Wednesday, February 19, 2014

India is Shining!
                                                                                                                                                 The Bajpai government gave this slogan that "India is Shining". However 'BJP ' lost the last general election very badly. It is not that India has not made any progress so far but it is also fact that its gain has not reach to the economy. The consequently poor people of India are suffering. The Wealth generated in the country is being accumulated in the hands of few corrupt elements i.e. With  Business Men, Government Officers, and Politicians.
                                                          The outsider who visits Urban Areas of India will observed that India is not a poor Country. They carry such impression looking at Posh Multinational Restaurants, Five Star Hotels, Big  Malls, Multiplex, and looking at the people who are traveling in the Luxurious Domestic Airlines, In  Air conditioned Railway Coaches, Air Conditioned Buses and Cars. These facilities  can be afforded only because its expenses are debited to company accounts or Spent out of Unaccounted Cash Money.  It is reported that India's exchequer is losing about 5000 Crore Dollars by way of concealment of Income Tax. That is the reason why lots of loose money is in circulation in the Indian Economy. You will appreciate to see that about  70% to 30% transactions are going on in Real Estate/Land Sectors.i.e. 70% Black Money and 30% in White. It  is also reported that  about 10% of the population in India is paying Tax while in America about more then 9O%  people are paying Taxes. Besides that the  Money generated through concealment of Taxes and by Corrupt means are also transfer to tax heavens.

                                                    It is reported that large amount such money is lying in the Swiss Banks. It is also reported that India is having the highest amount of money in Swiss Banks  Among all Countries of the World.

                                                     It requires will and guts to bring back those money to correct our Economy. Barrack Obama filed case against Swiss Bank for loss of income to USA. Besides that lots of  illegal money of Americans were lying  in the Swiss bank. UBS Bank has to  pay very huge amount of damages along with the list of American Account Holders. Even Germany also used such method in order to solve the such problem. We hope India will also try  to get such money which belong to the people of India.
                                                        These are the the reasons why apparently India is seen shining but  poor Indian people's standard of living is not rising. We hope for the best in time to come.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Coltan- The most valuable minerals
                                                                                                 The Coltan is the most valuable mineral in the world as it is used in the Hi Tech  Industries. It is found 80% in Africa, 10% in Australia, and  5% in Thailand and Brasil respectively.  It cost $500/- per kilo.
                                                                            One may ask why it is so expensive?  It is used in in the all Sophisticated Hi Tech  electronic  equipments i.e. In the Cell Phones, GPS, Satellites, Guided Weapons, Plasma TV, Video Games, Portable Computers, MP 3 Players, Space Rockets, Missiles and Cameras. The world most valuable companies,  like Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson, LG, Blackberry, Apple, Dell,HP, Sharp, Nintonda, Acer, Toshiba, Inova, Sadisk,Philips, IBM, \Microsoft, Intel, Lavern, Panasonic, are always badly need of Coltan. Therefore it is always in great demand. They say it is a white gold.
The most tragic part behind the digging of coltan from the mines is misery it brings to the poor people around. It is well known fact that the Republic of Democratic Congo is very rich in minerals where 80% of coltan is found. It is a country situated in the middle of Africa which is also rich with Diamond, Petrol and Cobalt. Its capital is Kinshasa and ruled by corrupt and weak President Joseph Kabila. The country is very much involve in Civil War which has brought Anarchy and Mostly ruled by Armed Groups. In the process the poor people of Congo are suppressed and exploited.  The farmers, Ranchers, War Refugees, War Prisoners and Young  chieldern are working on those Coltan mines. They work from Sunrise to Sunset with very negligible daily wages. Their life is not better than Animals. Those powerful companies spent millions of dollars to finance Civil War and to bribe the corrupt government.      
However Illegal mining  has already damaged the Eco system and National parks.  The 80% of  Elephant population and 90% of Gorilla population is eliminated. It is a great loss to the Natural Environment.                          
                                                                      This is very tragic situation because world wants more and more comforts and facilities with the help of sophisticated electronic equipments which are made out of Coltan. We can at least reduce the consumption of those equipment or recycle them so that the consumption of coltan material can be avoided.

Friday, February 7, 2014

The present political situation in India
                                                                                                           India is suffering at present from 2014 General Election's fever.  It has created more urge for garbing the power then doing good for the country. The present 'UPA' government is just dragging without controlling the Inflation and Economical reverses. It is deeply caught in corruption. It is very sad picture because present government  wants to retain the power by making announcement of various projects which will be costing  thousands of crores. i.e. In order to please people. Besides that they also want to catch votes by pleasing various minorities by showing them favours. This will ultimately affect the  government treasury very adversely.
                                                                   Besides that 'BJP' one of the opposition party also making several announcement for votes. We do not know how many projects  will be implemented if they come to power. They are also trying to make adjustments with like minded parties.
 It is very surprising that even regional parties have made Federal Front with minimum program in order to get power.
                                                                   Moreover the 'Aam Admi Party is the another factor which has come into picture after their forming government in Delhi State. It has created lot of expectations and enthusiasm as they stand against corruption and giving Honest, Efficient and Clean Government. This factor has attracted Youth, and Honest people all over India. There is good rush for the membership of said party.
However we have to draw the picture arising out the present situation and how much it will be useful for the country. It appears the that every party or alliances wants to cut the votes of others and after election wants to bargain for power. It may also create the contradiction in the government which will not be in the interest  India. Therefore it is necessary for voters to give clear mandate to one party on Merits. Otherwise the county is heading for another weak and unstable government.  In the process people and the country will further suffer. We pray to God to save the country from such situation.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Education and Knowledge

                                                                                                                     Education is the source of knowledge. It can be seen that most of the countries are suffering due to lack of education. Therefore education bring change in life which brings happiness.Even our ancient scripture had given importance to education.
                                               What is education? Latin language says education mean to draw out the energy from within and to go ahead with it. Ayurveda  has very clearly said that to know truth, to understand truth and to implement it is education. Panini said  'One must learn then to think about it,and thereafter to discuss about it is a knowledge. The implementation of said knowledge is a process of education. Kapil Rishi had said that through knowledge only the liberation comes and education only brings knowledge. Lord Krishna also told that knowledge is the most pious thing. Manu also wanted that one should learn from its Enemy.  Lord Rama sent Laxman to learn from Ravan regarding Politics and Sashtras when he was dying. Hence any body who educated and knowledgeable  carries respect.
                                               The Poverty, Unemployment, Slavery, Corruption, Violence, Bitterness etc can be eliminated through education.What happens without Education? Once upon a time Arabs were very knowledgeable people and they built up big libraries. They also built up their own civilization .However thereafter they started living a life animals by destroying the treasures of knowledge. i.e. they destroyed those libraries in Middle East. China also once believed in the past that future of China lies in the school buildings. Similarly India was very prosperous and knowledgeable Country. It had tremendous knowledge regarding medicine, surgery, yoga, economic,dance, music, art, logic, mental science,geography, history,botany, animal science etc. Albert Einstein said' India thought us how to count?' Kanan Rushi also established the Principle of Gravitational Force thousands of year ago. It was possible because then Indian education system was World Class. The fall of Indian education system and refusal to take knowledge from outside was main reason for it fall.

                                                 America  and China  are prospering because of their better education system. Hence any country who wants to come up have to educate their  population with best educational system.