Wednesday, January 8, 2014

VIP Culture
                                                                                                                                          India is suffering from VIP Culture on the name of protocols. The crores of rupees are being wasted in the process. This is all public money of tax payers. Besides that it is a precious money which is being paid by 3% to 10% of tax payer population.
                                              Britishers were ruling over us more then 150 years and had introduced so many practices in order to strengthen their rule. They were Foreign Rulers and never cared for the expenses spent behind such system.
                                               There is still a Blue Book in the government file which gives direction how to maintain the protocol in the case of VIP.  It is very strange that even there are instructions who can sit with VIP and who cannot!. Besides that each VIP is eligible for certain facilities as per Status, that includes Security Guards, Escort Siren Car,  Transportation facilities and \Big residential facilities. This was done in order to maintain pomp and show and to create fear among people.

                                                 The Britisher left in the 1947 but we continued with the same system without thinking that our own people are going to be ruled by our own leaders and that too with  people's mandate.  Our Constitution also introduced some of the perks and privileges for certain Constitutional Positions i.e. President, Prime Minister, Defense Minister, Chief justice of India and other State Dignitaries. The special plane facility is being allowed to President, Prime minister, and Defense Minister of  India. But with the leadership is being weakened now any Minister can use such facility. In short indiscretion is being committed in such matter. Even such indiscretion is spreaded even at state level and crores of rupees are being wasted.

                                                    It has also become fashion for political leaders to use such facilities to create pomp and show in order to impress people. That is very unfortunate. Even Supreme Court of India also directed to stop the Red lights facilities on the Car by unauthorized people.  This shows that VIP culture has cross the all limits of vulgarism.

                                                      The ordinary people are not happy with this type of show business but they are helpless. However the newly elected' Aam Admi Party' in Delhi has decided to give up VIP Culture. It has received very positive response from people. It has also created very good impact on the all Parties. It is now high time that' VIP Culture' is being given up in the best interest of the Country.
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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Arvind Kejriwal and Aaam Admi Party
Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister of Delhi  has become a rising star of India because he represents the people's urge for clean , simple and honest political life.  It is also observed that Indian democracy is being failed by Politicians.  They forget most of the promises given to the people once they are elected. They rule the country ruthlessly for five year terms.  It appears they are hurry in making money because of  insecurity i.e. that they may not come back in power. It is also true that people gets disgusted with politicians who does not deliver the goods and vote for another candidate. Besides that it is very unfortunate that there are only two major national  parties in India i.e. Congress and Bhartiya Janata Party. Therefore it  becomes  a game of musical chair and people have not much choice in selection of candidates and parties. In the process  Regional Parties have prospered  and they  shares some power in center without much responsibilities.  However all parties are suffering from corruption and values. In the process people are the victim of all these mismanagement.
                                                             The entry of Kejriwal in the Indian politic is the right moment for the political life of our country. He has brought new hope for the people. His mentor Anna Hazare discouraged him to avoid politics as it is full of dirt. However Kejriwal is bold enough to  to jump in the politics by saying that " We have to jump in for  clearing the dirt therein ."
                                                              He has given honest assurances to people to bring some Values, Honesty, and Simplicity in the political life. Arvind Kejriwal has already started implementing his promises by remaining in direct touch with common man. He promised to remove the 'VIP' culture of Delhi. He has also started distributing free water to common man with certain limit. Besides that he has also reduced the 50% of electricity tariff. Kejriwal and  his team is going to live in small places in Delhi in order to set example. He has to do lot for fulfilling his promises as he is being being closely watched by people  However most important thing is that all political parties have become conscious to improve their images.
                                                            Arvind Kejriwal and his Aam Admi Party has become brakes against Corruption, Nepotism, and Maladministration. It may not be possible to eliminate all evils from the political field but if it is reduce to 50% it will give great relief  for the Indian  people. Therefore we must pray for the success of 'Aam Admi Party'  in the best interest of the country.