Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Fascism -The Rise and Fall
                                                                                                           The rise of fascism  is not sudden and it is also not permanent. However it is very pain full and there is very lengthy process to eliminate the same. The fascism can be related to  Individual personality or Ideology or  Religion but  the pain arise  for the Nation is the Same. It becomes a breeding ground for fascism  when all System and  Avenues of redressing the grievances fails.
                                                                                     People even do not learn from the history that how it Spreaded in Russia and China in form of Communism. How Hitler became fascist even though he came to power through ballet boxes. How Indira Gandhi impose emergency wherein lust for power was stinking. In the time of Mahabharata also fascism reflected in Kaurava. However  history has also showed that fascism  fails in long run but it creates lot of pain for the nation and society.

 India is passing through bad time at present. The food,energy,housing, drinking water, health care, education, social security and toilet are the basic needs of people but 56% Indians are deprived from those facilities. the 67% people of India are still struggling for comfort and security after about 66 years of independence. The 30 % people are still below poverty line. Besides that the gap between rich and poor is increasing which is not good sign. Some people believes that  Industrial,  and Infrastructure developments have taken place in India.  However it is to seen that which section of the people are getting benefits of said developments. The rich are benefited and poor are deprived of the same then it is very disturbing situation. It is matter of discontentment for the very large part of population. These are the reasons why Naxalite type of violent organizations are expanding their areas of operations. The educated unemployed also join such organization is matter of great concern for the Nation. This is all to say that this are the reasons which are giving rise to the fascist tendencies.

We have to also analyses  such developments in the internal structures of all political parties.  In the Congress only Rahul is being groomed without looking  the merits. In the BJP Narendra Modi is being groomed and all his opponent are being eliminated. In the ' AAP Party' Arvind Kejrival is the unchallengeable leaders. The Regional Parties are even functioning around the Individuals. All these signs shows that democracy is not functioning well and there is a trend of fascism  is being planted. This are very alarming signs and if it is not controlled then fascist forces will Prevail thereon. We think that that we are not effected by such trends as we are not being touched.  However it is a process of elimination of all sort of Protest/Resistance and one day our turn  will also come one or other reason. Therefore Indian people should collectively oppose wherever they finds fascist tendency in the best interest of  Individual and the country.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Ukraine and  Crimea Crisis
                                                                                                                                     The Russia is very big country spreaded from Europe to Asia . Therefore to underestimate its strength and resources is foolishness. In between Russia was in very miserable condition i.e. After the fall of Communism. But now it is rising slowly again. The few  provinces of Russia then became independent  and it was  taken taken granted that Russia is gone force. Meanwhile America had become unchallengeable power in the world.
                                                             However under the leadership of Putin  Russia is trying to recover and asserting its position again in the International World. Ukraine was one of the very important states of Russia which become independent during the fall of Communism. It is also very strategic State which joins the life line of Europe with Russia. i.e. Russia provides petroleum and gas up to Scandinavian Countries through pipe line. It  passes though Crimea which is situated on Black Sea. That is the main reason behind the present International Crisis. The  Russia apparently wants to control that supply through Crimea without interference from Ukraine. Therefore Russia manipulated  referendum in its fevor in order to keep Crimea in its control. It appears that Russia has already controlled it through Militarily and now it wants to legalize it through referendum.
                                                               This position is not acceptable to America and European Countries.However they can not bring any economic sanction on Russia through 'United Nations' as Russia is having veto power. America is trying  best to bring Economic sanction on Russia through Back Door but we do not know how much it will be effective. Besides that China will never support such measures and may even support Russia. Therefore it is developing in grave International Crisis of the World. India has to learn from this that we should strongly protect the National Interest at any cost even if it has to come in conflict with mighty ones.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

