Wednesday, December 26, 2012


                                   Christmas is the  most important event in  the Christianity  It was day when the Christ was born to mother Merry. Christ is also considered as the a  son of God .
                                  Christ  was born at the time when people were suffering under ignorance, tyranny  and Blind faith in Rituals.  Roman Emperor were ruling then and they were hostile to Christ teaching.  However Christ birth was the sign of  light and disappearance of darkness.  It was the beginning regarding victory of  virtues over evils.Therefore Christmas is celebrated with Candle lights and with decorated tree.
                               However Christ was crucified by Roman  but he rises again after three days. Thereafter he gave his message to his  main  followers  like Mosses, Peter, Thomas, James ( brother) and others. James spreaded his message to Russia and Peter went to Rome. Roman Emperor Nero was then very hostile towards Peter but Emperor Augustine accepted the Christianity as a state religion.
                               It appears that  lot of violence took place in the transit period. However Christ messages were of Love, Equality, Faith in God and Observance of  Non Violence. They brought lasting peace and joy in the hearts of the people.

Monday, December 24, 2012

  INDIAN AMERICAN SENIORS IN SILICON VALLEY                                                 
                          BY BHARAT DESAI
 (In above pictures from top to down 1) Seniors' Ras' Program during 'FOSWL ' celebration regarding completion of 150th session and 2)'Bollywood Dance' Program at 'ICC' Milpitas 3) Seniors at Jain Center, Milpitas 4)Seniors at ICC, Fremont 5) Esteves Jose Mayor of Milpitas addressing the seniors at INSAF, Program at Fremont,6)Seniors performing Dance item at Senior Center, Bay Area Vaishnav Parivar, Milpitas,7) Seniors meeting at' Gujarati senior Mitra Mandal, Fremont temple) 100 members seniors group meeting at Fremont temple 9) Seniors meeting at 'Jain Center', Milpitas, 10) Seniors meeting at 'Saratoga Senior Center, Saratoga)
                                                I  joined  in the Senior activities at ‘ Indo American Community Service Center at Santa Clara, CA in the year 1999. It was one of the prominent centers then which was serving Indian American Seniors. It was also time when flow of Indian American Seniors was not much as today.  They were running one of the main programs for seniors under’ The  Creative Writing called  as ‘Chhajju Ka Chaubara’. It was forum wherein  seniors  were supposed to  present their articles/poems /songs etc. We use to get nutritious western type  lunch after program. However with the time we  started getting Indian style food in lunch.Some of the seniors along with me took initiative and started few more intellectual programs like ‘Current Events’, ‘Friends on Same Wavelength’. and ‘The Life strategy’.  All those programs increased the interest among seniors
and our attendance also increased. All those programs became very popular and recognized by Medias, Government and Semi government Agencies. The most important thing is that all the programs served the seniors vivid interest very well. However the Indo American Community Service Center, Santa Clara  was merged with India community center where we got better facilities to continued our programs. We were given bigger place with more facilities at Cupertino, CA. It also serves seniors from Palo Alto, Cupertino,Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Saratoga, Santa Clara, and San Jose
                                               India community center  runs  Senior Centers at Milpitas, Fremont  and Cupertino along with other community services. The seniors are entertained at India community center with Intellectual and  Entertainment programs ,along with Yoga Sessions. The  Seniors remains involve from 11.00AM to 1.00 PM. They are served lunch after those programs. The Seniors ‘Rass’ and  Bollywood  Dance Programs at ICC, Milpitas have  also become very popular all over the Valley. 
                                             The  Indian community Center’s  Fremont unit is also managed  by one of the volunteers Gurumukhsing. I observed during my  visit  that several good activities  were going on i.e. like Spiritual talk, Devotional songs etc. I was very much impressed regarding  the presentation of old Hindi movies songs by Ram Ashanani and Spiritual talk by Balram Sharma.
                                               I was also invited by  some of the Indian American  Senior Centers run by  Individual Volunteers or some of the Indian American community organizations. I had generally talk to them regarding ‘Seniors  Health and Happiness’.
