Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day- Tribute to my Mother
                                                                                                                                                                  It is a fashion to propagated that women should be empowered and they should be educated for the same. However my mother reminds me that she was full of energy and very active. She was not much educated but she was empowered within.  We had very big big family with several brothers and sisters but she she knew qualities and liabilities of each one us. She  use to handle us accordingly. Besides that she use to love us equally and use to give equal attentions to our educations and developments. Therefore we all brothers sisters are well educated and well qualified.
                                                                She never spent much on her self  but use to see that our all requirements are met and all  aspirations are fulfilled.  We had our own joy and setback in our lives but she shared all those thing with us and stood firmly behind us in time of need. Our father was little bit strict regarding discipline, and  teaching the value of money in life. He was of opinion that one should make his own balance life with good career i.e. Spending his own earn money for his pleasure. But our mother was of opinion that child can enjoy only in his childhood  as those are the care free days. That pleasure cannot be compared with spending of once own money with all duties and responsibilities in life. Therefore she was lenient in giving us reasonable amount  of money to spend for our Hobbies and Liking. However it is also fact that we always felt in our lives that we have not missed much pleasure in our childhood. In short we are satisfied that we had the best of the things in  our childhood. Besides that we are never impressed now with any sort of glamour and pleasures in India or Abroad.
                                                             We also learnt from her regarding how to keep the best of public relation in the Society. Her message clear that you should be always helpful to one  in need. That was her base for excellent public relationship. She use to rush always in the bad and good social events  to give all helps. She never cared if some one does not reciprocate. However it was surprising for us that how she use to manage most sophisticated  crowd and gathering. That too without much education. It has convinced me that there is a inherent power in the women who does not required any empowerment.  However those Energies are supposed to be properly channelized and that too without suppression.
                                                            The love of mother reflects every time you get hurt and you shout 'Oh Mom'. It also reflects when you are in trouble. Then it reminds you of her suffering  which teaches you the way of facing difficulties in life.  It is true that mother always prays for the welfare of her children. some people say that one should take the name of God at the time of death. However mother also stand equal to God.
                                                            I miss my mother's  love, affection, more and more with passing of time. It may be due to her love and affection still around me in the form of air vibrations.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Aamchi Mumbai
                                                                                                                                                               The above slogan was started with the "Sayukta Maharashtra " movement in the 1950. The name of  'Bombay' was changed to Mumbai  in the year 1995. The Mumbai is the wealthiest city in India and also the financial capital. Besides that it is a cosmopolitan city. The development in Mumbai is mostly done by outsider and including by Gujaratis. It is propagated that Maharashtra's people are loosing jobs because of migrants like South and North Indians. It has also created envy in the eyes of maharashtrian people that Gujarati people are very wealthy and they are dominating over social, financial, and political life of Mumbai. These all feelings has been the source of communal tension in the the Mumbai.
                                    In the the 50 even the Indian Parliament and Congress Party was not in fevour of giving then Bombay to Maharashtra. The " Bombay Citizen Committee " also advocated for the independent states of "Bombay" in view of its Cosmopolitan Nature.
                                    However their appears to be following are few main reasons for giving Mumbai to Maharashtra
1) The Maharashtra will not be Financially viable State without the  support of Mumbai.
2) There was a strong and emotional attachment of maharashtrian  people with the city of Mumbai for which more than 100 young men sacrificed their lives.
3)The public opinion of Maharashtrian people were so strong that even Nehru though that the state will slip away forever from the hands of congress if Mumbai is not given to Maharashtra. The Maharashtrian people are still grateful to Nehru Dynasty.

                                     It is no doubt that Mumbai is a Capital of Maharashtra but its prosperity is mainly contributed by outsiders i.e. Tata, Reliance, Godrej, Mafatlal, etc. The 'Shiv Sena' which was formed in the the year 1966  for causes of 'Maratha Maanoos'. Shivaji Maharaj was made inspirational symbol for the movement.  Shivaji Maharaj is very much Indian Hero then  Maharashtrian. His army fought against Mogul for Indian people. He was Cosmopolitan by nature having even Muslim General in his Army.  It may be that some of the Maharashtrian leaders may be exploiting the name of Shivaji Maharaj  to serve their own wasted interest. The historical facts points out that even Shivaji's ancestors came from the family of Mevaad Rajput Rana, Rajasthan. i.e.Than he also appears to be from outside Maharashtra. This all shows that Shivaji was National Hero.
                                     It is recently reported in the  'Samana', Shivsena Newspaper  that" Gujaratis though live in Maharashtra but does not participate in the Maharashtra Day Celebration. They are happy with their business and nothing to do with politics. They have come to gather to  support Narendra Modi for the Prime Minister position." It appears that Nitesh Rane the Son of Narayan Rane, a Congress Minister may start campaign to Protect Social,Cultural,Political interest of 'Maratha Maanoos' if Narendra Modi become the Prime Minster of India.
                                        These are all at what cost? It will be at the cost of unity of India, and at the cost of the Cosmopolitan nature of Mumbai.