Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Modern Maharajahs
                                                                                                                           India has abolished Privy purses of Maharajahs and created new Maharajah  through back door of Democracy. Once Socialist leader Ram Manoher Lohia complained the parliament that 'He was detained on the road in inordinately because the Prime Minister Nehru's convoy was Passing. He also added that Prime Minister Nehru is a great Mogul and his ancestors were also serving in the Mogul Court. It was very Sarcastic speech which his great friend Nehru heard  with smiling face. He wanted point out indirectly that" The pomp and show going on with the Prime Minister is not less than Maharajah  which does not suits with Democratic Principles. It is commonly observed that most of the office holders in India moves with pomp and show. i.e.  With  Syrone Car with Red Light. The most of the politicians are also moving in public with Black Commandos.  It has become now Status Symbol than Security. One  Starts getting handsome remuneration, allowances along with perks as soon as he is  elected as a member of the Parliament or Assembly. He also draws life time pention and other privileges after end of his tenure. All those things reflects that they are not the Servants of the people but they are Masters. Besides that it appears that they have done some type of obligation to the public by serving them.

                                      The people have now started thinking that there were only  551 Maharajahs in India when Britishers left but now we have Lakes of Maharajahs around us.  Our freedom fighters sacrificed every things in their lives but most of our present rulers outlooks are very opposite. Besides the they have nothing much to show regarding their sacrifice. It is also surprising  that most of the politicians wealth is multiplying with the passing of years.

                                      It is sorry to note that Kings/Maharajahs who had sacrificed their Kingdom, Power, and Wealth are more then the sacrificed made by the present days politicians. Indira Gandhi removed Maharajahs Privy Purses for projecting her self very progressive and for getting  fevour from the Indian Voter. The total Privy Purses paid to the maharajahs in the 1947 were only Rupees 6 crores per year. This is nothing before their sacrifices for surrendering their States, Jagirs,Palaces, Museum Revenues, Buildings, Aircraft, Cash Bank Balances and their Investments. They had also surrendered the 12000 Miles Railway Lines. Beside that Maharajah had also then options to remain Independent, or to join with Pakistan. This is only to say that their sacrifices were of the highest order for the Unity of our Country. Besides that there were several Maharajahs who were very popular in their states then present day politicians.
                                      This is not to say that we want to return to those feudal time but it is only to stop what is going on in the name of Democracy i.e. Wasting of the Wealth of the Nation on the name Pomp and Show.. Our leadership should not fail the people of India up to that extent that they start thinking for other alternatives.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Nation and its Foundation                 
                                                                                                                           Some time nations are created on the name of Religion or Tribe or Cast, or Language or Ideology.  However people do not learn from the history that those types of Nations get brake in due course of time.   No one can  keep people togather on wrong considerations for long time because basic needs of people are Food, Clothes, Housing, Employment and  Education. People gets dilution if they do not get those things for long time. In short people do not eat Capitalism or Socialism or Religion or Language. They eat food only as it it is very much essential for their survival.
                                   Tyrant rulers, or Religious Fanatics tries to convert people from one Religion to another  or One to other ideology but that does not remain permanent. We have seen before our own eyes the partition of our country on the basis of religion but it has failed. Similaraly we created languastic provinices but they are also broken. The communism in Russia has meet his own end. Even Capitalism also requires measures as per the requirements of the Country.
                                    Besides that some fantatics thought that they can elimnate people of other relgion but it has also failed. Even in India Hindu and Muslim has to stay to gather on several considerations.
                                   Besides that if  one refer history than can find  that Shivaj's some of the Generals were Muslim even though he was fighting against tyrant Muslim Mogul Empire.  Aurangzeb was very fanatic Muslim Mogul Emperor but he found  him self lonely and was destroyed at the end. The success of Akbar was due to his Broad outlook. Hence the nation cannot be created with narrow vision.
                                   The USA is very successful Nation because builders of America were having very Broad visions. It is  a nation based on Equality, Liberty, Fellowship Among all Aommunities. Americans consider Religion as the personal way of life. The most important matter is  Nationalism/Patriotism for Americans. Therefore America is the most prosperious country in the world with different Religions, Languages, Cast  and Creed. However the nationalism is above all those fectors.  The most of the problems of the world canbe settled if those narrow considertions are given up for the welfare of people.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Where the world is Heading
                                                                                                                       The human race has become very ambitious to conquer Every Thing. They want to conquer certain things which are  controlled by Nature. They will even try to take control over the  Birth and Death if they are allowed to do so. However Nature is not allowing to fall such things in the hands of Human Race. Besises that Nature is resisting such moves and expressing its displeasure in the forms of furies i.e. In the forms of severe cold and hot summer or In forms of flooding, Heavy Rains and Horrible Storms. However Mankind's fight against nature is continuous.
We had---
We had a walk over moon
and preparing to take round around sun
we want to conquer all plenets
for relieving the selves from their adverse effect
We had---
We are wondering deep below the ocean
In search of secrets lying below
We would like to suck everything lying their
including  Gold, Pearls, and Precious Stones thereon
We had---
We are fighting against deadly deceases
Including  Aid and Cancer
We do not know where all Ambitions will end
Including conquering the factors which brings lives to end
We had---
Bharat Desai.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Forthcoming General Elections-Is it between Candidates or Between Cast, or Creed or Religion?
                                                                                         The Atmosphere is getting hot as election dates are approaching very fast. It is being fought by all parties on the basis of better development, or on secularism apparently. However the main important features  in this election are the factors which can bring Massive votes to the conceren parties.
                                                        The development factor and the Merit  factor of the candidate are eleminated/adjusted in the process. Patel,(i.e. Lehuva or Kadava) candidate will be  given ticket mostly in the area where they are in majority. koli, muslim, kurmi  are given tickets accordingly. This is only to say that such concept is  wrong in democracy for getting right  candidate elected and also to get good government thereon.
                                                        Sonia Gandhi very recently requested Chief Imam of 'Juma Masjid, Old Delhi to issue an appeal to Muslim for voting Congress. Besides that Ramdave Maharaj and Sri Sri Ravishanker indirectly issued appeal to vote for Bhartiya Janata Party. One of the Muslim Congress Candidates from UP burst out that he will cut Narendra Modi in to pieces. i.e. In order to please the Muslim Voters. Amit Shah the Right Hand man of Narendra Modi  declared that 'We will take revenge regarding the communal riots took place at Musffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. This shows that politicians are loosing their control and going for mass votes of particular community.
                                                        This is very dangerous signs for the time to come after election. We may now pray for India to get stable, strong, and effective Government under such tense and violent atmosphere.