                                              ‘The INSAF ‘  which  runs senior programs  twice a month at Senior Center, Lake Elizabeth, Fremont. is doing very well. I was  a guest speaker in  one of their programs. The Indian American Seniors were taking part in the discussions regarding their common problems.  The Mayor of Milpitas Esteve Jose also gave talk on the facilities offered  by City Milpitas to the seniors.  The several seniors presented  talk on spirituality, and on the latest problems faced by them in the said meeting.  Surendra Dalal, President, and Krishnaswmi Narasimhan,Secretary   managed  the said  program very well.
                                                ‘The Gujarati Senior Mitramandal’ also runs Senior program  at Fremont Temple at Fremont. Urmilaben Patel, Ramanbhai Desai, are running the program twice a month. Urmilaben keeps  informed seniors regarding forthcoming programs related to seniors. It was pleasure to watch  the prayer chanted  by Seniors. Sarayubahen Song of Ravindranath Tagore was very melodious. 
                                                 Ramesh Patel also run ‘Hundred Members Group ‘at Fremont Temple twice a month. I visited the center on invitation. It is being run very well. He also gives opportunities to seniors for presenting their talent. Dr Mahesh Raval upcoming writer and poet presented very good Gazals and Shayari. Pragnaben( i.e.Dagalo fame) and Rajubhai Solanki also presented very good musical items which were received very well by seniors. Antani, Pinakinbhai,Mankad,Babubhai, presented songs while one Senior  Sharmaji talked on ‘Rakha Bandhan and its Significance.’ It was very interesting program.
                                                  One of the Senior Centers run by ‘Jain Center’, at Milpitas was very much Spiritual Oriented. Almost all members talked on Jain’s ‘Pajushan Festival’ and its importance for the  inner Developments. Kishorebhai, Niruben,Mahendrabhai,Kokilaben, Dhaneshbhai, and Pravinbhai talks were very thought provoking. Dr Lodha took a Yoga session for few minutes. Sailja Jain also presented poems and shayari which were received very well. Ramnikbhai Gohil and energetic youth Prarnaben managed the program very well.
                                                Vanitaben Mahajani, Arun Phadwekar are also running Senior Center at Saratoga on every Thursday. They also invites Guest Speaker from outside to talk on the Senior’s related Subjects. I was invited through Mercy one of the seniors for taking on ‘ How to remain Happy and Healthy by utilizing maximum time with Healthy Activities’. 
                                               The Senior Center affiliated to ‘Bay Area Vaishnav  Parivar, Milpitas  also invited me for talk and got opportunity to observe their activities. It is very well managed by Manish Patel and Dipikaben. Kalpanaben, a Senior lady had organized  dance session for seniors based on Song of Gujarati poet late Suresh Dalal. It was participated by almost all Seniors. There was a Yoga session taken by Mahendrabhai.
                                               It is common practice that  all senior centers  serves Lunch after program.  The some of the Senior Centers periodically arrange outing for seniors. Thus my visits covered more than 800 seniors in the Bay Area.i.e Silicon Valley.. However it is observed that all those senior centers are helping Indian American seniors to past their time very well i.e. In fellowship and entertainment. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

                                                 Afghanistan has historical ties with India since thousands of years.  The Afghan territory  is spreaded to 250000 square miles in the  mountainous Region.  The Afghanistan was also known as 'Gandhar' in the the  Ancient time. It  is also mentioned in the Indian epic 'Mahabharata '. Shakuni and Gandhari were crown prince and princess of Gandhar recepectivly . Afghanistan has been always silky road of human migration. The Alaxzender the great, Changiskhan invaded through the same way.  It is land of  Gazanvi, Gori , Khilji Mogul who invaded India. Chandragupta Mauriya defeated Greece General Saluclus and spreaded his influence up to Afghanistan. Thereafter budhist influence also reached  there.
                                               Besides that Afghanistan is also rich of natural resources like petroleum  natural gas, lithium, gold copper,coal and iron ore. It has 34 provinces which has strong influence of Local lords.The Taliban were the political tools of western powers to remove Russian from Afghanistan. However western powers  left Afghanistan in the hands of Taliban.  Taliban flourished thereafter.  Taliban are the master mind behind terrorism which has created problems for the whole world.
                                                However USA  has to intervene in order to free Afghanistan from the Taliban thereafter. The Afghanistan is not having  proper infrastructures. Hence it is very difficult to sustain there for any power from out side. It is literally impossible to win the war in Afghanistan in context of its geographical conditions and very aggressive war minded  people.
