Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel can be compared with the great German Hiro Bishmark who integrated divided Germany. Similarly Sardar integrated Indian native states in the union of India. He was a master politician like Chanakya of 350-275 BC who assisted Chandragupta Maurya to established the Great Maurya Empire in India.
Sardar Patel was very popular, intelligent and foresighted leader with high character. However he was iron man of India with very human heart. He use to look after the family of followers very well.
One incident my father C R Desai told me related to Sardar Patel. He was then City Engineer of Ahmadabad and Sardar Patel was then helm of the affairs of Ahmadabad Municipality. My father was not happy with the situation prevailing in the Ahmadabad Municipality. He wanted that he should be permitted to return to PWD who landed his services to Ahmadabad Municipality. He asked for his time and Sardar immediately gave him time. He met him personally. Sardar started asking him about the family and how they are doing? before he said anything. My father was very much touched emotionally. He further said in a very soft voice' I know what is bothering you but we have to work for our people and we require your services for the same. My father was very much surprised that he knew for which purpose he asked his time and his answer was also ready with him. he simply followed his mandate. This shows that Sardar Patel knew very well how to touch once emotion for getting the work done. That was Sardar!
Sardar Patel was very warm with all communities including Muslim. The three Muslim Nawabs of Junaghadh, Mangrol, and Manvadar in Gujarat wanted to join with Pakistan and they have to leave their states against popular will. Every one expected that Sardar Patel will not allow them to leave but Sardar showed all courtesy to them and issued orders to allow them to go Pakistan. This shows he had no ill will against any communities.
He was against reservation but he wanted reservation for Economically Backward Communities. Therefore he saw that some of the Economically Backwards Communities were also included in the reservation.
He had also foresight like Chanakya and Expected 1962 Chines attack on India well before and he warned Pandit Jawaherlal Nehru in advance
Sardar patel always thought of National interest leaving the petty things like Cast, Communalism, and Sectarian feelings. He was a leader with analytical mind and quick decision. He was never driven by circumstances but he always droves over them. You can rarely find such patriotic leader with high character.
Bharat Desai

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Story of a Small fishing village
This is a story of fishing village of Bhadeli, which is situated between the 'Arabian Sea 'on the one side and river 'Oranga 'on the other side. It is very near to the District City of Valsad (South Gujarat), which is well known for its Alphonso Mango all over India. Bhadeli is very small village mainly populated by small farmers and fishermen communities. It was village where backward communities were addicts to tadi i.e.home made liquor. The majority of those backward communities are consisting of farm laborers and fishermen. Most of them were illiterate and poor until the changes came in their lives.

Last time when I visited that village I found lot of changes. Those poor and backward people were more active in the constructive activities. Those fishermen were visiting the temple of 'Hingdaj Mata 'regularly and even contributing in the renovation of that temple. Incidentally the 'Hingdaj Mata 'is kuldevi of forward community as well as. Those poor community members are now educated and have purchased land and good houses in the village. Their faith in God has increased and they have become more religious minded. It is a village that has given one Prime Minister to India, (i.e. Birth place of Morarji Desai )and they are proud of him. They wanted to make his memorial where the great son of village was born but there was difficulty that said house was owned by one of the fisherman of that village. The owner of that house immediately offered his properly for creating memorial of the great son. It was very noble gesture on the part of that fisherman.

The Social workers have done marvelous work under ‘Matshya Gandha’ project, which is the brain child of Dada- Pandurang Athavale Shastri and who also Established the Swadhyay Movement Internationally. I am also happy that Swadhyay has been instrumental in improving the conditions of poor people of Bhadeli village with which have close family link.
The Heaven on the Earth-
One side roaring ocean
Other side running river
In between green flowery place
which is my Birth place,-The heaven on the Earth
The melodious sound of temple bells
With prayer from the nearby Mosque
It makes place very pious
which is my Birth place,- The heaven on the Earth
The people sharing unhappiness of each other
And distributing their happiness among all
Such love and affection where it is shared
which is my Birth place,- The heaven on the Earth


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Latest about America
America is not only growing economically but it is also growing in population. We have reached the population of 300millions. It is observed that 80%of population stays in the metropolitan areas. It is said that New Jersey State is the most densely populated state with 1134 people per square miles, while Alaska is most sparsely populated state with one person per square miles. The 51% of population are women while men are 49%. The 80%population is white and least population is of 1% American Indian including Alaska native.
However the question naturally arise that why such a rise in population? The following are the reasons for the rise.
1) America’s wide spaces also make child raising more attractive. In America the average family home has doubled in size in the half century from 1000sq feet in 1950 to 2100sq feet in 2001.
2) The American churches play in nurturing conventional families. The churches give them advice to married couples how to communicate better and give them advise on how to bring up children.
3) Besides that in America sexes are more equal. Women are more willing to have children, as they know that husband will help with housework.
You will be surprised to note that in America about three quarter of voting age American are registered to vote but only 35% adult Americans are regular voters. The voting patterns increase with the age and income.
The 90% of tax returns report income of $100000/- or less, while 50% report income less then $30000/-. The survey indicates that more number of people is doing cashiers job while least numbers are in parking lot attendants. Their maiden salary come to $16260/- and $16930 receptively. It is interesting to note that only 2.3 millions American make between $200000/- to $500000/- while 9.7 millions American makes between $100000/- to $200000/-. Therefore the richest Americans makes the 0.5% of the total population.
It is very important to analyze how American think, believes and follows? The 85% follow a Christian faith. The 66% believe that ‘There is no doubt ‘God’ exists. The thinking of American also influence the shape of American politics. Therefore it is very important what are their views on important issues.
1) The 23% only believe that abortion is wrong
2) The 63% justify the Iraqi war and wants that government should increase military spending.
3) The 76% want to protect environment better and also want to expand authority to fight terrorism.
5) The 91% believe that government should allow prayer in the school.
6) The 57% want that government should distribute wealth more evenly.

It is observed that mother spends more time with kids in the family. The married work few more hours than single one. Besides that highly educated work few hours more especially on week end.
However now it is observed that Americans have gained 4 to 8 hours a week leisure time mostly because appliances have reduced house work. It is surprisingly found that 20% drop in hours ‘Spent on grooming over”. It may be because of easing of dress code.
America is still most prosperous nation in the world as the most prosperous states like California, New York, Florida, Illinois and Texas goes on increasing its wealth.
However unfortunately the gap between poor and rich is also goes on increasing. That is the sad part of it.
The Special about America
-The 28% of Households in America consist of just one person.
-Many Americans fails by 'Individual Society'.
-More than 50% Birth to women younger than 30 year occurs outside Marriage-
- New York Times
-"Going Solo" More than 50% adult are single-Eric Klenenberg
-The 20% of American families are having difficulties in paying their Medical Bills.while 10% of American between the age of 65-74 are also having difficulties in paying their Medical Bills
The America---
The America is and was great
Will remain great with the time
It was built few centuries ago
Liberty,Freedom and Justice are its base
The America---
The builders of America gave high ideals
While Lincoln added all men are equal
Dr King brought his dreams to millions
which consolidated the progressive nation
The America---
The government by and of the people kennedy’s call
Do for your country was his slogan
The statue of liberty stands for one message
That without duty and sacrifice no use of freedom
Therefore America is great
Will remain great with the time.
The America---
Bharat Desai