Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Completion of One Year- Narendra Modi Government
                                                                                                                                              Now days it is hot subject that 'How is the performance Modi government on its completion of one Year? Narendra Modi was given absolute majority with the high expectation from the people. However those expectations were raised by Modi himself only by giving promises before election that" He will bring Achhe Din Soon".
                                                                                  The Economist are now minutely watching the performance of his government in One Year.  The Government has failed to control prices and could not bring the black money back from Abroad. Besides that  more and more farmers are committing  Suicides due to bad rainfall and drought.  The performance of the government is slow.It is also reported by 'The Economic Times of London' that" Modi government progress is very slow. It is One Man Band i.e. Narendra Modi. It says that Modi has been not able to control the fanatic elements among Hindus.  However it is good that no major communal riots have taken place in India. It is also commented that Modi has not yet come out of his mental attitude of Regional Leader of Gujarat. " Besides that opposition also says that the  government is being run by three persons only i.e. Narendra Modi. Arun Jetley and Amit Shah. This is  what being said about Narendra Modi government performance in one year .
                                                       However on the foreign front Modi has traveled more than 16 Countries so far and there are some of the points are to be noted,
1)The Saudi Arabia was convinced to one Time delivery premium charges on Crude Oil
2 ) In Bhutan India is building four hydro power stations plus Dam out of which India will get share in Green Energy produced
3) India will built the biggest Dam in Nepal out of which India will get 83% Green Energy produced from the Dam
4) Japan has agreed to invest $30 billion in Delhi -Mumbai Investment Corridor. Japan will also help to built 16 Nuclear Power Plants in India
5) Vietnam has also agreed to give oil exploration contract to 'ONGC'.
6) The increase import of Crude Oil from Iran. Besides that India is building 'Chabahar' Port in Iran
7) Australia will also supply Uranium for producing Energy
8) The Pro China President of Sri Lanka was defeated because of important role played by Raw. This is being reported by CIA.
9) China is going to invest $20 Billion in India. Besides that on Trade front China may face Anti Dumping Law by Government of India or It has to invest more money in India
10) India is developing Good Roads Network in the North East and around Chines Border in spite of Chines protest.
11) India has in recent ties up with Pentagon, Israel, and Japan has fixed that Pakistan  may lose Baluchistan in event of another terrorist  attack like Mumbai.
12) Indian air force is being further strengthen by supply of 36 Rafele Jet Fighters from France. France has also agreed to make Nuclear Reactor with Indian Company.
13) Canada also Agreed to  supply Uranium to India.
14) Canada signed Bilateral Deal with India and  Agreed to  give Visa on Arrival to Indian Citizens.
                                                           These are some of the  Positive the Negative Points regarding the one year performance of Narendra Modi Government. We hope it will improve its performance further in due course of time.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Decline of Marriage System

                                                                                                                                                                                       Marriage system is based on Contract or on religious Sanctity. However its concept depends upon the relative religion of the concerned parties. Besides that it is also a foundation of civilized societies.  It is being observed that the marriage system is now loosing its main purpose of disciplining  the young couples who are supposed to create the good and pleasant societies. The system which was formed on Understanding, Adjustments, and sacrifice has apparently lost all its qualities . Therefore the cracks are appearing in the marriage system. The Economical conditions, Marriage laws and the Wrong concepts of Privacy/ Liberty have thrown Fuel in the Fire.
                                           In the view of above the new concept of living in relationship with contract or to live in relationship with understanding has come up. That amounts to have licence to live in intimate relationship or  sexual relationship without any responsibilities on the part of concerned partners.These are the clear cut signals of declining marriage system.
                                           The half of America is single.It may be because of death of the one of the spouses or a person is divorcee or a person is unmarried. The divorce rate of the married couple is also increasing. The divorce rate of the world to day stands to 20% while it is 50% in USA. It is observed from survey that the Average age for marriage in  USA  for boy is  about 33 years while for girl it is about 28 years. This shows that next generation is delaying the marriage for the best reasons known to them.
                                            Even the rate of divorce is also going  up. The Japan is traditional and  very conservative country wherein the divorce rate has reached as high as 32%.  Even in India also the divorce rate has gone up to 14%. The marriage is considered  to be pious and  life long  bond in Indian Culture.  In spite of that the divorce rate is increasing in India. It is a matter of great concern for Indian society.
                                             The question arises in the mind that "Why so many divorces are  taking place in the Society ?  There are some specific reasons for the divorce but we have fail to rectify the same.  Following are some of the reasons for divorce.
1) Nowadays the Marriage are mainly based based on physical attraction which vanishes with the time.
2)Some time different brought up with different natures or status or  traditions also creates rift in the couple and ultimately it reaches to divorce.
 3)The ladies are now well educated which makes them  career minded. It blocks the road of adjustments
4) There are no feeling of sacrifice, and adjustments among the partners.
5) The wrong concept of limitless liberty and too much privacy also bring the divorce.  
                                               However all these things show that marriage system is on declining stage. Therefore it is necessary to take corrective steps in order to stop further deterioration of the marriage system.  It is better to take necessary action before it is too late


Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Mess in  Jammu/Kashmir
                                                                                                                                                              The condition of Kashmir is becoming delicate after the Mufti Mohamed Saiyed Government took over. The first step Mufti Mohamed took to release the Masrat Alam who is for the separation of Kashmir . Thereafter Mufti Mohamed claimed the  Mortal remains of the body of Afsul Guru who was hanged as he was responsible for  attacking Indian parliament. Mufti Mohamed also changed his  view on the resettlement of  displaced Kashmir Pundits. He said there is no necessary to have separate settlement of Kashmir Pundits. They can come and stay along with Kashmir people. In the process he overlooked the security of Kashmir Pundits if they come back to Kashmir and settle down.

                                                Masrat Alam  became very active as soon as he was released and organized rally along with  Hurriyat leader Gillani in fevour of Pakistan.  The Pro Pakistani slogans along with the Pakistani flags were flied during the Rally.  The media also exposed one Pro Pakistani women leader holding women meeting in her house along with Pakistani flag. It was reported that such things are going on since long time on Pakistan Day Celebration. The Hurriyat leader Gillani who was under house arrest slipped from his house to attend the Pro Pakistani Rally. Gillani also gave very explosive statement recently to the effect that 'Amarnath Yatra should not be allowed more than One Month. Besides that one of the  young agitators who took part in the Pro Pakistani  demonstration was killed is made out to be' Shahid'. The Pakistan  has also started advising India on Kashmir matter. It amounts to the interference in the internal  affairs India.

                                          These above matters are very ridiculous  which are  happening in Kashmir. No country in the world will  tolerate such  matters.  India has to strongly act  to control the situation otherwise India  may loose Kashmir on account of weak policy.