                                                USA  has already lost its 2000 young soldiers in the  war of Afghanistan.  America has been fighting this war along with NATO allies since 11 years and that too without much success.  'USA' has now decided to withdraw its troop by 2014.  However meanwhile they are training the local Afghan army of about 380000 soldiers  It is observed that  Taliban has infiltrated in the Afghan army and already killed 42 american and allied soldiers from within.
                                                It is very dangerous and complicated situation. Some of the political Analysts are predicting that there may civil war situation in Afghanistan after American troops leaves' The present authority may be also over run by Taliban.
                                                It is also not certain that USA will go on funding Afghanistan after its exit from it.  In context of  above  situation the  Nato Commander General  \John Allen has come out with a statement that ' We are willing to sacrifice a lot for this campaign but we are not willing to be murdered for it' It clearly means we can fight war but we can not tolerate murder of our soldiers from the enemy within. It appears that they want to get out of such situation which cannot be resolved militarily.
                                               It is very unfortunate that  Afghan people who consist of 42% Pashtun and 27% Tasik are suffering terribly after the removal of Monarchy Headed by King Jahirshah. The Pashtun people in India also suffered during the partition of India as they were for 'Pashtunistan' covering Pashtun from Frontier province of india and from Afghanistan which was ignored then. Abdul Gaffer Khan i.e. Sarhad  Gandhi was the saddest person then. He never wanted to join Pakistan instead of that he desired 'Pashtunistan' then. He spent most his life in Jail for such desire.
                                               We hope Afghanistan comes out of all this problems and wish them all the best.'

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Modern Russia
                                          China has always argued that they will be more cautious before fully opening their market as they do not want to meet the Economic fate of Russia.  It may be convenient argument of China for not fully opening their market. However the Russia is not in bad shape as made out except that the few provinces from Russian federation got separated.  They separated as they were compelled or forcibly kept in the federation since long time.
                                          Russian economy is picking up and it appears that the leadership of Vladimir Putin  is again heading towards democratic authoritarian Rule. Besides that Russia must have fall in terms of economical criteria but militarily it is still strong. The  militarily Russia is more stronger than china and some way stronger than USA.  It has largest Atomic weapons. They  have scores of Multi Rocket Super Bombs.  Russia has very large stock of H-Bombs which can do considerable damage to west. Therefore Russia cannot be under estimated.
                                          Besides that Russia is doing well  under the strong leadership of Putin. It appears that Chanchia problem is now very much under control. Putin has advantage of handling the situation as he has risen from the very important intelligence agency KGB.
                                          Putin is a very expensive leader with  reference to his security as he is moving with the button of Atomic weapons of Russia. It is reported that annually $5 billion is being spent for his security. There are 250000 security men from secret police and other agencies to protect him.                                        
                                          Putin uses  20 palaces, a Villa on Black Sea(i.e. Worth about one billion) and and the yacht (i.e. Valued 50 million). His official Aircraft Cabin is  fitted with 18 million worth of fittings. It can be seen from above facts that he may be more expensive ruler of Russia then Stalin who was Dictator.  The only difference is that Stalin was more secured as all agencies were under his direct control while Putin's securities are managed by  securities agencies independently.
                                          However it is a matter of interest to note that Russia is  progressing steadily.   Its standard of living has gone up.  However it is  strange but fact that 2/3 of its  Multi rocket Super Bombs are targeted towards China not towards West.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Once upon time Changkai Sack was one of the most popular leaders of China. However gradually his regime became ineffective and whole system collapse. The rural China was suffering with land grabbing. The inflation was very high side. The corruption  became unbearable  The country was suffering and poor were in pitiable condition. The development were at standstill. This all had brought  discontent among Masses. That was the time when Mao movement got support. Maotse Tung's organized army and started   capturing the territories. The broken system could not stand and Mao's army proceeded to Urban Areas. It spreaded to whole China that made it red. It was a great cultural revolution. Chang Kai Saik regime  was driven out from mainland of China. He has to take refuge in 'Formosa' i.e Taiwan. It can be said that China is still under  Maoist Rulers on account of the failure of democratic system under Changkai Saik.
