Saturday, June 29, 2013

The World Economies
                                    The world economies are not doing well at present. The American economy of 16 trillion dollar has only 2% growth in GDP which can generate only about 3 million jobs which are not sufficient in the context of job loss during the recent recession. It brings about only 60 billion dollars in treasury by way of taxes. While America requires more income in order to reduce deficit and avoiding cuts in expenditure. The American economy should grow with double growth in order to create  double growth of employment. However majority part of American population are too young and too older. It is also creating problem of productivity which comes in the way of growth.
                                  The Chines, Japanese and German  economies which are considered to be  one of biggest economies in the world are also suffering  growth point of view.
                                   Besides that Indian economy is also suffering and its GDP growth is expected to be at 5.5%.  Its production growth is only 2%. India's export growth has also decline by 1% while import has grown by 6.99%.  The current account deficit has also increased which is point of worries. The rupee is also loosing value and stands to rupees 60 against one dollar. The Rupee stands the lowest in the terms of value after independence.
                                 The Economical recessions, Natural calamities and disasters have wounded  most of the Economies It will requires collective efforts  of whole world to recover thereon.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Future Cars
                              Future car will save  it self  from other vehicles because of 1.3 Million Bit Second lesser data attached therein.  We have so far seen smart mobiles but  now it is time for smart cars. We will receive such cars in market within five years. They will have computer to guide the driver in every manner.  Karlus Gohson, CEO of Nisan Motors has already predicted that there will driver less car by 1920.
                              Honda motor says that within short time  cars will be  attached with modes which will show Speed limit, Addresses etc. The attached camera will keep eyes on driver if he gets detracted. This will help to avoid accidents. The car will have touch screen which will give information  regarding Traffic, Weather, and the latest News. Besides that it will also give information regarding clouds which will keep  up date information regarding environment around.
                              Google is trying to make driver less car. They have been successful up to some extent. Christopher Emerson, Chief Engineer, Driver less car project says that ride in driver less car is boring then Bus ride.
                              However highly computerized car will be very expensive. Therefore it cost will have to be shared by Consumers and Manufacturers.  Besides that future car will have to be absolutely fuel efficient.

Friday, June 14, 2013

 Sevathon- The great social events organized under India community center
                                                          The India community center has organized Sevathon on Sunday 14th July 2013 at Bay land park, Sunnyvale, CA. It is a very noble gesture by India community center to help Indian American philanthropic organizations to raise the funds. There will be about one hundred organizations who will be benefited by the same. It is walk of 5 to 10 kms for Seva i.e. Service to Indian community. It is unique efforts to help individuals and organizations.
                                                          Besides that it also spread awareness among people to help community. It recognize the activities of various organizations by creating support for them. The most important objective is to nurture the spirit of giving among people. It indirectly also empower individuals and organizations. Therefore the spirit the marathon walk is unique.
                                                          Sevathon also touch the social issues like Hunger, Homelessness, Domestic Violence, Curing of blindness, Illiteracy etc. Sevathon throws light on the various activities of public service oriented non profit organizations. In short it is gathering of about 100 Non  Profit public organizations with thousands of participants from the community i.e. Youth and including Seniors.
                                                       Every one from Youth to Seniors should support whole hearted such noble cause by funding it or at least participating in the event. Let us wish all success to the grand event.