Saturday, October 25, 2014

Lalbahadur Shastri a Former Prime Minister of India -Birth day on 2nd October
                                                                                                                           Lalbahadur Shastri was second congress Prime minister of India after Jawaherlal Nehru. He was simple, honest and man of character. He lived very simple life and died without much wealth. He became very popular because of victory of India in war with Pakistan. He gave slogan "Jai Jawan, Jai kishan". However died in Tashkent where he had gone to sign ceasefire treaty with Pakistan under mediation of Russia. It was very sad event.
                                                                                        Lalbahadur was from Allahabad and was very loyal to Nehru since beginning. Besides that he was sincere and honest worker who came up from lower to top leadership. He came up from very poor family where he had to cross the river by foot for going to school.

                                                                                       Morarjibhai was relived under' Kamaraj Plan  as he did not cooperated with the Nehru desires to make Indira Prime Minister. Lalbahdur was also relieved with Morarjibhai  in order show his impartiality as he was one of his his close colleagues. However Lalbahadur was taken back in the cabinet after a while giving him the ministry with out portfolio. It is history that thereafter Morarjibhai has to struggle for Prime Minister for more then ten years.
                                                                                       Lalbahadur was very mild and his loyalty to Nehru family was without any doubt. He had worked with Morarjibhai in the Nehru cabinet for several years and had great respect for his Character, Administrative abilities, and including of his principles. Therefore it is said that after the death of Nehru he refused to fight against Morarjibhai directly. However Kamaraj and his friends assured him that  eventuality will not arise for the same. Hence they brought the proposal of  consensus in order to avoid direct fight between both of them. It was also good proposal wherein  Kamaraj and his friends can do good amount of manipulations even. That is how they managed to make Lalbahadur as Prime Minister.
                                                                                  One another inside  story may be known to very few, wherein Lalbahadur will  also give away Prime Ministership to Indira Gandhi after some time. This is because Lalbahdur was the most reliable politician for Nehru family. Lalbahadur Shastri made then Indira Gandhi a Minister of Information in the cabinet which was not of liking of Indira Gandhi. Thereafter it is a history that Lalbahadur became more strong and popular after war with Pakistan. This made Lalbahadur position more sustainable and strong which was not in the fevour of Indira Gandhi. Hence when he died in Tashkent lots of speculations were raised in the political circles.  Even Lalbahadur family also raised doubt about it. This is because Russia was more inclined to Indira Gandhi then Lalbahadur Shastri.  In short Lalbahadur was Honest, Simple,  but was also loyal politician to ambitious Nehru Family.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

'Dhanterash'- A day for praying Laxmi  the Goddess of wealth
                                                                                         Hindus have recently celebrated the  'Dhanterash' day very recently. Some one will say it is contradiction of Hindu philosophy of Tyaga. However Hindu is not Religion but it is full of practical beliefs  which are very well balanced. Every thing in moderate way  can tune the life for happiness. Hence Hindu philosophy is Moderate not Extreme. Every year Indians are buying  Tons of gold from world market in order to increase their wealth in the form of Ornaments. On every 'Dhanterash' prior to Diwali Hindu prays Goddess of wealth Laxmi by putting before her whatever wealth they are having. Besides that they increase their wealth by buying some more gold/ diamonds Ornaments. Besides that they also present gold to their favorite Daities/ Temple which has also made many Temples like Ambaji(Gujarat), Sai Temple(Sharadi, Maharashtra), Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh) and Padmanabh Temple (Kerala) etc. Those Temples are worth of crores of Rupees and their wealth are increasing year by year.

                                                                                     It is very interesting to note that India's gold reserve is the highest in the world as it is mostly in the private hands in the forms of gold ornaments. It is said that India is having the gold in private hands which is amounting to the total of all gold reserves of five big Countries of world. This is because Indian believes that investment in gold is the most reliable and stable. It also shows that India is not poor in the terms of of gold reserve as it consumes the 39%of the world gold production per year. The 86%of the imported gold is going in private hands in the forms of Ornaments/Investments.  It is estimated  that  2000 Tons of gold is in the hands of Indian Temples only.

                                                                                 This is because the Hindu culture gives more importance to Gold as a good investment. It also encourages to the people to buy more and more gold on 'Dhanterash'. Indian people also buy Gold on the Marriages and on the important Social Events.  The gold is being accumulated for protecting one against the adverse time and the situation. In other words it is the economical and cultural doctrine of Hindu Culture.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Our Nebour Pakistan- Love Thy Nebour
                                                                                                                                                        Pakistan  is a nebour country but it is like toxic which irritates all the while.  Some people says that Pakistan  is a broken state or some believes the foundation of Pakistan is weak from beginning. It is also fact that you can not sustain any state on the name of religion. There are forces which are dividing Islamic states and even Pakistan is not exception. Sindhi people wants separate independent state and Baluchistan is struggling hard for the separation.Besides that Bangladesh is separated from Pakistan on economical and political reasons. This shows that religion cannot be reason for creating Nation. Pakistan is facing internal problems and finding it hard to hold to gather as a nation.The Pakistan army is the only force which can control the divisive forces. The civilians government of Pakistan fails to control then the army is the only alternative. It is a fact that most of the time army has been in charge after creation of Pakistan. That is the crust of the problem i.e.Power struggle.
                                                                    But in the process India has become a victims of all those conflicts. In such circumstances Pakistan government starts raising Kashmir issue or start firing on the International Borders i.e. to Divert the attention of Pakistani People.
                                                                   There is a internal problem in Pakistan at present where all political forces are fighting to grab power including army.This has created very embracing situation for the elected government of Pakistan . It has force the Pakistani government to  raise  the Kashmir issue and to start firing on the Border i.e, To divert attention of general public.. It is very complicated and irritating problem for India.
                                                                   It is better to solve the violation of ceasefire problem once for all. In the last war with pakistan we made them to accept the permanent ceasefire with us but now they are again on their old path. Hence now time has come to settle the problem of Kashmir permanently if necessary by force. Otherwise the present situation is not in the mutual interest of both of us.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Keys of Success.
                                                                                                                                                                  It is said in 'Geeta' that one should do  work sincerely and leave the success in the hands of 'God'. Besides that it also teaches that every work requires selfless motives.The selfless motives contains several factors which depends upon once attitude. What is that attitude which is the base of successful way of achieving the result of all efforts.

-Always to read the right literature for the right approach towards work.
-Do not share your strategies with others before starting your work.
-Do not tell the problems faced in achieving the success.This is because no body has interest in your work and problems.
-Do not keep relation with the people who are not supportive to your cause.It can reduce once energy level.
-One must wish for the success but must be ready for failure.
-Never run away from the problems because one may find opportunities in the same.
-One must maintain pose even in difficult time.The success is always matter of time.
-One must remember that all do not get success only few succeed.
-To day work has to be deal To-day only.
-Be friendly with the people who extend help in your work.