                                                         Indian situation is also developing serious on the same line. The inflation is on high side. The corruption going on uncontrolled.  The unemployment rate is on high side. The lands are being grab in rural and backward area by wasted interest.   The farmers are committing suicides because of heavy debts. 56 % population is struggling to survive and 30% is in below poverty line. The 5% to 10% are having good life which is increasing the gap between poor and rich. It is very gloomy picture for the people of India.
                                                         In that context  we have to see the Naxalite movement which is getting strong day by day.
Naxalite- Maoist Insurgency
The Naxalite Movement started from small Naxalbari Village of West Bengal. Its goal is to establish a Marxist state. It  also support rural poor and adivasi.
                                                       The movement has already spreaded in Ten states and about 180 districts of India.  The some time back Naxalite workers were arrested from the city like Surat which is situated in the Gujarat State. It is one of the well managed states in India.  The whole backward and rural belt from East to West and deep in South is in the grip of their influence. The Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has rightly said that "It is the single biggest internal security challenge face by the country".
                                                     Naxalite are having 20000 Arm Cadre and 50000 Regular Cadre which are consist of well educated young men and women. They have their own well organized Polit Bureau at Central level along with State and Regional level administrative committees.
                                                      It is interesting to note that they have exhort 300 million dollar and receiving financial and arm supply from China and  Pakistani intelligence agency 'ISI'. The more then Eleven thousands persons are killed sofar in the said insurgency,
                                                      It is very unfortunate that Marxist/ China influence is increasing in Pakistan,  Nepal,  Myanmar  and Sri Lanka. Marxist are already having strong influence in West Bengal and Kerala state in South India.
                                                     Indian democracy has worked very well even with less literacy rate. The election process has shown that people have tried to change the governments for better. However it appears that leadership has failed them. It may be noted that the violent and authoritarian system always flourished under such circumstances. We can only  pray ' God Save India'.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

(31st  October 2012- \His Birth Anniversary)

Sardar patel was very senior leader in the freedom struggle. His loyalty to Mahatma Gandhi was unquestionable.  But Sardar had not showed much interest in Gandhian way of achieving independence in the the beginning of his career as  practicing lawyer in Ahemdabad. He use to ridicule his activities then in the 'Gujarat Club, Ahemdabad where he use to pass his Evening time. Some of the Junior Lawyers  Mahadev Desai and Narhari Parikh use to go to Gandhi Ashram. They suggested him to  meet Gandhi. He visited him out of curiosity  He was very much impressed with Gandhi during his first meeting. He decided to join with him. It  shows that Sardar never did any thing without understanding the thing in the right perspectives.It is said that his attachment to Gandhi was like a disciple with his  Mentor.
                                         He use to get up very early in the Ashram and use keep Gandhi's teeth brushing things ready before Gandhi get up. He was master organizer and Gandhi gave him leadership of' ' Bardoli Farmers Satyagraha. Sardar was successful and Gandhiji gave him title of Sardar means Commander. Besides that Sardar had his full control over Congress organization. Therefore he was having control over 14 Pradesh Congress committees out of Seventeen.  He would have easily become first prime minister of independent India  However Gandhi instructed him to give way to Nehru. He obeyed his masters order like a loyal soldier. But Gandhi also insisted that he should be in government looking at his caliber and capacity.
                                       Sardar Patel integrated the all 550 native states in the union of India tactfully.  He had analytical mind and clear vision.  He had difference of opinion with Nehru and they never show eye to eye. Sardar wanted that our army should flush out invaders from Kashmir and  should go up to Peshawar. It was required  in order get it confirm from Pakistan that Kashmir is part of India.  But Nehru prevented him to doing so stating that we will be considered invasion.  He preferred to go united nation. Sardar opposed it but he was helpless in the matter. We are still paying heavily on Kashmir issue. In respect of  Hyderabad Sardar had his own plan to  liberate it. Once he put the same before cabinet but Nehru angrily refused to accept the plan and alleged that Sardar was perfect communal and he cannot accept his plan and proposal.  The humiliated Sardar left and never attended cabinet meetings thereafter. This incident which took place one week before Hyderabad police action which is confirmed by MKK Nayar one of IAS officers of 1947 batch in his memories. However Sardar firmly implemented his Hyderabad plan and informed Nehru after Hyderabad was taken over. Sardar also warned Nehru well in advance and  before 1962 chines aggression regarding the malicious intention of China.
