Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Swami Vivekananda Memorial on the rock at  Kanyakumari- The 100 Th Birth Anniversary of  Honorable  Eknath Ranade Who was its  Architect.
                                                                         The 100 Th Anniversary celebration  of  Manniya Eknaath Ranade  has already started. The' RRS' had assigned this impossible and very difficult work to Ekanathji then as he had to work with the people with different wasted interest. However he was determine to create the memorial of a great  son of India at the rock where he mediated for several days to get the message of Hinduism for the whole Universe. Here only he decided then to go to' Dhrama Sansad 'of the world at USA  for giving message of Hinduism. Swami Vivekananda is still inspiration for the youth of India. The memorial is the living symbol of Swami Vivekananda.

                                                                        Manniya Ekanathji has not to struggle only with local forces but also political forces even then. He proved that he was not less then any clever diplomat in the world by creating the memorial on the rock where Swami Vivekananda  was inspired. Narendra Modi , Prime Minister of India also gave Manniya Eknathji Ranade very befitting tribute at the time of the '100th Anniversary celebration  Function.  Manniya Eknathji also had also opportunities to meet Sardar Patel and Lal Bahadur Shastri at the time of implementing the Swami Vivekananda memorial project. They also gave tributes to  Manniya Eknaathji. Sardar Patel Said ' People knows me as" Iron Man" but Eknathji is "Poladi Man". Lalbahadur Shastri also said that Congress should have such one person like Eknathji  for enslaving the whole  Congress party.
                                                                       I was very much impressed and inspired by the Vivekananda Memorial that had visited that place twice at Kanyakumari. Kanyakumaari it self is a very beautiful  place where all three Seas( i.e. Sea of Bengal, Arabian Sea and South Sea) meets and  can be seen the three different colors of water. Even the Sunset at Kanyakumari is the most beautiful, Scenic and colorful. Besides that if one sit on the rock or sit for mediation at Memorial Hall then one will feel the peace of mind and some types of vibrations which makes one life full of joy and pleasure. Therefore India is forever indebted to great dedicated person like Maniya  Eknathji Ranade for creating the great Memorial of Vivekananda at Kanyakumari.

That is Kanyakumari-
Kanyakumari  is the one end of India
which goes deep in the seas of south.
Where Swami Vivekananda once mediated
and now thousands of Indians are inspired
That is Kanyakumari-
Where the Heritage of Hindu culture is preserved
Where Wind also blows to give Peace and Joy
 It is a place where Swamiji started his mission
And  is a place from where Indian culture flourished
That is Kanyakumari-
That is a place called Kanyakumari
which is scenic and the most beautiful in the world.
That is Kanyakumari-
Bharat Desai

Friday, November 14, 2014

Jawaherlal Nehru- 14 Th November his Birth Day and known as 'Children Day'
                                                                                                                                                                To day is 14 Th November 2014 ' The 125 Th Birth Anniversary  of Jawaherlal Nehru first Prime Minister of India.  Nehru was a Mass Leader, Historian, and Statesman of the World,  He was very handsome and  charismatic  which had also attracted his personality among masses and including among women.  His mass popularity had also became his greatest weakness for taking certain decisions which have been not in the interest  of our country. We Indians are always Hero worshipers and we ignore the weaknesses of the Heroes.

                                                         Nehru was basically leftist and was very much impressed with European revolutions and its out come.  However he was completely secular by nature without knowing much about Hindu philosophy. One of his colleagues told in his biography that Nehru would have been more effective if he knew Hinduism in right perceptive.  However leftist generally do not go with religious philosophy. He was one of such leaders. He was leftist from beginning and all his friends who were studying in London with him were mostly leftist or fellow traveler. Once upon a time even his father Motilal Nehru who was conservative was worried looking at his ideological outlook. That was one of the reasons he brought to Jawaherlal under the influence Mahatma Gandhi. However it is also known very well that  Jawaherlal never agreed completely with the views of Gandhiji.  He headed the leftist group then in congress against majority conservative group.  Ram Manoher Lohiya, Jayprakash Narayan, and most of other leftist leader in congress were his best friends. Besides that most of the leftist leaders decided to leave the congress  after independence to form separate party. But Nehru decided to remain in congress .i.e. To implement the leftist policy from within. Ram Manoher Lohiya was arrested several time by Nehru Government during agitations  but their friendship remain in tact. Nehru use to send him fruits for Lohiya during his detention. That was a greatness of Nehru as he was democrat.
                          Jawaherlaa Nehru created a third force of Non-Aligned  in  order to give voice for new Independent Countries then among the world power i.e. USA and Russia. He also maintained the secular culture of India in the difficult time. He was a father of Industrialization in India including of the public sectors. He also executed huge Hydro Electric Projects like Bhakhara Naggal etc. It was his vision to have high technological schools like IIT etc. The Atomic, and Space Research were his pet projects. Hence he was very progressive mass charismatic leader.
                              However he had his ambition for taking the leadership of world  of the world.  Kashmir is still very crucial problem because he went to 'UNO' even ignoring the advise of Sardar Patel then.  Sardar was very strong in other cases like Junagadh and Hyderabad otherwise India would have been in deep trouble. Nehru was for strong unitary government of India on historical ground but he bow down as he was afraid of losing his popularity. Therefore he gave up   in the fevour of the  linguistic provinces. He believed in keeping  Bombay as a separate entity on account of its cosmopolitan nature. However he gave up against linguistic forces. He was very emotional, and  popularity conscious.

