Sunday, June 21, 2015

International Yoga Day-21st June 2015
                                                       The United Nation General Assembly passed resolution on 11th December 2014 to observe the 21st June of the year as a International Yoga  Day. The 177 Countries of the world supported the said resolution. Therefore 21 st June 2015 is being observed as International Yoga Day.
                                                       It is being reported that Yoga is being practice since 2500 B C. It was practiced in 'Indus Saraswati Valley Civilization' of Indian culture. The two great saints of India Agatsya Rishi and Patanjali Sashtri propagated the Yoga through out India. The book title 'Yoga Sutra by Patanjali Sashtri is considered to be authority on Yoga. Shri Krishna in Geeta also described various types of Yoga to Arjuna. i.e. Karma Yoga connected with body, Bhakti Yoga connected with emotion, Jnana Yoga connected with mind and Kriya Yoga connected with energy receptively.
                                                      The question arises that what role is being played by Yoga in human society?  Yoga word has come from Sanskrit word Yuj.  The Yuj means to unite.  Yoga  encourages the unity of mind,  thought, body and action. It  prevents decease and work for health promotion. It also teaches about the management of life style. Besides that it  is for oneness of soul, body, nature and the world. It helps to create consciousness to understand the climate change.
                                                      In short Yoga is not connected with any Religion but it is meant for the well being of whole humanity.









 sed resolution on 11 th december 2014 to o 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Self Respect of India
                                                                                                                                         India has rightly reacted against  the Terrorist/ Militant activities going on  against it within the border of Myanmar.  The Indian commandos went within the 20 km border of Myanmar and destroyed the two camps of militant who were troubling the states of Manipure, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh. It is reported that commandos killed 20 militants but the casualties may be of about 100.  It is similar to some extent the operation of American commandos i.e. Raiding and killing Usma Bin Laden in Abbottabad in Pakistan.  The recent Indian operation in Myanmar has also helped to boast the morale of the Indian people.

                                            The Pakistan had several time attacked India through  terrorist and the UPA Government in India had taken lying down every time by simply protesting about it. That had affected the morale of Indian people and they were not happy about it. However the recent action of 'NDA' Government  is being very much appreciated by the Indian people.
                                            India has to learn  from USA that how it struggled and tracked down Usma Bin Laden who was a master mind behind the attack on World Trade Center. Besides that Israel is another country from which one country has to learn how to retaliate the attack  by enemy. Israel also offered to help to India in respect of Terror Attacks i.e. Including to help against terrorist attacks in Kashmir.
                                           All these facts shows that by complaining against Terror/Militant attacks have no meaning. Those attacks  have to be properly retaliated. That will be only effective  replies.

                                             There was a surprise adverse reaction from  Pakistani media and politicians  against the recent commandos operation in Myanmar.  It warned India that not to take Pakistan leniently in such matters as it is  a Nuclear Armed Nation.  In other words it has created positive effects on Pakistan that India is capable of taking such actions against any country who is indulging in such destructive activities. The credit goes to the Narendra Modi Government for taking such firm action against the Terrorist and Militant activities.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"Make In India" Project of Narendra  Modi, PM- Progress Thereon
                                                             The American defense Secretary Carter visited India very recently and signed many agreements pertaining to manufacturing of defense equipment in India including the passing on of  'Aircraft Carrier' designing/ building technology to India. Besides that China and  Japan are also installing the plants to manufacture the various types of goods in India. In the process China and Japan will invest 20 Billion Dollar and 25 Billion Dollar receptively in India. Japan has also  agreed to put various factories in the Industrial Corridor of Mumbai -Delhi. China has committed to establish industrial park in Gujarat.
                                                           Even American companies are also investing  in India as they are interested in using the young intellectual power  of India. It is to be noted that India is producing 1.5 million  Engineering professionals Every Year.  Besides that 65% of Indian population is Young and below 35. Hence India is bubbling with young people which can be utilized for Industrial Purpose
                                                            The Industrial climate for the investment in India is very favorable.  The following companies have invested in India as under-
i) Amozon- 2 Billion Dollar in E- commerce
2) Uber    - 400 Million Dollar in  E- commerce
3) Soft Bank Corp(Japan)- 800 Million Dollar in On line Retailer.
4) Catamaran Venture- 96.2 Billion Dollar in Software Technology
5) Zomato- 50 Million Dollar in Software Industry
                                                     Besides that many High Tech Start Up companies like Grofer, MobiK Wik, Zopnow, Paper Tap,  have also attracted considerable amount of funds from abroad. This shows that Modi's 'Make In India'Project is picking up. The transfer of technologies to India in the fields of Energy, Atomic Research, Railway, and defense sectors will change the industrial face of India.
                                                      Besides that Indian GDP is also rising and it will surpass the Chines  GDP of 7.5 very soon.  That is also one of the plus point in this matter.