                              Sardar was very strict regarding high values in politics. He had never forgiven his only son Dahyabhai for using name to get some fervor  Sardar Patel life was very simple and he had no wealth at the time of his death.  Sardar never care for power and  had requested Gandhi to relieve him from government. This was due to his over going difference of opinion with Nehru.  However Gandhi was shot dead after that meeting within couple of minutes.
                          It was very unfortunate that he was awarded 'Bharat Ratna' the  highest civilian award after his death and that too after several years.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


There was a death anniversary of Indira Gandhi on 31st October 2012 and she will be remembered for imposing Emergency in India and suspending the fundamental right. Besides that  She  liberated  Bangladesh, Nationalized Banks, and Removed the privy purses of the Maharajahs. They were her controversial actions. It is for people of India and history has to judge her action. However her action of imposing Emergency in the year 1975 was condemned universally by the people who loved democracy. Let us see what was it.
Justice Jagmohan Saxena of Allahabad High Court debarred Indira Gandhi from holding any elected post for six years on 12th June 1975. She was debarred for corrupt practices in the election. However she was given three weeks for going to Supreme Court. The  democratic norms then required her  to vacate her position of prime minister until the supreme court decide her case. It was very embarrassing situation for her and she was determine not to give up position of power.  The opposition against her was becoming unbearable and she was in search of finding way out. One of her  Ministers Siddarthsanker Ray suggested her to impose external emergency but she decided to impose internal emergency on 25th June 1975 stating that ‘There is plot to negate the very functioning of democracy. However Shah commission appointed in this regard found no reason  for the same.’
                                           In the process of imposing Emergency Indira Gandhi clearly by passed the Parliament, and Cabinet. She sent declaration directly to the President fakhruddin Ali Ahmed for signature with message that approval of cabinet can be taken afterwards. President also signed the declaration accordingly. It was very unfortunate action of the president to sign the declaration without verifying the facts.
                                         Under the Emergency Indira Gandhi suspended the Civil Liberty and Fundamental Rights, Dissolve  some of the state assemblies, Gaded the Press,Coerced the Judiciary, and  arrested the Opponent. In short constitution was suspended.
                                         The lots of excesses were committed during  the period i.e. like arresting political opponent without trial, and the extra constitutional authority were used by her close associates.. Besides that some of the politicians and civil servant were never punished for their excesses during the Emergency. In the family planning campaign some people were operated who were not  even married. The bulldozer were used to remove Slums without any intimation and authority. There were many other excesses which were hidden and not accounted for.Indira Gandhi was not even well informed regarding the same. It appeared that she was losing control over government machineries. She withdrew the emergency and declared election. It may be under wrong report or for compelling reasons. Thus Emergency was withdrawn after Nineteen months. However tremendous  damage was done to the democratic structure of India. She was defeated in the election and the Janata Party(i.e. The combination of  opposition parties ) came in the power.
                                     Janata Party appointed ‘Shah Commission’ to inquire into the excesses of Emergency. Sanjay Gandhi was convicted in the case of ‘Kissa Khursika’ .However Janta Government was toppled before ‘Shah Commission ‘completed its report.  Janata Government  tried it best to repair the damages done during Emergency. They Amended the Constitution under the 44th Amendment of Constitution so that nobody can impose emergency in future without taking majority approval from the Parliament. They also brought ‘Prasar Bharati ‘ Bill in order to make TV and Radio independent so that no future government can not misuse it. In short derail democracy was brought in order.  However kuldip Nayar one of the prominent Journalist then stated that ‘Unfortunately Emergency had brought out some of basic weaknesses of Indian people i.e. How emergency was imposed without much resistance?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The lots of things are being told and written about Steve Job a founder of Apple. However still his close associates and friends remembers him and some new features of his life are coming up.
Steve was always great searcher of truth. Therefore he took his  journey to India for his spiritual feedback. However he was disappointed up to some extent.He appreciated that Indian people largely depends upon on their inner intuition for facing the life. Besides that he also learnt from India that one has to go according to his inner voice rather than  the opinion around him. It seems that was the foundation of his success.