                             Besides that Nehru had soft corner for her daughter Indira Gandhi and he groomed her in his life time by managing to get her elected as a Congress President. It is to be noted that it was against the claims of several Senior Leaders of Congress then. That became the foundation of Nehru dynasty which we have already gone though.
                                However he was also founder of the roots of democracy in India which can not be forgotten on this day.


Monday, November 10, 2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Shivsena is at present on wrong foot without strong leadership. Besides that they have to deal with strong leader like Narendra Modi who has a capacity to cut any leader to his size.
                                  The crust of the problem is based on the exploitation of Regional Sentiments of Masses. However generally Maharashtra  masses are patriotic and cultured.  The lack of proper opportunities has created  discontent  among them. The local leadership is responsible for the same. Besides that local leadership is also trying to exploit their discontents by raising their regional feelings.

                                 Shivsena first raised huge cry against Gujarati Community who is well to do in Mumbai. The Gujarati Community has played very important role in the development of Mumbai and has been also instrumental in creating lots of opportunities for employment in the City.  Thereafter Shivsena pointed their Guns towards South Indian Community in Mumbai by alleging that they are taking away employment opportunities  of  Maharashtrian  community. The last target is was North Indians Communities who are mainly from UP and Bihar.  In the process they have created lots of bad test among all communities. India is a democratic free country and anybody can go anywhere and stay for Bread and Butter . It is their fundamental rights and nobody can encroached upon it.

                                 The architects of the recent election victory in Maharashtra are Narendra Modi and Amit Shah who are from Gujarati Community .  However the most important motto of  Shivsena is 'Hindutva' which is like minded to the the election manifesto of  'BJP'. However the Shivsena leadership is suffering from Ego and Regional narrow feelings. It is better if their leadership understand the situation otherwise it may  suffer further. The mood of the people in India and including in Maharashtra is for development and not on Cast, Creed and Regional feelings.

                                  In short no community in India is enemy of other but they only wish peace, development and employment. Hence any narrow agenda is now very difficult to sustain. It is also fact that Mumbai is a financial capital of India with Cosmopolitan Nature  which cannot be ignored. Therefore even last State Reorganization Commission also recommended for Separate Bombay State then. It is good that to satisfy the aspiration of Maharashtra it is kept with it. But one thing is certain that nobody can change the cosmopolitan nature of 'Mumbai' by any means.  

Monday, November 3, 2014

Sardar Patel-Birh Day 31st October
                                                                                                                                                          Sardar Patel was a iron man of India. He was responsible for amicably integrating the all native states of  India in the  Indian Union. It was a remarkable achievement in the history of India.
                                                             He also manged with the mischievous and rebellious  States like Junagadh and Hyderabad very tactfully. The entire Jammu and Kashmir State would have been with India if Sardar was allowed by Nehru to act in his own way.
                                                             Sardar was hard if situation demands. Sheikh Abdullah was once threatening to leave the constitution assembly on the status of  Jammu and Kashmir then. Sardar warned him that you may leave this house but you will not be able to leave Delhi as am a Home Minister of India. Sheikh was subsequently cawed down because of his warning. He told strongly once then the Governor General Lord Mountbatten that you are not ruling and not allowing us rule. It was a time of partition when there was total political crisis was going on in India. This shows he was not afraid of anybody.

                                                             However he was done lots of injustice by not allowing him to become the first Prime Minister of India  in spite of that he was carrying majority in the congress party then. His contribution for the country was also ignored  and he was not given due recognition for long time. It was unfortunate that when he was awarded the highest civilian award of India i.e. 'Bharat Ratna' then there was no body to receive it.

                                                              Some of the politicians are exploiting the name of Sardar Patel for the reasons best known to them.  As per example some of them are exploiting his name against Nehru family and other wants to compare themselves with him to carry public sentiments/support  for them. Besides that Sardar  belongs to the very well organized, and powerful community of' Patidar'. It is  a  very big and wealthy  community in Gujarat and as well as abroad. It is to be noted that at present majority of the ministers in the Gujarat Government are from Patel Community including Chief Minister. Sardar was a patriotic and nationalist leader but had soft corner for Patidars. He also encouraged and supported Bhaikaka i.e. Bhailalbhai Patel  for getting done some of his well meant projects in his native place..
                                                            My father C R Desai who was a City Engineer of Ahmadabad Municipality in the Forties. He told me one of the incident with Sardar Patel. He knew my father and our family very well . He brought Bhaikaka i.e. another Engineer as a adviser in the Municipality then.  My father thought it was indirect non confidence shown in him by Sardar Patel. He asked for the appointment of Sardar for change. Sardar never allowed him to talk and started asking about our family and how they are doing. Latter on he told him " I know why you have come.  You want to go back to your 'PWD'.  You and Bhailalbhai both have to work to gather for the development projects of Ahmadabad. You are not going anywhere. My father was taken back at the love and affection shown by Sardar. He never uttered a single word and sought his permission to leave. In short Sardar was very hard task master but he always treated the people who works for him as a family member. That was a greatness of Sardar Patel the Iron man of India.