Friday, January 25, 2013

Waikiki Beach-(Hawaii)

                                        One can derive the best pleasure  from the Nature. However one must have heart to enjoy the same. The Nature is also catalyst for boasting the life.  I  enjoyed the natural beauty of Hawaii  and especially of Waikiki Beach at Honolulu.  The Sunset at Waikiki  was very colorful and pleasant.  The breeze was very refreshing. The people were enjoying Water Sports in the Sea and some of them were taking bath in the crystal clear water.The nature was heavenly.
                                          I also just stretched my self  on the soft sand of Waikiki beach  forgetting the world around.  Thus started  enjoying  the sweet nature.  Few lines then came on the screen of my mind-
Waikiki Beach
The cool breeze was blowing
On the blue water of sea
While the palm trees were shaking
Like old man of sixties
The beach was  full of people
To appreciate the nature
The waves were jumping high
As if wanted to meet the sky
The colorful sun was half in the water
And  birds in group were flying in the air
While few were watching the horizon
 In order to see the colorful sunset
 Everyone was busy  with nature
 To enjoy Waikiki's heavenly features.
   Bharat Desai.


Friday, January 18, 2013

Chile- The up coming    Latin American Country

It is a Country which have 2700 Miles Mountain strip  with 100 Miles wide territory. Chile was neglected country so far without exploitation of its natural resources. It is  situated 1000 miles away from Antarctic circle.  Besides that  it has population of 1.17 million. The  GDP of Chile  is 5.9%(i.e. As per 2011 figures) with the lowest inflation rate. It has also received foreign investment of 13.7 billion dollars as per the figure available of 2011. This is because as Chile had introduced liberal market reforms since 1980.
                                            It Exports Wheat,Fruits,Dairy Products, Salmon Fish, Timber and Wine.  They have 90 wineries which produce the best wines. Besides that Dairy Cooperatives have plan additional plants  with the capacity of 500 tons of milk daily. There is a Giant Wood Board company with 220000 acres of forest and 60000 clients abroad. It has also natural resources like oil, gas and other minerals. Therefore Chile is  a Country to be watched for its bright future.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Whether China is sitting on the Volcano of discontents?
China is acting very aggressively in its all political moves.  China is oppressing the local discontent in the Tibet.  It is also impatience with Taiwan.  It has also opened another front by claiming  inhabited islands across  Japan. It is also at cross road with Philippines and  Vietnam in Chines Sea. Besides that China is also aggressive and stiff in the boundaries disputes with India.  which are the compelling reasons for China to act  in such a strange manner?
                                               One of the reasons may be to satisfy and divert the forces which are bothering the authorities from within. All are aware that China has One of the biggest armies in the world with Intercontinental Missiles and Atomic Weapons. The Chines army is also playing very important role in maintaining the stability in China.  The military leadership also wants to share the power in the government through back door. That is the second reason why China is aggressive on many political fronts.  It also keeps Arm forces involve in political agenda.
                                             Besides that Internal discontent is  also increasing  The Land grabbing by Land developer with the help of Corrupt officials is the main cause of people furry.  The Environment Rules are also  flouted by Rich industrialist along with unsafe conditions in the factories.  China has progress industrially but Gap between Rich and Poor is increasing. That is a issue of Anxiety.  Minority communities like Tibetan and Uighur are Suppressed.  All these things have increased the discontent among the people. The most staring example is Chines Artist Ai Weiwei who has shown his displeasure against' The building up of modern China without free Society'. Once he was beaten up and subsequently was sent to jail for 81 days.    Besides that about more then 350000 anti government demonstrations have taken place in the last two years. China has also created security agencies in order to control the  resistance of the people. There are separate secret prisons for dissidents in China. All those so called security activities are  funded with about 110 Billion Dollars. It is said that such huge fund is spent in order to maintain the stability in China.
                                           The Chines Leadership is being changed at the interval of ten years.   Xi Jinping and  Li Keqlang took over as a President and Prime Minister of China in the November 2012 accordingly. However people expectation from former President Hu Jintao, and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, were very high in respect of political reforms. China became more close Country in the time of those departed Leaders. It has also increased the discontents among people. Now people expect the same political reforms from new Leadership. Let us Wait and Watch where they will carry China the second biggest economy of the world.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

American Fiscal Cliff
                                           American economy is facing danger from its very big deficit in the budget. It is like one Overdrawn Credit Card. It is said average american spend more then what they earn.  The average credit card of Americans are overdrawn up to one salary. However the American prosperity is due to their capacity to spent. The economy may crash if they will loose their purchasing power.
                                            It is believed  that such a big deficit has developed because america is importing  more then what it exports. America is buying petroleum products from Arabs Countries, the manufactured goods from China. The Walmart is importing/buying 80% of their product from China. All fruits and vegetables comes from South American Countries like Mexico, Honduras and  Guatemala.  They are  importing cars from Japan and Germany and Crap from Taiwan. The software is being Outsource from India.  In short America  manufactures Good wine and liquor. All these factors have tremendously increased the foreign debts.
                                          The America's Annual deficit has gone up more then one Trillion Dollars and accumulated deficit is so far is  more then 14 Trillion Dollars. The American government has been trying to reduce the deficit but saving is  very negligible.  The American Congress and Senate is widely divided on the issue of fiscal cliff. There is dead line by which Congress and Senate  must come to some agreement otherwise  the constitutional provisions will be automatically applicable. Which are those provisions? The tax will be automatically increased and compulsory cut in spending will come in effect. It is  said that 661 Million Dollar Tax will be increased and 1.2 Trillion Dollars of  cut will be imposed on the government spending. It is said that all those measures  will further deteoriate the economical situation.
                                        However there are lots of differences among the republicans and democrats regarding solving the fiscal deficits. Democrats are for taxing rich and not willing to cut the expenses related to welfare of the weaker section of society. while republicans are not for higher taxes for rich and suggesting cut in welfare expenses including in social security  payments.
All these infighting has made the congress and senate more or less paralytic.  Meanwhile the economy and American people are further suffering. The American credit rating may also suffer further if this  fiscal  cliff problem  remains unsolved for long time.
                                       The recent Presidential election has shown the popular trend against Republican Party. It  is one of the compelling reasons for  the Republicans to come round for the  negotiable solution of the problem. We hope wisdom prevails and solution is found for such vital problem. Meanwhile we also pray 'God save America'