                                              This was a time when Steve was out of apple.One of his associates Randy Adams  stated  that he was very particular and meticulous. He removed all his expensive cars from front parking when Ross Perot visited his company ‘NeXT’ to make investment  therein. Steve told Adams that ‘ He does not want Perot to carry impression that we have lot of money’ However Ross Perot invested 20 million dollars then and became director in the said company. He further remembers one incident when Bill Gates visited NeXT and waiting to meet Steve for one hours. He has to  keep Bill Gates engaged at reception area during that period. He further remarked that Steve did not appeared to be busy during said period but ‘It speaks about their rivalry. Scuff Marks eminent journalist was present when Apple opened its store at Stanford shopping center, Palo Alto. There were lot of black scuff on the floor of store. Scuff asked  looking at those black scuff on the floor to Steve standing next to him’ Whether he was involved in the  designing of the store? He replied ‘Yes’. Then Scuff further added”It was obvious that whoever designed the store had never cleaned a floor in their lifetime”  Steve had not shown any reaction to his remark. But afterward he called all designers  and got it cleaned the white floor by working at night. This shows he was humble to the sincere criticism.Guy Kawaski, ‘Apple’s Chief Liaison to the Mac Developer Community remembered  one incident wherein Steve shows ‘How to cut through all the Bull? He stated in that context’ that  once Steve brought one Gentleman with him at my cubicle and asked my opinion about ‘ Program from a Mac Developer called ‘Knoware’.  I  told him what I thought which was extremely negative.’ when it was done Steve  turn  back to me and said’ Guy this  is a CEO of Knoware. Steve had taste to know when you do great.Heidi Roizon,  Venture Capitalist says Steve was a friend in need and use to help in Grieve.  She says Steve Job called me on 1st march 1989 for some business negotiation. I would have not taken the call as my father died previous night  at Paris.  It was Steve so I fixed the appointment. He came to meet me and when we were talking  I informed him about the sad demise of my father.  “Why are you working? You need to go home. Please talk to me about your father and that too what was important about him. What you loved best about him.” He was very emotional as incidentally he had also lost his mother few months ago. however  I  still remember and appreciate what an incredible things he did for me in helping me grieve. That was Steve Job who can be  really human if situation demands.Emily Brower who was Steve Job  Aid at press conferences during his NeXT days says Steve was notice and use to pick up smallest details. Hence we were always careful when we were with him.
                                 This shows that some people may die but their shadows  are always lingering in this world due to the legacy they leave here.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

 The American Presidential Election of November 2012.
(   Present American Economy.)
 The forthcoming presidential election is between Barack Obama (Democrat) and Mitt Romney(Republican).It may be that Barack Obama may be ahead of Mitt Romney with few points in Survey but it is going to very tiff fight.
        The unemployment rate has come down about 8% which is lowest in last few years. Besides that Real estate is coming up. These are the few good sign for economy. However America is running with huge deficit of about more that one trillion dollars per year. The democrat want to increase the tax on higher income group, to reduce and save the expenses on Health care i.e. Medicare. They also want to stop the tax credit given to higher income group by  Bush administration  The Barack Obama have already saved 741 billion dollars from medicare. Mitt Romney says it will effect the quality of medicare. Besides that Mitt Romney is against the increasing the taxes. He is also against the cut in tax credit which will come in the way of  business, and industrial development  He is also for cutting the government expenses including welfare etc. He intend to create 12 millions jobs for which he has to give details.  Mitt Romney believes that more income can be created by creating employments and development of business and industries  However he has to substantiate all this with detail plan. This shows how establishment is at disadvantage as they present exact figures while its contender go on with hypothetical figures.
          However let us see what is the present position of income and expenses of America i.e.Income $ 2.5 trillion per year  while Expenses are $3.8 trillion per year which are creating deficit of $1.3 trillion per year. America is already having deficit of about more then $15.00 trillion.
 Hence it will  be very difficult task for the elected president to balance the budget by.  However it is certain that  Health Care expenses, Defense expenses, and Income tax income,  will be major items wherein lot of  rectification will be required. Besides that lot of thinking will have to be done regarding the expenses made on Subsidies..
         Americans will have vote for a right candidate in order to solve the economic problems of the country. Otherwise there will be further danger regarding sliding down of the credit rating of America.  We sincerely pray 'God save the America'.

Friday, October 12, 2012

India and china are neighbor country but it appears there is tension in their relationship. It can be very easily described as a cold war. In the economic development also they are rivals in the world. They stands fifth and fourth  rank among the biggest economies of the world.
