Thursday, February 19, 2015

The performance of Narendra Modi Government During Nine Months
                                                                                                       Narendra Modi became Prime  Minister with the very big  mandate and with very high expectation among  the people of India.
                                                                                                           Narendra Modi has been very much balance in making statements but has failed to control his MP and Party Men to stop making contradicting and Statements with Religious colors. He has been taking about Clean and  Developed  India with the cooperation of all. However the statements coming from his people are  giving  different signals. They also shows signs of some hidden Agenda. He took long time to make statement that his Government will treat all Religions Equally.  It has also created wrong impression among the people and leaders of the world. The American President Barrack Obama also made some sarcastic remarks  about the divisive forces in India. It appears that Narendra Modi statement came thereafter to clarify his Government position.

                                                                                     Modi has also created good impression regarding  Indian foreign policy. He visited  America, Japan and several countries in order to establish cordial relation and also get good investment from them. However it will not be successful until the right climate is created for trade and business. He also tried to please 'NRI' by relaxing some of the Visa rules which were very much welcomed by them. Modi wants to create India as a manufacturing Hub so that it can become self reliant and can also increase its export. However the project has still not come up to take up position.  Deepak  Parekh Chairman of ' HDFC' has recently said that 'Nothing is changed in the rule under  Modi'. He added that' No concrete steps are being taken  so far in that direction.

                                                                                 Narendra Modi also tried to tightened the Civil Servants by controlling their execution timings and discipline. He has been successful up to great extent. However the appointment of  special officer on duty in various ministries with his prior approval has created lots of heart burning  at ministerial level. He some time takes decision directly at official level without knowledge of concerned Minister. The recent removal of Foreign Secretary is one of the instances.

                                                                               At  Party level Amit shah is in very much in confidence with him. It has created impression that he takes all decisions regarding party in consultation with Amit Shah and other party officials are ignored.  The one the very important officials of the party Pradute Vora has openly protested against the policies followed by Narendra Modi and Amit shah. There are also lots of heart burning in the 'BJP' due to its defeat in Delhi Election. It appears that 'BJP' is more or less busy with the winning the State Elections and forming the governments. This has side line the positive role of the government for developments.
                                                                            The Nine Months are passed and common men of India is still waiting for 'Achhe Din to Come'.  Nobody can not take it granted the people in Democracy forever. We do not know when people will change their mood which already reflected in the recent election of Delhi. Hence this is waking up call for 'BJP' and Narendra Modi. The announcement of projects are  not important but their executions are the most important. Let us Wait and Watch.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Arvind Kejriwal- An emerging hero of Indian politics
                                                                                  Arvind Kejriwal who is a convener of  Aam Admi Party has led his party to the glorious victory in the recent Delhi election by defeating  the National Parties like "BJP"  and "Congress". "BJP" hardly got few seats and "Congress" is fully wiped out.  However Arvind Kejriwal believes that it is victory of Truth and Honesty.
                                                                                   Arvind  Kejriwal is a known fighter against corruption. He is very much conversant with corruption prevailing in the Government Department  as he had also worked income tax department as a joint Commissioner of Income Tax. He was chasing the corruption in Government Departments through  right of information.  In the 2006 he received the Magsaysay Award for 'Emergent Leadership'.

                                                                                   He joined  Anna Hazare crusade  against government  with main objective to fight against corruption. He supported Anna Hazare for creating strong 'Lokpal Bill' in order to remove corruption from the public life. However every time government will go back to their assurances given  to Anna Hazare as soon as agitation is withdrawn. It had encouraged Arvind Kejriwal to enter in to politics which Anna Hazare considered to be Dirty.
                                                                                The success of Arvind Kejriwal in politic is the support of Youngster of India and the people who are fed up with the Corrupt System.  It is a glorious victory but it has also raised the high aspiration among the people. Therefore Kejriwal will have to  maturely and tactfully  handle the various problems faced by the Delhi. We wish him and his team best wishes for the success in their positive efforts.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Morarji  Desai's Birthday Anniversary - Quality of Leadership
                                                                     The Birthday of  Morarji Desai the first Gujarati Prime Minister falls on 29 Th February according to Christian Calendar Year( Which fall on leap Year i.e.  Every Four Years) However it is generally celebrated every year on 28 Th February  for the the shake of Convenience. "Dhuleti "the most Auspicious Day in Hindu Religion is his Birthday according to Hindu Calendar Year.
                                                                      He was a man of principles and values which became  his political liabilities. He paid heavily for the same in politic. He was not ready to compromise with the principles which he considered to be the incarnation of Truth.  It also created the impression of stiffness and unflaxibilitiy. Laxman use to draw his Cartoon by putting his Cap on the Stick(i.e.The Sign of Stiffness). However he rarely defended his criticism as he considered it as a Healthy sign in Democracy.  Once he said that if you considered me Stiff then you are also Stiff as you are trying to impose your view on me. But most important thing is that he was very much tolerant of different views.

                                                                     He was one of the best administrators and honest politician.He believed that you can be in politics with some values and principles. He never compromised with the public interest for his popularity. The old 'Bilingual Bombay State' administration was the best in India during his tenor as Home Minister and Chief minister thereafter.

                                                                       He once Sealed the news paper Daily Agrani 'Hindu Rashtra' run by Nathuram Godse(Who murdered Mahatma Gandhi) for writing continuously against Mahatma Gandhi then. Nathuram Godse complained to him for the same stating that he can write against anybody in the democratic set up of India.  He replied to him very curtly that you cannot go on writing against Gandhi whom whole Nation loves and Respect . You cannot hurt the sentiments of Indian Masses.  Bombay police then sent report against Godse and his colleagues for their undesirable activities. But Gandhiji could not be saved as he refused to allow screening of the people who come to his daily prayer meetings. He also handled very well all rebellion political leadership of Bombay including George Fernandes (A Trade Union Leader then).  Baburao Patel, Editor' Film India', Bombay then use to addressed him as a  Bull of Bulsar.  He was very strict once legally  proved that something wrong was done. He sent even Indira Gandhi to Tihar Jail for three days for misleading the parliament in spite of several representations by prominent political leaders. However he never allowed anybody to touch Indira Gandhi unless and until legally charges are proved. It is well known fact that Indira took the advantage of the same and toppled the' Janata Government' before the the publication of Shah Commission Report. The law and order was completely under control during his tenor in Bombay. The very few persons may be knowing that father of Don Daoud was one of the a honest constables in the Bombay police force then.

                                                                       His political career was damaged in Gujarat and Maharashtra by Dynasty and Wasted interest for stopping him from taking over reign of India after Nehru. Thereafter he has to wait for about more then fifteen  years to become the Prime Minister of India. However during his tenor as a Prime Minister all controls were removed and all essential commodities were available freely and in plenty. The inflation rate was the lowest  in the history of independent India during his time. The International Relations were very cordial  including with Pakistan. He reestablished the democracy and amended the constitution in such a manner that Emergency cannot be imposed by any one without the absolute majority in parliament. It is unfortunate that his regime could not survived for long time otherwise Indian history would have been different.