congress leaders were not ready to hear him. Therefore he never took part in the celebration of Indian Independence and went to Noakhali, Bengal which was disturbed badly with Communal Riots.
                                                                   Gandhi was always sympathetic to the weaknesses of the people as he was well aware of his own  drawbacks  Therefore he recruited all short of people to strengthen the independence struggle. He knew very well that some his followers  were not agreeable to his ideology or thinking. He selected Pandit Nehru as prime minister but show that Sardar Patel also included in cabinet to balance the situation prevailing then.
                                                                    Gandhiji was very humble and once he said that 'He is a common man but some people have made him 'Mahatma' out of it'. He believed that if once conscious is clear he should not worry about  public criticism. However he also believed that' if one realize his his mistake any time then he should not hesitate to accept it. Once one of his followers draw his attention to the fact that some of his Ashram Residents are  behaving loosely pointing out his style of walking i.e. Putting his two hands on the shoulders of two young girls. He ignored it telling that ' He does not care as his conscious is clear.' However thereafter he started observing  the movements of Ashram's people and he wrote publicly in the 'Harijan' that the comment of said follower had truth in it. Therefore he was Mahatma in real sense.
                                                                  He did experiments on him self on many controversial subjects but he never hide it from public. His rebellion son Hiralal use to bow down to his mother in public meeting of Gandhi and use to declare that 'He has become Mahatma at the cost of his mother.' Gandhiji was very sorry for his son. He said ' I  gave culture to whole country but fail to give my own son'
                                                                 However he was a mass leader because he represented common man of India by thought, action and practice.  Such man born one in thousands of year.