Thursday, July 25, 2013

 Do we learn from our  Experiences?

                                                              I was once visiting temple and show that several beggars were begging outside. Thereafter I entered the  temple and  show that several  well to do persons of the town were praying God in same body language as beggar.  The beggar out side were begging for their existence while those rich were begging before God in temple to become more rich and comfortable. The difference is that some are begging outside openly while rich are begging in temple privately. We have to Judge who is real beggar?
                                                             One beggar had bitter experience of not getting anything when he sat out side Temple, Mosque, and Church which are generally visited by  Pious, Cultured, and well to do people. However he got lots of money when he sat out side the Bar which is  visited by drunkards. We have to  judge who are better persons?
                                                            There are bare truth of life which teaches lot of things.  where is friendship if friends are not frank to each other?  Sudama had asked Krishna what is friendships?
                                                             " You cannot create a friendship it happens natural way. Besides that in friendship selfishness has no place" replied Krishna. Therefore hide and seek game has no place in friendship.  That is a key for recognizing the true friend.
                                In short person can learn lots of things from his life experiences. There is no necessity to go for search of truth.
Where is love if you do not care?
where is hope if you do not believe?
where is life if you can not dream?


Sunday, July 14, 2013

     India- A  Complex Country
(The above top maps shows that  how India was divided among different states in the 1857 and the next map down shows how Britishers consolidated their rule gradually. This is only to show that India was never one as a country as to day. Indian have to further strengthen it with nationalism. )
                                                      India's economy is on declining side. The rupee is loosing its value. Indian administrative  inaction is at lowest. The divisive and fundamentalist forces are getting stronger and stronger. It is better to analyse the situation in regards to political, social and individual level atmosphere in the country.
                                                      Indians are proud of their glorious and glamorous past.It was confirmed  by a member of British  parliament during the initial stage of  East India Company's rule. He could not find beggar in India then. The education system was perfect and people were having high moral value. Besides that it was  very rich and learned country. It is the main reason why foreign invaders like Greek, Hun, Shaka, Turk, Mogul and including Britisher were attracted towards India. That is all. But fall of India started when Indian become so arrogant that they stop taking knowledge from out side and traditionally stop communicating with out side world.
                                                     India was never one. It is British rule which brought unified Country. They divided Indian territory in to various administrative presidencies in order to control and to administer it  efficiently. Besides that it also curb the divisive forces based on Cast, Creed, Religion and Languages. The most important things that they brought all Native Kings under control by forcing their allegiances to the British Crown. They established their rule firmly by building Roads, Railways and Administrative Services.  However worst thing they did is to destroy our Education System and Morale. They introduced one Poison i .e. Slavish mentality which believes that every thing brought by them is superior then Indian. Indian are free to day but still most of them are suffering from that slavish mentality. Therefore though they are Intelligent, Efficient and Achievers but they are not proud of it. Steve Wozniak  one the founder of 'Apple' has said  ' Indians are very intelligent but India will not come up until they develop  Nationalism and stop criticizing their own Country. Therefore India needs individually and collectively  proud  feelings for the achievement of their country and countrymen.
                                                  People are still suffering because of the British legacy.  The all most all top leaders of independence struggle were  educated in Britain and they could not get rid of certain British trends. The corruption was also there in  British Rule. They were ruling India with pomp and show in order to create fear in the mind of common people. However it is unfortunate that same trend is continuing and the people are ruled in the same manner. However Indian leaders are forgetting that they are not ruler they are the servant of people.
                                                   The Indian people are still suffering from fear of power and wealth because of slavish complex. Hence people have now lost the faith  in themselves and the resisting power against wrong doing by powerful and mighty. There is lot of corruption at political level which has brought moral values very low among people. The administration is also demoralized  due to prevailing condition . Therefore there is fall in efficiency and consequently the systems are broken.
                                                   India's reputation is also low internationally and powerful country like China is also taking advantage of the situation in order to grab the Indian territory. It is very depressing situation for India. However the future now lies in the hands of next generation who are immune of slavish legacy. Let hope for the best.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Why American Economy is Suffering?

American Economy suffering on account of outsourcing of work for cheap lebour and making maximum profit in the end product. However even the outside lebour in China and other countries also becoming expensive.
                                                       Besides that American education system is also not producing enough numbers of Technocrats. The 80% of the students are dropout after school graduation. The 40% of the students in the American Universities are from  outside. Therefore President Barack Obama,  Stress more importance  on improving the American education system and increasing the manufacturing  activities in America it self. That means America will have to produce quality Goods which can stand in the world  market in terms of prices.
                                                        It will be interesting to know that which  products are manufactured in America  then the goods which are imported from abroad. The computers are being now assemble in America instead of sending to China. The new investment is coming through in manufacturing furniture. Even Airbus has started building Jet on American soil. The General Electric have started exporting batteries which are made in America. Rolls-Royce and Volkswagen are also increasing it Auto mfg activities in America to fulfill their large orders.Besides that process food industries is also doing well. Shoes/ Sneaker, Toys, are also manufactured of very high qualities. There are many manufacturing activities which  are being revived. However only half million jobs are created by manufacturing activities against the large loss of jobs. The one of the reasons are that those manufacturing activities are driven with high tech  and automation which requires less people.
                                                         The uncertainty in the immigration reforms are also creating lot of scarcity for high skilled workers. This problem has to be solve by American leadership in order to boast up the manufacturing activities and to reverse the trend of outsourcing.