Monday, March 18, 2013

The Broken States
                                                  what is a meaning of broken state? The broken states are those states where there is official government but law and order are not maintained satisfactory manner. There is lack of security. The financial progress is declining and some time it is on on negative side.
                                                 It was a time in Indonesia that officials use to give receipts for the bribes they use to take in the official transactions. It is a legalization of corruption. In the Pakistan every day 10 fifteen people dies out of Bomb Blast or in Communal killings or Infighting.  The life of Social leaders, Reformers, and even of Political leaders are not safe. The terrorist leaders who are most wanted by other countries are moving freely without any fear. There is no significant economical progress. This are the conditions leading to broken States.
                                                 There are some states in Latin America which are also on the verge of broken states. Honduras is a country which is marching backward. The Average 86 murder takes place out of 100000 persons. The drug mafias are very active and they have killed 25  Journalist and 84 taxi drivers in the year 2012.  The police force is also not sufficient to control it . The household has to pay $75 for month  for the private security.The 'GDP' growth is also about 3%.
                                                The Al Salvador is another Latin american country which is also sailing in the same boat. The gang of thugs and thieves named 'Mara' has captured the country. The government appears to have lost the control over them. The 14 persons per day were killed in the year 2012. The prison are over crowded with youth. The ceasefire agreement was signed by the government with the those gangs and trust is their since 2002. It is reported that murder rate has gone down to 6 per day after signing the said agreement. The robberies and exertion cases have also gone down  ten time and  five time respectively  The gangsters are also given some incentive for farming including a loan of $150000 per person from Municipal funds. The government had alloted $72 Million for such purpose under 17 zones. This shows when government and its system fails how Antisocial element flourished.
                                              Therefore all countries of the world has to take lesson from such instances and to further strengthen their administrative system.  Some of the systems are also appears to be broken in India  The India's Economical progress is also declining. The inflation is out of control. The GDP has come down up to 51/2 %.  The terrorism is becoming uncontrollable  The Naxalite influence is increasing allover India.  The police is becoming ineffective and the corruption is increasing day by day. These are all the danger signals. "Pray God save India".


Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Latest About America
                                          1)The Health Care has the strongest lobby in Washington,DC.- For every Congressman more than Seven lobbyists are working.
                                          2) Hurricane 'SANDY' cost $60 billion while America is spending per week same amount after Health Care.
                                          3)American Health Care expenses are double than any Develop Countries.
                                          4)The American men whose life  expectancy is 75.6 years Rank last  among 17 industrialized Countries including 13 Western Europe Countries, Japan, Australia, Canada. While American women life expectancy is 80.7 stands ranked 16th among them. The Researchers found that 'It is a pervasive pattern of shorter lives and poor Health.' It is mainly due to too much Eating,  too much relying on Car and gets Medical care that is often  Inaccessible and  not Affordable.
                                          5)It is also reported that half of the America's 830000 physicians are over age of 50  and seeing few patients then they did in the past. Besides that under Obama Care 30 million more uninsured Americans are to be absorbed under Health Care. It will create shortage of 90000 doctors in next 10 years.
                                          6) United States of America stands 25th among 47 develop countries countries in respect of infrastructure.
                                           7)America's college student loans debt have reached $900 Billion which has created a situation where one American household out of five American household has student loan debts. The total student loan debt of $900 Billion is more than  the nation credit card debt of $693 Billion and auto loan debt of $730 Billion respectively.
                                           8)US GDP Growth is 2% this year and unemployment rate is about 7%. The inflation rate stands to 2.3% at present and average Home prize is still  below the peak time.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

International Women's Day- 8 TH March 2013.
United Nation and all Countries of the  world celebrated Women's Day on 8 Th March 2013. The Main objective of the women's day is to empower women. What is a use of making few speeches for women without converting the Men's psychology to dominate over them. We have seen so many women like Hillary Clinton, Indira Gandhi. Srimovo Bundernaik, Mother Teresa  but they struggled and came up in public life with their own capacities not by empowering by men.
                                                      The women conditions in Urban areas of under develop Countries and in the  Develop Countries  may be better because of education but their conditions in the Rural Areas of Under develop countries are very bad. Some time they are not treated better than Animals. They are all the while exploited by men. Women conditions in the middle east and poor Countries are is not better. They are not allowed to get educate and their freedoms are also curtailed at maximum extent. What we are doing for those women?
                                                     The uneducated women are exploited by Rich and Powerful, while educated are exploited in sophisticated manner i.e. In the fashion world. In marketing and Exposing them inappropriately in the media. It is like every thing is fair in love and war.
                                                      However there are  good signs that men and women are conscious about injustice done to women in the Society, in the Public life, and in the profession  We are well aware that women are suffering from mental, and physical abuses. The American President Barack Obama has issued presidential order recently against the chasing the woman, or assaulting the woman privately, or any type of  violence against woman. Some punishment with prison also included therein. India is also amending criminal code for giving death sentence against Rape.
                                                        The autocracies are still going on against women allover the World. The Woman was gang raped in Delhi in the December 2012.  She was  raped in the Bus and her body was thrown along with the body of his boyfriend  on the road. Besides that on the 11 Th March 2013 one woman was waiting at Metro Station near Akshardham, Delhi. She was kidnapped by four persons in Car and Raped. She was was also thrown on the road afterwards. There is a recent report from UK that " One 16 year girl was raped by 90 men in one day". It is very inhuman and  shows that there are no  securities for women.
                                                         The 20000 cases of Sexual violence mostly involving women were reported in The Democratic Republic of Congo. The most Enlightened country like America is also facing several cases of Rapes per minute. This shows that women empowering is a huge work which requires collective and dedicated efforts of Men.
                                                         It is very good sign that so many celebrities are working in this direction. Sheryl Sandburg, Executive, $400 Million worth,Face Book has written one book on Empowering women. The proceeds of her book"Lean In" will go for the causes of women.
                                                          It is unfortunate that women who gives Birth to Man, Gives Love as wife , daughter and sister, are treated  so badly by men. There is no Logic, no Rationalism in their attitudes. All men may not be treating women adversely but we are the part of larger men folk.  Therefore our head goes down in shame.