Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Health Care System of USA- Its problems
The Health Care system of USA  is the most expensive in the world. The several American  Presidents made efforts to rectified it but they failed. It is connected with various vested interest like insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, Doctors etc. Barak Obama recently passed Health Reforms which was  challenged by several states in the Supreme Court. It has been  approved by the Supreme Court of USA. However  we do not know as it may be repelled by the Republican Party.i.e. If they get majority in Congress,and Senate or their own  Party nominee get elected in the November 2012 Presidential election. However Health Care issues has become very controversial.
                                                                                  The  recent report of the' Institute of Medicine' shows what is wrong with our Health Care System.  The Health Care system is squandering $750 Billion per year which exceed the budget of Pentagon and it is more then the amount required for Insuring all Americancs.
                                                                                  It is very interesting to know how it is being squandered? The 210 Billion Dollars are spent after unnecessary services. The 190 Billion Dollars are spent in the form of Excess Cost. The 105 Billion Dollars are spent on inflated prize. The 55 Billion Dollars are spent towards  preventive failures. While75 Billon Dollars are going in frauds. This shows how much the Health Care system is broken.
                                                                                  The Total deficit of American Budget is heading towards 16 Trillion Dolllars and How this type of waste can be efforded by the Nation. We hope that Barak  Obama Health reform may be able to control such waste and will be able to give Insurance cover to all Americans. Besides that we hope that American budget deficit may be reduced by strict measures including controlling such huge waste of money in Health Care System. We hope for the Best.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

President  Barack Obama- Why to blame him?
Barack Obama is facing very tiff fight against his Republic Nominee Mitt Romney in the Forthcoming November 2012 Presidential Election.
                Barack Obama inherited the Mess Economy, Two wars were going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, Huge deficit, Two digit Unemployment Rate and the tense political situation from Libya to Pakistan  including Iran. There was a crisis regarding collapsing of Major Financial Institutions and Industries. The housing and real estate crisis were also very huge.
               Economy: Barack Obama created 3 million jobs against the loss of 818000 jobs as reported by  independent agency. He assisted the Banking and Auto Industries to recover back. He also introduced modified mortgage and refinance schemes.
               Education: He introduced  the reform in the education sector with coordination of teacher unions.
               Domestic Issues: He endorsed the Gay Marriage. He also made arrangements to see that young illegal immigrants with clean records get work permits. He had successfully carried out the Health Care reforms.
               Foreign Policy: His  selection of  Hillary Clinton as a Secretary  of State was a right choice and he could bring desired results through diplomatic Chanel. The troops from Iraq was successfully brought and had fixed the date for withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. He could successfully squeeze the Iran through International pressure on its Nuclear Policy. He could also prevent Israel from waging the war with Iran.
              He is not much successful regarding the policies with Afghanistan and Pakistan.  However his  communication machinery is not effective as it  is suppose to keep American people well informed about his achievements. There is still time to take care of all those things.

Harry Truman former  President of America
He had made more important decisions regarding America then 42 preceding Presidents. He had only one house in Missouri which was inherited by his wife. He drove back to Missouri by car after his retirement as a President. Besides that he never accepted any job thereafter stating that" You do not want me. You  want office of the President and it does not belong to me. It belongs to people and it is not for sale."

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

National Grandparents Day of America- 9 Th September  2012
                                                      America is observing the National Grandparents Day next Sunday after labor Day. It was announced in the year 1978 when the Jimmy Carter was President of America. Jimmy Carter is also very family type person and he has tremendous respect for Seniors and their Contributions in the Society. Therefore The National Grandparents Day was declared in order to educate the youth in the Community about important contributions Seniors have made throughout the History.
                                                       The Indian culture has already recognized the contributions of the Grandparents in the Society. They are the most respected in the family from generation to generation. It is a strength behind the Indian family system.
                                                        I have not seen my Grandparents but my father described me about their high qualities. My Grand father was a Teacher and my Grandma was Homemaker.
                                                       My Grandfather died very early Age. Hence my Grandma has to stay with her parents for maintenance of her children. Once she felt insulted with the behavior of her Parents. She decided to leave the house without thinking about financial consequences. She told her children that' We can  not stay in the place where our self respect is not maintained . Her father has to tender apology to her.
                                                      My Grandfather was a man of principle even though he was a ordinary Teacher in Bhavnagar State of Gujarat. Once the high official of the said state requested him to help him by giving Special  lessons to his Son. He was ready to offer any amount of money for the same. But Grandpa stood to his principle of not giving any private  lessons.  He advised the said official to instruct his son to give more attention in the class room. The official was very much upset due to Grandpa's refusal and transferred him to very remote village.  But Grandpa did not cared for such punishment and never compromised with his principles.  That is how our family inherited the high sense of self respect, and never to compromise with the Values and Principles.
                                                    This is only to say that Qualities of Grandpa and Grandma always helps to create high character in the family. Besides that their experiences are like treasure which every generation should try to preserve it for passing on to next generation.