Tuesday, July 21, 2015

                                                                      Celebrities are always surrounded by glamour and fans. However their greatest problem is insecurity regarding maintaining their position on the top. Besides that  they are also surrounded by flatterers, and sometime they lose their balances between good and bad. They intentionally or unintentionally overshoot the line of law that brings them into trouble. It also incidentally create impression right or wrong  that ' They think themselves to be above law' . It is not correct because before law every one is equal.

                                                           In America also several celebrities have come into trouble before law and they have to under go under judicial punishments.  The heir of 'Hilton Empire' Paris Hilton was sentence  for 45 days jail for traffic violation. She was not happy but she has surrender before law. Recently  Famous Hollywood comedian Bill Crosby has come in to trouble due  to alleged accusation of sexual offences.He is considered  to be fatherly figure and Moralist on Soap Box.  But it very dangerous to come in clutch of law.

                            In India also  famous and well known actor Sanjay Dutt is undergoing imprisonment of five years imposed by Supreme Court of India under 'Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act for possessing the prohibited arms during 'Mumbai Blasts Case of 1993. Similarly  Super Star Salman Khan was sentence to five year prison in' Hit and Run Case 'of 2002. He was driving recklessly under the influence of alcohol whereby his car clash on footpath and some of the people are injured and killed. He is on  bail at present.

                             It shows that the law of the land is the only thing which bring the defaulting celebrities to face  ground realities.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Iran Deal
                                  It is surprising that countries who are having nuclear arms are after Iran for not allowing it to make  nuclear arms. However  it appears that all efforts are to control the balance of power in the Middle East.
                                  It is also to be noted the because of the connivance of USA and China the Pakistan is now Nuclear Power. Even North Korea is also equipped with Nuclear arms on account of China. In short it is a power game of powerful Countries.
                                   USA, China, Britain, Germany, Russia and all powerful countries imposed  Economical Sanction on Iran through United Nation in order to prevent Iran to manufacture Nuclear Arms. In the process Iran economy is being  strangled which is the 3rd largest Crude Oil producing Country in the world. The economies of other Counties also suffered due to shortage of Oil.
                                  However the agreement with Iran in respect of Nuclear Arms was the only course for all world power instead of going to war with Iran. Iran was also suffering economically due to sanction. Hence the amicable solution of  agreement was the  best option. There was a opposition against a deal from Israel and from Republican in USA. This is because Israel is in very venerable position with Iran because Iran  is very much against the existence of Israel. Besides that Israel and opposition of the deal believes that it gives breathing time to Iran for manufacturing Nuclear Arms. The economic recovering from sanction will give Iran opportunity to divert more funds towards manufacturing Nuclear Arms and Research thereon.

                                   Besides that Iran is Seas dominated  country which is creating problems for Yemen and other Sunny dominated countries in Middle East and including for Israel. Once Obama stated that Iran is 'Wicked Empire' which is authoritarian country. However Obama has only option of amicable agreement through negotiation instead of going to war with Iran.  He is following the policy of Ronald Reagan i.e. of Negotiation. Reagan once said to Russian  Leader Gorbachev in Geneva that" I bet the hard liners in both our Countries are bleeding when we shake hands" . Even  John Kennedy said that" Let us never Negotiate out of Fear but never Fear to Negotiate" Barrack Obama is following the same policy of Negotiation in spite of opposition of hard liner at home.
                                The other partners of USA  were also finding it difficult to maintain the sanction on Iran. Hence fair deal through negotiation with Iran was the best option. However  United Nation and Supervisory authority of Nuclear Arms has to be more vigilant in order to make deal successful with Iran. Let us wait and watch.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Greece Economic Crisis
We have come across first time that" The economic crisis of bankruptcy is being faced by any developed country in the world". The Greece in verge of becoming defaulters in paying the  IMF Loan, and Loans from European Countries. Besides that Greece  has to pay 240 Million Euro loan given by the European Central Bank .
                                               Greece is going through worse economic recession with several austerity measures like cash withdrawal restriction  of $67/- per week from  ATM and 120 Euro per week from the Banks (i.e. Who do not have debit card)receptively. The banks capital are dangerously low.
                                                In view of above  economic crisis even the emergency liquidity Assistance of 90 Million Euro from European Central Bank is also in danger.
                                                  European Union is also worried due to above crisis.  The France President  Hollande  said that ' It is not the problem of Greece but it is the future of European Union is at the stake.' The president of  European Union Donald Tusk  believes that ' It may be the most critical  moment of the history.'
                                                    The people of Greece are fed up with the austerity measures and they have voted  by 64 %  against the further  austerity measures.  The Greece is near standstill and creditors are giving long rope to Greece in order to obtain a viable proposal for taking out of the financial crisis

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Qualities-Good and Bad
                                             There is always conflict between good and bad qualities in life. It has also  long history in this world. Good has to always suffer at the hand of bad but it is said that ultimately goodness prevails.  All Epics and great Wars were fought only on that basis.  In Gita it is said that Dharma always prevail i.e. Goodness always Wins.  Christ said when he was crucified that 'They do not know what they are doing' i.e. They have given up the good qualities of their Lives.

                                            It is also true that the importance of goodness will not be recognized if there is no badness.  The Love, Affection, Mercy,Nonviolence, Tolerance, Truth and Forgiveness are some of the aspects which are connected with goodness. While Violence, Lies, Cruelty, Vindictiveness. Jealousy and Greediness are some of the aspect are connected with badness. Hence life is a struggle wherein one has to fight even against badness. Therefore conflict of good and bad is inevitable in life.

                                           The  some of the poets have tried to differentiate the differences between  good and bad in their own way.
                                           One of the poet said ' Once Ocean asked River-
" Why do you merge in my salty water?"
  "It is process to make you  Sweeter"   replied River.

                                           That is how poet tries to show contrast in good and bad qualities.
This is one another instance wherein flower was asked-
" What do you get by spreading your fragrance?"
" To take is trading, but one gets lots of love without expectations"  replied Flower.
                                             It shows that people with good qualities will always react positively while  badness reaction is negative. It is said that 'Truth always Win'. That is to say that good qualities always stand by Truth.  Therefore all Saints are the ' Truth Seeker'.