Friday, August 30, 2013

The Improving Economies of the world

                                                                         The Indian economy is on declining side but some of the countries  are making progress.  
                                                                   -Indonesia's GDP is on 6% while India's GDP remained on 51/2% during the year 2012 -2013. Indonesia's inflation rate is on 5.9%while India's inflation rate is on 9.64% at present.
                                                                   -Besides that China/Korea have increased their  shares by 30% in world market regarding  Diesel Engine,  Fire Crackers etc. This is being at the cost of India. China is putting cheap and attractive finished products in the market which does not requires any advertisement campaign. China's poverty rate was 35.6% in the year 1999 and was 11.6% in the year 2010 while India's poverty rate was 42.9% in the year 1999 while it was 21.9% in the year 2011. It shows that poverty is reducing faster in China then India. The Gap between Rich and Poor have increased by 6% between 1999 to 2010 in the China while it is  12% in the India during the same period. Hence poor are becoming more poor in the India. The Corrupt politicians are flourishing in India while they are executed in theChina.
                                                                  - The Norway is the best country to live where even Prime Minister moves as a Taxi Driver in order to Survey  the exact opinion of the people while Indian politicians are surrounded by commandos and unable to know the exact opinion of the people.
-The US Economy is also improving as the unemployment rate has gone down, The Real Estate Market is also improving. The US government has stop buying bonds from the open market which is making Dollar much stronger. Even the inflation rate is under control. That is a sign of improvement in the Economy. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Sex Crimes
                                                        The sex crime are on increasing side. It may be because of lack of proper security and lack of sex education. Besides that with the change of economic conditions the women are more out for career. In some of the countries  the isolation has also increased on the name of freedom and privacy. The women has also become more fashion conscious and started exposing themselves more and more in order to be more  attractive.
                                                                              It is observed that more and more gang rapes  are taking place in the isolated and late evening time. The Delhi Gang Rape had set on fire the public opinion. The government is trying to control the sex crime but they are on increasing side. Even very recently the gang rape took place in city like Mumbai.
                                                                            It is to be seen the sex crimes on the cultural point and  including prevailing conditions at various places. In the western countries the sex is very important subject in the  education system as young boys and girls are involved in sex at very early  stage. The  decease like aid has made people more conscious about safe sex. However still that much consciousness is not prevailing in backward and illiterate countries. The African  continent is badly affected by the Aid. This is because the lack of proper sex education among people. The sex starvation is also one of reasons for sex crime. This is because of prevailing social conditions and lack of proper knowledge.  This does not mean that sex crime are not there  in the countries which  are highly developed with good educative system. The rape rate is One for One Minute in USA while it is one rape at 23 minutes in India.
                                                                           The sex crime also  takes place due to isolated places and provocative situation.  It is also observed now days that religious heads are also involved in such crime . There are charges of sex crime on Saint like Nityanand from South and there are lots of sex scandals  related to different heads of the the different sects. In the western countries also some of the Fathers are involved in sex abuses cases and churches do not have money to pay compensations for those victims.
                                                                          It is a acute social problem with which enlightened  and backward societies are also suffering. It is not easy to dealt with sex crime where logic and reasoning does not work. The hard punishments are not reducing the rate of such crime.  Therefore it is necessity to work collectively and individually to reduce the Sex Crimes. The sex education can further exhilarate the process.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Latest from India-

                                 India is  celebrating its independence day to day with gloomy pictures around.
Financial Sector
- The people are suffering from heavy inflation of 5.79%. The prices of essential commodities like Vegetables, Food grains, Sugar, Oil, Petroleum products are going up. The onion price has gone up yearly basis by 145%
-The GDP growth is going down and it is expected to decline below 5%
-The Rupee is losing value and it has reached to low as 61.80. The foreign exchange reserve is also going down as current account deficit is increasing. The reserve bank has brought down under the liberalization remittances scheme from yearly $200000/- to $75000/- per year. Besides that import duties on precious metal like gold and silver are also increased.  This is only to save  the foreign exchange. This shows that finance sector is not doing well.
Political Sector
-India is on taking side on political level. Chines are crossing our border frequently. While Pakistan is braking the ceasefire several time. They have attacked our 16 border post and killed several our soldiers. This is because of soft peddling with them.
-The Terrorist are increasing their activities and Communal clashes are increasing.  The recent explosion related to naval submarine 'Sindhu Rakshak' at Mumbai has killed several naval officers and soldiers. It is also being investigated that whether it was a act of sabotage?
-The law and order situation is also deteriorating. The leadership inaction is appears to be creating demoralization among police and arm forces.
-The corruption is increasing with several scandals are coming on surface.
The young and dynamic  leadership is the only answer to all these problems. We have to wait for general election of 2014 which may bring some changes in the political field. Meanwhile we hope for the best.