                                                          What is a common between the two countries? Their culture are thousands of years. They had religious, social and business connections since long time. The disciples of Buddha had  taken Buddhism from India to China. It also carried the family values from India to China. Besides that the most pious places of Hindu religion Mansarovar(Lake) and Kailash Mountain are in Tibet  They  are situated in Chinese territories. In short India and china has been exchanging cultural, social and scientific knowledge since long time. Besides that India and China were colonized by European countries and even exploited .Therefore there are deep wounds of exploitation on the people of both countries.
                                                         However the Yellow race of China is considered to be one of the Superior races of the world. Therefore it is said you do not awaken the dragon otherwise it will disturb you. The strength of china reflects in the historical achievements of Chinggis Khan, Kublai Khan etc. The Marxist leader MaoTseTung revolutionized the China. Thereafter  China emerged as one of the the powerful countries in the world. That mean Chinese Dragon is awaken and we do not know where and when it will disturb the world. China  lays it hands anywhere they feel it belonged to them. They took, Hong Kong, Macau,and Tibet and now their eyes are on Taiwan, and on  the  international water of South Sea. They want Akshay Chin, Arunachal Pradesh and other Areas of India by creating border disputes. China wants to become super power in the world by increasing its domination, and acquiring strategic territories.
                                                         The report of the intelligent bureau of India says that during the year 2010 to 2011 China crossed the Indian territories in 750 places which covers Ladakh, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. Some places they came inside up to 3 km to 7 km. Besides that they alleged that India has destroyed their surveillance post in Ladakh. This shows that after the war of 1962 they are still keeping military pressure on India. It also indicate  their malicious intention.
                                                          China has surpassed India in economic progress with high handed manner with their authoritarian rule. China is a close country  while  India  is open with Democracy. The intellectual power of India is higher. India may be having slow progress than China but it is steady and sound. Therefore  one  American journalist has said that ‘The China may be factory of world but India is laboratory.
                                                         The whole world is suffering from economic depression i.e. from USA , Europe,Russia, Japan and other countries. Besides that middle east and african countries are involve in internal turmoils. There is only one country in the world which is  silently making its way in the world. That is China.
                                                         China GDP is Average at 81/2%. Its manufacturing activities are  going on higher side. The China is registering 20000 Car per Month in Beijing. It is also reported that every Household in Shanghai  has 1.9 Air Conditioners and 1.2 Computers.
                                                         China is also making good progress in sphere of alternative energies i.e. Solar, Wind  and Atomic. One of the solar companies ‘Himin corporation’ has provided Solar Energy to 6 millions families i.e. 25 Million people which come near to the population of USA. They are also  trying to harness wind and atomic energy on large scale. This shows china is determined to eliminate the pollution from the industries.
                                                         China has the biggest army in the world with long range missiles which can carry atomic weapons. All these arm power also makes it a world power militarily. China has ambition to expand its territory which can disturb India, Taiwan, South East Asian Countries and as well as small Islands in the South Sea. China has also raised issue with Japan over their claim on certain islands.
                                          China is also in search of mineral and other natural resources to feed it giant industrial plants. That is why it has spreaded its influence in surrounding countries i.e. Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar  including Australia, African Countries, Latin America, and in  the most of the other  Asian Countries.
                                          Chines are building Roads, Ports and building up Atomic Weapons/Missiles in Pakistan.  They are very much  in Nepal to help them in building up their infrastructures. In Myanmar they have  their control on their mineral and natural resources like oil etc. Bangladesh they are helping them to  build up their infrastructure and industry. Sri Lanka also recently they have  signed agreement wherein they will invest billions of dollars in aviation and port building. Thus it is difficult to find place where china do not have any economical interest. Even US owe more than trillion dollars to china. This all shows that china has big stake in the most powerful country in the world and  which can shake the world economy.
                                         However china consider india as its rival and has been trying to bring pressure on it through creating hostile ring of countries around. India is after completing liberalization process for world trade while China is playing its card cunningly. They are reversing the free trade process as per their convenience. They have delayed/ refused permission to international companies  to put their plants which can compete with Chinese companies. They asked BMW to put their plant in deserted area in order to discourage them.  This is to show that China is playing its card smartly by declaring that ‘They will have the policy suitable to their country’. They always sight Russian example where Russia failed due to liberalization policy. Besides that it disintegrated.