"International Women's Day"-8th March2012
                                                                                                                  International women's day was celebrated all over world on 8th March 2014. It is a legacy given by Western World for recognition of the role women plays in the day to day lives of the world. However we Indian respect women every day in our life as mother, sister and wife.
                                                                          It is very strange that  India follows western world without looking at importance given  to women  in the Indian society. It is a reflection of  our slavish mentality. It is not that only Western people realized the role of women in the society but Indian scriptures and religion had recognized the roles of women since thousand of years.  Besides that many western countries gave women right to vote in the end of last centuries only. While Manu Smruti said thousands of year ago that "You will find God wherever women are respected." Even the most respected Gods i.e. Krishna and Rama in Hindu religion also respected women in form of Gurupatni, Wife, Sister, Mother and Devotees. Radha and Meera are the glaring examples where even Lord Krishna surrendered to their devotions. Lord Rama even tasted fruits offered by Sabri who was his devotee and that too was from very lower cast then.  Hence women played very important roles in the history of India. Draupadi incited the war of Mahabharata against the evil of kaurava. Kunti inspired Pandavas to fight against injustice. Kaikai changed the whole political scenario in Ramayana. Rani Laxmibai of Jansi  showed how to fight for freedom. Rajputanis of Rajasthan showed how to sacrifice their lives in honor of their Families,and States.
                                                                      In the freedom struggle  of India several women took part and sacrificed their lives and careers. Sarojini Naudu, Aruna Asafali, Vijyalaxmi Pandit, Kasturba Gandhi, Sucheta Krupalani are the glaring examples of women contributions in the freedom Struggle. There are sevaral  women who are playing very important roles in the modern  India i.e. Mamata Bannerji, Jay Lalita, Mayavati, Susmaa Swaraj,  There are women who are also playing very important roles as  CEO of so many industrial and financial Houses. Women are always at the foundation of Family, Society, and Country as they are playing very important roles as Mothers, Sisters, Wives.
                                                                   It is also fact that women were in very bad conditions in India during the rule of foreign rule  as they had to protect their honor. The  wasted interest introduced then bad systems in Indian society i.e. keeping them in the Houses, Adopting the system of hiding their Faces, and  not to send them out for Education. Besides that some of the  women use to die along with their husband voluntarily in order to protect their  honor under insecurity. It was conveniently and forcibly converted into compulsory (Sati) system by wasted interest then. That was one of the worst time for women in India for which states and society then was responsible.
                                                                    The time is now changed. Women are given due share in the Indian Society and they are occupying very important positions in Politics, Business and Industries.
                                                                     However it is also unfortunate that  women conditions in Backward, and Rural Areas of India have not much improved.  Therefore lots are required to be done for them. We  can not say that we have empowered women fully until we enslave those Uneducated, Poor, and Rural women.  Besides that basically men have to change their attitudes towards women instead of superfluous about it. The figures given below shows how much men are sharing responsibilities in running Families/ Houses in the world. The survey all over world shows that German men are spending 105 minutes per day for helping women in their Homes. Accordingly American men spends 92 minutes per day in their homes task. While British men spends 98 minutes per day in helping their wives. In Turkey men spends 21 minutes per day in the house work. In China men spends 48 minutes,  while in  Japan men spends 24 minutes per day in the House Work. However Indian men spends only 16 minutes per day for sharing the House Work along with women. Therefore it is very much necessary to change the attitude of Indian men towards women otherwise what is meaning of talking about Empowering Women on the" International Women's Day"? It also requires the changes in the brought of men vise verse with women in Indian Society.
                                                                 We can say apparently that women are fifty percent and they are the reason for another fifty percent. However it has no meaning if we do not act  as we talk.  It is a historical facts that women goes on playing their roles forever whether men folk support them or not! Therefore they deserve salutes from society on 'International Women's Day'.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Declining Trend of Decency in the Indian Politics
                                                                                                                               The Indian political field is becoming dirty day by day as forthcoming General Election of  2014 is approaching.  One may differ with other but in the process  one may not give up minimum standard of  decency in the political field.  There were instances in the past when one of the politicians was telling another politician ' Narbhakshak' in order to get political milage among  masses without looking at the public interest.  However now days politicians are going too far.

                                                                 It was reported recently in the Leading Gujarati News Paper that India's future is going to be in the hands of 'Muffler', Bluffer and Duffer. It is a remark with bad taste related to the three  leaders of  Major Political parties of India. This shows that we have lost all respect for Democratic Norms. Sal man Khurshid our Foreign Minister also made remarks on Narendra Modi that he is Impotent as he could not protect the Muslims in the 2002 communal riots in Gujarat. The question also  arise about Congress party which could not control the Massacred of Sikhs after the Assassination of Indira Gandhi. However on the whole such remarks are uncalled for. This shows how much decency has declined in the political field of india.
                                                                  It is common to put allegation on any political leader as stooge of foriegn power that too with out any proof.  We  appreciate that we wil not tolerate communalism or interference of foriegn powers in our internal affairs but this is not the matter to dicuss publicly instead of setting right administratively. This is very sad matter for Democracy.
                                                                 Besides that Violence, and Intolerance has no place in the Democracy. Therefore using of mussels power is not acceptable in the democracy.  However violence has become common in public and even in the legislatures. This is giving wrong signals to people.
                                                                  Hence it is absolutely necessary to stop the declining trend of decency in the public life otherwise it is going to do great damage to the fiber of Indian Democracy . Ours is the biggest Democracy in the world but it should be also one of the Best.