Wednesday, September 25, 2013

American Economy and its Effect
                                                       Indian Rupee was showing down trend until now but it is getting stabilize after the decision of the American federal reserve.It is a relief for Indian economy which is suffering with inflation, the decreases of production and export. Its Current Account deficit is also going on increasing.
                                                      The Economist were  waiting for the American Federal Reserve decision  regarding the reduction of bond buying amount pm as american economy is improving.They expected that federal reserve may reduce the bond buying per month from 85 billion dollar to 60 billion dollar.
However federal reserve chairman Ben Bernanke kept the stimulus on the same level..
                                                        American Federal Reserve may not have reduce the stimulus for reasons that GDP has increased from 2 to 2.3% instead of 2.3 to 2.6 %. The Real estate market has not yet stabilized and it may go for further correction. The worker participation for increasing the production  is not satisfactory.

                                                         The decision of American federal reserve have boosted other currencies against dollar and brought the life in world share market.  It is relief in world financial market but the Ben Bernanke is retiring in the January 2014. His successor may have to take unpleasant decision  as per the prevailing cicumtances then.

Friday, September 20, 2013

                                                                            Anger is the root cause of all problems in the world. Draupadi insulted Duryodhan which created Mahabharata under Anger. Manthara instigated Kaikaiya and out of anger the Ramayana took place. Hence the  war in the world and the petty quarrel in the family is being created by Anger.
                             Once person lose his temper and become angry  he does not know what he is speaking? or what he is doing? or what will be the consequences of the same? It is better not to do anything, or not to take any decision or not to speak when one is Angry. Anger sometime makes your best friend worst enemy.
Once the king of England killed his best friend bucket out of Anger and he repented for ever. Even Lord Siva killed his son Ganesh under Anger. Hence nobody is immune of the ugly effect of Anger
Therefore every religion has described the anger as a devil.
The Jainism call anger as a furious fire
while Islam described it as son of Satan
Bible  says it is a dangerous Volcano
and  Hinduism consider to be Hell
Therefore it is better to be away from it
to live better, peaceful and happy life.
Bharat Desai


Monday, September 9, 2013

The Scandals in Religion

                                                        The society always seek guidance from religion. Therefore religion and its leader should be role model for common man. However it is disturbing that some black patches are found in religious hierarchy. It was observed that several religious sex scandals  and mismanagement of religious institutions have come up wherein religious heads or institutions are involved.
                                                         The Rape cases  relating to Asharam Bapu and Swami Nityanand are the prominent among them. The kashiviswanath Temple of Kashi is one of the most prominent places of Hindu religion. kashipith head Rudranand Saraswati has been going on complaining regarding the large scale corruption prevailing in the management of the said Temple. He alleges that anarchy is prevailing in the management of temple due to vested interest. These all shows how moral values have gone down in the religious matters.
                                                       There are so many cases of child abuses and sex scandals by priest in Christian church that churches have now no funds to pay compensation. It is unfortunate that some time even ladies and children are not safe in the religious places.
                                                        It is said that once Pakistani Military Ruler Aahyakhan was black mailed by one of the Muslim Maulvis. He sent the video tapes of personal sex life of said Maulvi and he has to shut his mouth. This shows how religion and its leaders can impose the morality on society if they are themselves are not beyond doubt.
                                                     Hence no Religion can claim that  all their leaders are clean but it can at least handle such culprits in deterrent manner. Besides that even people has to deal with religious leader cautiously as they cannot taken granted beyond fault. It is the collective efforts of Religious institutions and people can only prevent such scandals.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Foreign Investment

                                     India has opened its market in 90 for foreign investments under liberalization policy. Liberalization has become more and more acceptable Policy after the fall of Russia.
                                        However it should depends upon the country and its economical  situation. That is how much market is to be opened for foreign investments. China is the unique example of  its liberalization policy. China's exports are on high side and world markets are flooded with chines goods. China has created free economic zones through which it tries to implement its own liberalization policy. They have refused to devalue its currency as that is not in their favor. They have even denied facilities to American companies wherein their interest is compromised. Chines are always reminding  America the economic fall of Russia  after political changes.  They are strictly following the economic policy of liberalization according to their own pattern. This is to be noted.
                                       In this century  no  country can think of colonizing the other country. However they can exploit the market of the country and remit the wealth through  trade. That is what is happening now.  the developed countries are exploiting the markets of upcoming countries. It is indirect way of taking the advantage of  market of underdeveloped countries. Therefore the total liberalization of trade can be between equals instead of stronger and weaker countries.
                                       Besides that liberalization of trade is good until its serve development purpose of the under developed countries. Hence each country has to follow the policy of liberalization which suits them. Otherwise it can become the dumping market of developed countries.
                                       India has opened its market up to limited extent and not made rupee convertible. However the experiences of some of the foreign companies are not good in india and  they were compelled to close their business accordingly. Even Big Mall projects are  not doing well as there millions of small traders who are doing business in Rural, Semi Urban, and Urban Areas. They are the sources of their self employments.
                                         Even some the foreign companies who are doing good business in India have not given much benefits to the Indian economy. The survey under taken of the 28 foreign  companies shows that  against their shares capital of 1954 crores of Rupees they are remitting in foreign currency Rupees 15638 crores.  It shows that it gives much advantage to foreign countries than Indian economy.The agreement between 'Mody Group of Industries' and German multinational Lufthansa has to be given up due to hidden conditions where Mody's where not comfortable. Therefore  India should proceed with liberalization with logic and reasoning instead of following it blindly.