                                         India has a democratic system which also carry some liabilities with it. Hence India has to be careful about the expansionist policy of China. The Chinese aggression of 1962 is a very bad experience for india. Therefore India has to be more careful on Chinese front  along with Pakistan.
                                         Besides that there is report from the American ‘ Think Tank Middle East Media Research Institute that ‘The Pakistan is having military strategy with China under which Pakistan is giving Gilgit/Baltistan  to China for 50 years lease under the pretext of development Scheme. However China may strengthen its position therein during the lease period. It will be adverse military situation for India if it becomes reality. It also shows how China is increasing pressure on India.
                                         China consider India as a very soft target looking at the weak Indian policy.  Indian foreign minister  recently stated that ‘Tibet’ is  an integral part of China’ while allowing exile government of Tibet is freely operating in India. It is contradiction and weak foriegn policy of India.
                                          The 1962 aggression on  India by China was to prove that China is a Leader of Asia in every sense. Sardar Patel also  warned  Nehru well in advance and much before 1962 aggression of China regarding the malicious intention of China.
                                          There is no doubt that India is well prepared militarily now then 1962.  We have  Mountain Brigades of our army on the Border Area with China. We have now Airstrips and Roads on the Border area with China.  However we should be alert with China as much as with Pakistan.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Mahatma Gandhi
The 2nd October was the Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of Nation. i.e. India. It is not necessary to  search his biography to find his message but it only requires the study what he practiced in his life.
1)One must live simple life with least requirements.

Gandhi traveled all over India including the most poorest area. He had seen that poor women had no proper clothes to wear. He decided to be one with those downtrodden people by wearing dhoti and covering the least part of his body. Churchill called him the 'Naked Fakir' when he visited England. He presented himself in the same dress before the British King. It is reported that while taking food with British King he put the same salt in his food which he brought from Dandi March. It was a silent defiance of British Rule.
2)One to Practice in his life what he Preaches
He always practice which he taught. He started with cleaning the toilet in order to show that no work is inferior and people doing that cannot treated as untouchable. His wife kasturba was very conservative she refused to do such work. He told you will have to do it as this is a thing which must start from us in order convince others.
3)To keep the sympathy for weakness of others
Once somebody pointed out that so many people are there in his Ashram with dubious characters. He told who am I to see the fault of others when my self is full of weakness. I will take the cooperation of any person who is sincere in fighting for freedom which is our main goal.
4)Always see the qualities of person instead of his liabilities
He selected the people with different views on the basis of their qualities.  Motilal, Jawaherlal Nehru never agreed with his philosophy. He knew but he worked with them for achieving freedom. Chakravarti Rajagopalachari, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Maulana Azad, Jayaprakash Narayan, Sardar Patel, Subhash Chandra Bose all those stalwart differed with him on or other issue but he managed to work with them and took the maximum advantage of their qualities and abilities.
5)To search the Truth Everyday.
Gandhi said he is always in search of truth and his truth  get change  with his experience. One of his colleagues pointed out that he is moving in public with putting two hands on the shoulders of two young girls but some of his followers may be treating it differently and they may misuse it. He told him firmly that he does not care until his conscious is clear. However he changed his view after sometime and accepted the views of his colleague openly in ‘Harijan’ wherein use to write regularly. It require lot of strength to accept the error of judgement.
6)One should Introspect regarding his actions from time to time
Gandhi always use to introspect about his all actions and consequences thereon. He withdrew from so many agitations when they were on the peak because he found something was going against his guideline or philosophy.
7)The leaders are supposed to do public service with honesty  for the welfare of people.
He did public services without any personal interest and even some time inviting displeasure from his close family members. The life story of his son Hiralal is glaring example of the same. Therefore you will find no member of his family is in public life or occupying some important positions. That is message of his life that public service is meant for good  of people not welfare of one’s own family.
8)Leaders should maintain high values,and character in the public life.
He wanted that leader should be role model for general public in order to build up the character of people and to built up patriotism.. He suggest after independence that minister should stay in small house and draw only 500/- Rupees salary in order to set example among people. But unfortunately some of his own followers ruled out considering as impractical suggestions or mad idea.
                               Hence we can see that in the real sense Gandhiji's life is a message. One thing is certain that India is free but people are not  mentally free.  The Surajya of Bapu is still far away..