Saturday, July 21, 2012

India - Once Prosperous Country Now Poor.

(On the right from top Portraits of Mohmmad Gazanavi and below Nadir Shah of Persia)
Max Muller a German scholar was first person who recorded his speech on the Gramophone which was invented by Thomas Alva Edison. He stated in the said speech that 'India was having well developed civilization when Europe was in Dark age. He also quoted one mantra on 'Agni' (Fire) from Rigveda to substantiate his statement. Vedas were written 5000 years ago.  India then was rich in culture and wealth. Mohenjo Daro, Harappa, Lothal are the remains of those rich culture. The Agriculture was in advanced stage which use to generate lot of wealth. They use to have three harvest.  Besides that trade, and metallurgy science were also well developed. There were gold, silver, daimond and steel mines which were developed very well. Even steel was exported to Persia and other countries. The Chola  Dynasty of Tamilnadu had expanded their influence  up to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and Maldev  There was  well developed trade  with those countries. Thus foreign trade use to bring lot of wealth from abroad.
                         The western Traveler Marco Polo described the Malabar(Kerala)  a land of amazing people with millions of precious Gems and Gold Coins. Vasco De Gama was very much impressed with the Ship making Industries then in India. He stated that Indian ships were 10 times bigger than European made ships.
                         In the time of East India company’s Rule the  British parliament sent one of it members to survey the Indian condition. He reported that  ‘No Beggars were found. The moral of Indian people is very high.Its Education System is very Good’. He suggested that ’We will have to destroy the India's Educational,  Industrial and Moral Bases in order to Establish our Rule. That is how British Rule was established with impressing  upon that ‘Everything which comes  from England was of superior and whichever are produced in India were of inferior qualities. They Emphasize on the knowledge of English is most important. It lowered the indian  Moral up to great extent. It is said  that the European Industrial Revolution started with the wealth brought from Asian Colonies. How India became poor? Paul Kennedy says ‘ British Rule changed the Indian Economy from Rural to City Oriented’. Hence villages which were Backbone of Indian Economy were Broken.
                          Besides that if you see Historically Outside Invaders also looted Indian wealth. Mohammad Ghazanavi invaded India 17 times. He took away 6.5 Tons of Gold, 5000 Precious Stone. He looted Mathura for 20 days and took away wealth of about 100000000 Red Dinar. Nadir Shah of Persia took away 70 crores of wealth along with Peacock Throne and Kohinoor Diamond. Besides that Britishers looted from India  One Trillion Pound as per figures quoted by K M Munshi,(In the Year 1946) a Writer and Historian.
                                      However it is very unfortunate that even our own people are still looting us through several Frauds/Scams. Those money are gone to Swiss Bank or in Tax Heaven.
There are about 25 big Scams have taken place after Independence. The Mundra Scam to 2G Telecom Scam it continues. It is reported that 27.3 billion dollars are annually slashed away to Tax Heaven. Therefore India is still poor in spite of that it has precious Intellectual Treasure. It is  very unfortunate that India was looted by Foreigners and now by our own people. Therefore India is really poor and 33% of Indian population is living in below poverty line.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

4Th July -Independence Day of America
American Independence struggle from England was well fought. Thomas Jefferson, and John Adam were the  main  Architects of independence and subsequently they were also elected the President of America. 
                                                The American Congress passed the Resolution of Independence on 2 ND July 1776. Thereafter five members committee was formed to draft declaration of Independence from British Crown. Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of American Independence. The independence declaration was made on 4 Th July 1776 and thus it was declared as 'Independence Day' The initially the Union was formed with 13 States but thereafter other states also joined. There are now fifty States in the Union i.e. In the 'United State of America'.
                                               The 4 Th July is now Federal Holiday. The American Independence day is celebrated with  Parades, Carnivals, Fairs, Concerts, Baseball Games, Picnics and Fireworks at the Night. The each state is given One Gun Salute on Independence Day as a member of the American Union.
                                               The Independence Day of America is celebrated in dignified manner with patriotic songs. 
America was founded few Centuries ago
The Equality,  Liberty and Justice are its base
It was not easy to form the Nation
When Mite was right was Notion
The Racial problem was very much in Sight
when Native Indians were in mood to Fight
Then Statue of Liberty gave one Message
Without doing Duty and Sacrifice  No use of freedom
Bharat Desai
